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Posts posted by chalawaan

  1. 11 hours ago, ozz1 said:

    And how about looking into the supermarket monopolies and get some competition in the market while their at it

    At least it's still cheaper than AU UK NZ and soon US. And here, there are wet markets everywhere selling almost anything that can be grown way cheaper and much fresher than the aircon/muzak Emporia.

    I was amazed to find premium live seafood in a Korat market. 

    Was in NZ last year, had been away decades. The craft beer selection was mind-blowing! 

    Pricey, but absolutely astonishing in variety and flavour. An entire full length asile of beer, with wines on the opposite side.

    All that for just 5 million souls, man woman and child. 

    Corruption is why Thai people can't have these choices. 


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  2. 46 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:



    Having no issue, illegitimate or otherwise, and no issue with money, either, I would retire to someplace where people care about me more than here.


    It rains a lot there, even more than it does here.



    Unfortunately, places of retirement such as this are sparse.


    I could be voluntary, there; not committed.


    I am voluntary, here, too, but it's not the same.



    A great movie, can you spot a very young Danny DeVito in this scene? (he's a non-talking extra)

  3. On 5/24/2023 at 2:08 PM, sqwakvfr said:

    I wonder if the hospital will be pressured to let him go?  I would attempt to negotiate a payment plan for the remainder of the bill.  This is the time when an Embassy can get involved and work with the hospital and the family to ensure payments are made in the future.  But just like the US Embassy I doubt the British Embassy wants any part of this.  It would really look bad if his condition worsens while he is being “cared” for while waiting for the remainder of the bill to be paid.  This is the “catch 22’  of this predicament: while he is in the hospital the bill keeps climbing.  So as each day passes the current balance due gets higher and higher until he is discharged.  

    Even if they get him out of hospital, which is not looking good as the bill never stops mounting, wait until they get the Medevac Bill!

    And even in the UK, there will be ongoing care and rehab costs.


    On the one hand I would not wish ill on the family, I couldn't imagine such a horrible financial predicament, but on the other, there's that strange "victim" angle, no gratitude for the donations already supplied, plus the inference that it is everyone's fault but his own. 


    Don't leave home if you don't have insurance AND understand its terms and limitations!

  4. On 5/27/2023 at 10:13 AM, ozimoron said:

    Nope, it's experts deciding what basic precautions are, not me. Viruses are very small you see, what would I know about them. I just listen to the experts.

    Theres a danger here between being seen to be socially responsible, and politicizing the issue, and I  am sick and tired of masking, and the debate around it, for starters it is totally illogigal in all but extreme crowding scenarios, like the BTS rush hour, or a taxi, perhaps. its as useless and pointless elsewhere as those stupid spit-screens that came and went on faces and food courts, 


    I was compliant, I got the jabs, I wore my masks, I washed my hands, and did those other useless things like scan my body temperature to walk into any business (someone is a billionaire based on that legal scam alone!) and those of us who 'did the right thing' the first time, and the second, and third, are now smelling a rat, when will it end?


    Also, we sit at home looking after a very frail elderly Thai gent (family member) all his friends have died, he stares at a loud TV when he's not sleeping, or being toileted and washed.


    I don't want that to be me, if this is my last year in my early sixties, that's quite ok by me, things are starting to fail in my body anyway why stick around as it worsens? 


    Covid is just one of many ways to go, and I should have been dead seven years ago, so all of this is borrowed time anyway, sorry about the philosophical rant, but that's my reasoning, if this is my last year on earth, I'm not living it behind a stinky mask. 

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  5. It's hard to get the real thing here without a Rx 

    It's not cheap if it's real, even the generics.

    Read the small print leaflet, there is sure to be dosage ranges which should not be exceed without medical supervision. 

    The best thing you can do for your BP wether you are medicated or not is give up the grog, and take walks in the cool of the day, early morning is best the air cleaner and cooler.

    This is not medical advice! 

    PS unless you're at it every day, it's also a terrible waste of a great ED med!

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  6. You could try to complain to her boss, but, that may end badly.


    Here are some questions to ask yourself: 


    How much time you got left on your current stamp? 


    Can you move provinces in that time?


    Can you get a visa exempt entry by flying to anywhere nearby and returning, then move to another province?


    Note you MUST enter the other country by their immigration channels not just sit in a transit lounge. It can be a same day return, no worries there. 


    Can you go to Savannakhet and get a tourist visa, then use that time to move to another province? 


    After all you've no kids.  


    If you move to the other province, for goodness sake, do your TM 30 THERE within 24 Hours of flying back, try to arrange a new address before hand. At a pinch a hotel will do. I'd recommend Chiang Mai, because AIRPORT!


    You can figure out the smoke season problem later, in all other respects it's a great place to live, we just go to the beach for the worst of the smoke, it's cheap if you keep away from tourist traps. 


    You must do this new location TM30 immediately, because if you don't, when you go for your retirement visa exemption, they'll send you back to evil lady all over again. 


    Note also that your "dad" visa extension becomes void once you depart, so you won't need a re entry permit. But they'll still ask you why you're at their office when they see your old stamps. 


