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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. So its NOTHING to do with music then just "appearance:" yeah thats sums it all up, looks over substance
  2. speak for yourself, If its a good tune I like it, this is NOT a good tune they are talentless tripe, lets see how many groups of the future will be sampling this as most of them couldnt write anything at all these days but are happy to sample older hits. Reminds me of the new James Bond film, thats junk too, they have to use 50 year old ALL the Time in the World music to perk it up to anything half decent
  3. Washed/vacuumed the pick up then polished it, jet washed 150 metres of my road, found why the water in my well stopped working, ( staff pulled the plug out) duh Washed all my bed clothes, cleaned the house, stripped the jet wash handle as it went very sloppy on the trigger pull, then stripped out the spray head and polished it to get a spray without lines, concreted the road outside the land about 200 metres a s full of holes and doubt anything will be done about that by the jokeals. Although that was thrusday Friday only
  4. Youre right , I think many of them are overpaid too, I mean persih the thought they could even look at yourather than chat with their co workers when serving you, sometimes whilst looking at their friend and chatting holding out there hand for payment etc etc.
  5. do you really think in 60 years ANYONE, anyone at all will be mentioning them or remembering a single word of their "music" unlike your mention of the Beatles 60 years on
  6. Just think of it as like praise for the PM ....flooding/ gushing/spurting
  7. Just admit its krap and stop wasting your timen age is irrelevant a good tune is a good tune this is sheite, I mean can you even hum it?
  8. Would what.shoot her? ill agree with that either that or removing what small vocal chords she has, that or a muzzle?
  9. I rest my case total and utter sheite, will you be whistling this in the supermarket its TRIPE Rolling Stone wouldnt know a decent song if it slapped them round the face with a wet haddock If this is their idea of the best it shows how krap music has become
  10. yeah will they be playing her "music" in 2-3 years let alone 50, just another talentless "artist"
  11. It was difficult to find their address but after sometime I got their hq in Japan of which there are quite a few, I dont have the letter in the current house I am in its in Bangkok https://headquartersof.com/honda-headquarters-contact-information/
  12. Your dog can read .......... quick call channel 9
  13. Its simple, you cant get any lower and the next stage is sleep
  14. Another useless pleb with his tongue rammed right up the leaders backside
  15. Dont waste your time write straight to Japan Honda , done it before and had a written letterb back then head of Honda in Thailand contact me to come round and apologise, incredible service, kept the letter even to this day
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