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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. great, can I marry a Thai man and not have an income requirement for the visa? Ill divorce the current one first obviously.
  2. let them fight to the death and leave them to get on with it, this is the only real solution that actually works as proven for the last.............human history
  3. where can i buy a gun to blow my brains out? I just cant cope with this anymore, ive already stopped eating meat so cow farts wont kill us, stopped eating vegetables as theyre all full of gm stuff, I wont use a vehicle cuz of its emissions, Ive been holding my breath for 3 months due to the burning...........its time
  4. Thai govt prays for digital wallet voter bribe payment funding source
  5. officer officer come quickly ive found a large brown envelope full of evidence
  6. nah this just creates a load of lazy people who know if they do nothing they will get a pension regardless. I worked like a dog from 16 to 46 many 12 hour days Im not paying for those lazy bstards
  7. perhaps they could tattoo us all and make us wear a little star on our clothes or maybe just a big "F"
  8. I told the wife to make the noise of a chicken and repeat it, Thankfully....I dont have a phone, lived life without one before mobile phones, dont see any need.
  9. Thammanat is on the case already with his vast knowledge of injectionable substances.......beggars belief doesnt it.
  10. Thailands innovative approach could make them a hub of clean air.............using nothing more than hot air to blow away all that dirty air
  11. im disappointed she isnt a trans woman pilot, I see the usual crap of every man being a misogynist rears its ugly head, they just cant help themselves can they. How about if the airline is lowering standards to get diversity and inclusivity, I think they need more dwarf pilots preferably of colour with adhd, intersex etc etc etc Flying fart not given
  12. Sounds like Emily Pankhurst to me and at least if you had £10 in property you could vote back in the 17th century in the UK. Women waited longer than the aborigines.
  13. Such is human history, although Romans could make you a free man if you served as a slave for so long?
  14. Yes , trust me on that............ if you have to, perhaps maybe, ok a definite maybe then
  15. Yeah .................I broke my finger nail so had to get it fixed at the salon type crap!
  16. My opinion theyre lazy winkers, keep busy you wont have time for mental health, christ if a war came theyd all report sick no doubt................ I digress I was once for 6 weeks in 1990 July 27th 10am Birmingham, remember it well............ doctor said we dont see you often (Ever), Elbow very tender Olecronon Bursitis something or other, was self employed so for the first month i think u get nowt then I got 4 weeks sick pay. Also once forced onto the dole as 1983 to start your own business and get a govt grant you had to be unemployed for a year first, they abandoned that 2 years later and you didnt have to be unemployed to get it. I never had a baby either so saved the NHS that............waddya mean men cant have babies!!! Got run over by a car at 10 years old which cut my ear off 10 days in hospital , and 3 months in hospital as a 3 year old when a brand new car my Dad bought ( good ole BMC) had the suspension brake and went out of control into a tree, we all went flying 1960's.....these days would have gotten millions in compensation , all we got was another new car. Im the blonde haired lil sheite with the camera and that was the replacement car, the old mangled one even made the newspapers along the lines of family almost wiped out etc, was a big deal back in Victorian times..........
  17. I say let them, with the proviso you get no hospital treatment unless you pay, should do it for Thais also, if they dont care for their own head thats their problem, might get an uptick in organ donations too!!
  18. what they done? buffed their shoes and had a haircut? May as well stick a mop in a suit it would do a better job
  19. Isnt the Uk pension almost the worst in Europe already. The govt should really have invested the pension money , instead its just another pot of money for them to use "now"
  20. What a load of ole sheite take ya stupid balloon lips and pencilled eyebrows and shove em
  21. Why not just execute all pensioners, I mean they only worked 40+ years, these youngsters all want something for nothing, how about they pay more for a pension plan now and stop whining.
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