    Be clear they know you've moved away from your old place because, no kids. 


    I know you may love your home, but this is Thailand as you understand, and sometimes, walking away from an impossible situation is the easiest way in the long term. 


    I wish you all the best.


    And there is always a solution. 


    On Facebook there's a group called Thai Visa Advice, no connection to ASEAN now, and they are very very good at tricky situations like this. It's the private group with 51K members, not the imitation group of the same name. Just join up, and ask them, it's free. 


    Chok Dee 


    PS: You can register at a new province, and then return to your home while you move, it's not strictly by the book, but the risks are low if you keep away from the authorities, IE drive safely don't get drunk and arrested etc! How long till you have to leave the house? These are questions from you to consider, please don't reply to me because I'm only helping from my personal experience moving provinces and changing visa status at the same time. Just remember everything hangs on where you do your next address notification. Don't mess that up!



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  7. 20 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Apparently Mick was hung like the proverbial stallion, which may explain why he scored well with the ladies. It certainly wasn't his good looks, ugly as a hatful of bums.

    Went to a boy's boarding school, then the services, can confirm visibly skinny guys are invariably well endowed. 

    Those of you with a grubby streak can google British adult star Danny D, or you may even remember stag film sensation John Holmes all rail thin and sceptered like royalty. 


    Tina was a sex bomb of nuclear stature, and had it going on pretty much into her 70s.


    By all accounts a gracious celebrity, a stunning talent, and she worked like a salt miner for her well deserved success. 


    I'll be missing her every time they play her songs. RIP. 


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  8. 11 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Thailand is actually highly conservative, although tolerant. Getting gay marriage legally recognized is on a par with legalizing prostitution, no offense meant by the comparison.

    My GF is quite a safe driver, only because I have superimposed my own defensive driving training on the pitiful standard of Thai instruction. Perhaps you might consider doing the same with your BF.

    I self deleted the first response because it went way off topic and onto road habits. 

    I hope the MFP make a difference, but I doubt anything will truly change here without a full blown civil conflict, and those usually don't end well for anyone but the guy who replaces the old guard. 

    Countless recent examples in our lifetimes, apart from the peaceful fall of the USSR, which was great for the occupied nations, but hasn't helped Russia lately. 

  9. 16 hours ago, it is what it is said:


    bigger fish to fry for sure, but tightened, enforced rules for expats would get my vote, too many expats flout rules to be here and this reflects badly on the rest of us.

    Sentiment is in the right place, but think it through.


    Why should all of us be subject to whatever fresh hell you might have in mind, just because a few expat idiots will always be idiots?


    It's already authoritarian enough here just keeping to myself and doing the right thing!


    The aggravating and endless limbo of annual extensions needs to end for married individuals Elite visa holders, work permit holders, business owners, corporate employees,  and retirees. Just why?


    If they must, how about every five years, or upon passport renewal, they could even 5x the fee, it would be a huge improvement for us, and reduce their workload. 


    All transgressors can already be dealt with by existing laws, so what do you think needs to be added here?


    How about Interpol and all nations banning repeat felons from travelling anywhere at all? Now we're getting onto something.  


    I'm amazed this did not happen worldwide years ago, and I'm all for it, two strikes and you're grounded for life.


    But everyone other than career crims deserve one second chance.  Fair enough? 


    Law abiding expats don't need even more laws! Especially given the vague, prejudicial  and draconian way justice is served in this country. Half your prison time off for pleading guilty? Would you want that for yourself if you were framed?


    Isn't enforced 90 days reporting enough? Criminals just ignore it anyway!


    What do you have in mind that would make overstayers think twice, and what existing rules do you see that need tightening? 


    And no, harsher punishments are not a deterrent. But they do get scum off the streets for longer. But it's also open to abuse by dictatorships.  


    But this is about overstayers, who already get deported, so what more do you propose?



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  10. On 5/15/2023 at 1:09 PM, anrcaccount said:

    Mandate and enforce helmet wearing.


    Through some inexplicable mix of fear, media, acceptance of authority and culture, Thais adopted mass masking in response to covid. Millions of them still today, make the effort to buy, carry and wear these things everywhere. 


    Trying to get the same thing occurring, but for helmet wearing, would save many, many more lives than the masking ever has.



    A helmet is ones last lifeline. While I take your point about the mask mystery as a contrast, the solution needs to be "everything, everywhere, all at once" road lighting, police enforcement (active patrols pulling them over constantly) driver education, age restrictions and long arduous "learner" paths to a licence, vehicle maintenance especially brakes, tires, and lights, tinted windshields banned, breath testing roadblocks, all strictly and actively policed. 

  11. On 5/23/2023 at 1:14 PM, Harsh Jones said:

    It looks like another obvious case of a new rider not knowing what counter steering is 



    What a terrifying video, but a lifesaver for anyone who rides and doesn't know this. 

    It does sound like the victim on 2nd road steered himself to death on the bend. 


    And of course this boring old fart is going to include the three other factors, speed, speed, and speed, even if it was mechanical, the death blow is speed. RIP unknown rider.

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