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Rampant Rabbit

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Posts posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. 1 hour ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:


    your headline makes no reference to infrastructure either.......glass houses friend 🙂


    The whole video is  about infrastructure but  keep playing stupid  fukkin games if u like

    • Confused 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

    was just letting others see who you turn for for your opinions......feel free to disregard any of my posts   the headline of the video seems to refer to electric cars----dont kill the messenger.....so whats YOUR opinion on infrastructure for those who choose not to watch...

    yet you posted a  video from a  journalist (at best). The infrastructure isnt there and charging is too  slow. Id  take Sabines view over the bimbo woman.

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

    Counterpoint to purported Reality....2 sided to every story right?



    again its  about the infrastructure not whether  evs are good  or  bad

  4. 13 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

    Seems that some on this Chiang Mai Forum believe that the Chiang Mai Weather I remarked upon in this Topic also applies to...


    PRANBURI District.


    This Topic is NOT commenting on Pranburi District, on Pattaya, or on the weather and air temperatures experienced in RANONG.

    Weather is LOCAL, friends.

    Just like Politics.

    I thought that this guy, and others, would have known about this, and that there was no reason for me to add this WARNING to my Original Post, but...

    Apparently, this is not the case.





    Please feel free to contact TMD for more authoritative information.


    What is TMD?







    oh  dear oh dear, Im so sorry I have offended you, out for punishment beating right now

    • Haha 1
  5. 20 hours ago, ChaiyaTH said:

    Totally subjective, to actually go and see his body, not have to be more people than it would be in a hotel room setting, or even a house. Suicide is never good unless you tell people upfront, so they can avoid the issue for strangers, and you then do it clean with like some pills.


    That's why they should provide these services legally and safe in like hospitals.

    agree,  it should be a basic human right to be able to end your  life when you like painlessly in all countries, using methods like pegasus or dignity, Im gonna die when I choose unless  by accident.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  6. 13 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    We bought the land here at PKK, a few years before moving here, (too cheap to pass up

    It was  even cheaper before you bought, got 15 rai 3km from main road Phetkasem for 800k baht for all of it not per  rai in 2011, Fort Thanarat down the road No global then, think theres a  private school almost opposite Thanarat fort just past the traffic lights heading  towards Pranburi   got a big ad outside it saying how good they are.

  7. 16 hours ago, Digitalbanana said:

    A few pointers to the people who cannot seem to understand whats wrong:


    Joyriding a car on a beach is generally considered illegal. Here are some reasons why:
    • Trespassing: Most beaches are public property (owned by a variety of entities, including local governments, private landowners, or conservation organizations), and driving a car on a beach without permission can be considered trespassing.
    • Environmental damage: Driving a car on a beach can damage sensitive ecosystems, including sand dunes, nesting areas for birds and sea turtles, and delicate plant life.
    • Safety concerns: Driving a car on a beach can be dangerous, both for the driver and for other people on the beach. Cars can get stuck in the sand, and pedestrians or animals may not be able to see or hear a car approaching.
    • Local laws and regulations: Many beaches have specific rules and regulations that prohibit driving cars on the beach. Violating these rules can result in fines or other penalties.
    In general, it's best to avoid driving a car on a beach unless you have explicit permission from the local authorities or the property owner...........

    what a  crock...............Thais dump more crap on beaches ( just  look after any weekend or  holiday period)  causing  more damage than anyone and that without driving anything on it, public property ergo anyone can use it and do, if you cant hear a car approaching you must be DEAF unless its electric and if they get stuck thats their financial  loss.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  8. On 4/17/2024 at 7:50 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    In your opinion.

    I don't know enough about Judaism to know if their religion allows for the killing of innocents and mass starvation etc.

    I'm certain that western leaders supporting israel are not abiding by Christian beliefs.

    I know that some people use Islam to justify their terrorism, but IMO that is not part of Islam and it's like the inquisition using Christianity to do terrible things that were completely against Christianity.

    Ha, everything is  just opinion all religions are full of sheite am amazed it  still lingers on in the world.

    • Agree 1
  9. Sheite that looks REALLY REALLY dangerous I mean there's  not a  pedestrian crossing a  u  turn or a 3  lane straight highway with rain on.................almost anything could and will go wrong for these "out of control LUNATICS", death by firing squad and then lifetime ban..........is my netizens  opinion. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and grrrrrrrrrr again angry Somchai from Nahkon Nowhere.

    Calling Anutin  now to recommend  the maximum penalty possible with no interference when he announces it in all news  media.

    Keeping us safe.............1  beach at a time, way to go Thailand

    • Confused 2
    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 20 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Because the land it exists on was actually occupied by other people. It's not generally acceptable now for old white men to take land on the other side of the world off one lot of people and give it to another lot without the agreement of the people that already live on the land. However, that happened quite a lot early last century, and still happens, unfortunately ( does Diego Garcia ring any bells? ).

    The usual reaction is for the people that had their land stolen to fight back, in any way they can. As has happened in Palestine.

    yeah.............like fleas arguing who owns the dog!!

    • Like 2
  11. Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

    You guys don't have anything else, but Hamas, Hamas, Hamas.

    Some of us on here have moved on to talk about the real bully in the room and their illegal activities and crimes against humanity.

    you mean the spread of Islam with its medieval properties, yes youre  right I agree, the keep going to all the other religions who are at least way more tolerant

    • Like 2
  12. On 4/14/2024 at 3:08 PM, rabas said:


    I like the idea of thoughtful responses, we need more. 


    Given Iran's surprisingly poor technological showing, Israel should announce they intend to fully support and protect the Irani people, and that all future responses will target only Iran's brutal regime.


    The generals targeted in Syria were just that. So was Qasem Soleimani in 2020. 

    Many Iranians want rid of the ayatollahs completely, graffiti in Iran asking Israel to target their HQ's  there and wipe them out.....I agree they are so  oppressed

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