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Posts posted by chalawaan

  1. 2 hours ago, BritScot said:

    Just RACIST. Why is Thailand getting away with this? If this happened in the uk  OMG the uproar,  the protest and riots. 

    Teflon Thailand. They even once got away with blowing up a Cathay Pacific jet!




    A BIB was the prime suspect, and his acquittal, in Thailand of course, led to a frenzy of national rejoicing on the court steps. He eventually died of stomach cancer in the US, so there's that. 

  2. Is this still the eyebrow raising Red Card scheme, or are they a little on the back foot because of the behaviour of more recent bulk arrivals, vs the rest of the western world's yobbos? 


    Unfortunately all of us harbour some pieces of work in our society, but decades of enforced socialism seems to have produced some very anti-social individuals in other societies. 


    One notable group demolish buffets, while another just demolish everything they can before the law steps in. 


    Unfortunately, all farangs are included in this group as the average Thai looks on. 


    With their sustained recurring and serious criminality, they are truly ruining it for the rest of us. 


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  3. 2 hours ago, h90 said:

    And why would you do that? You should only punish someone who does harm to someone else or at least endanger someone (like drunk driving). Someone smoking at home. Punish him because it is a sin or why?

    Redwood1 is having a laugh. That kind of Singaporean style nonsense doesn't deserve a response from reasonable people. 

    I saw many reefers being enjoyed in Singapore during my time there.

    Although at that point in my life, it was not my drug of choice, their over the top death laws didn't appear to stop anyone who wanted to use weed, ecstasy, or even cocaine!  Especially among wealthy expats living there, or their Singaporean WAGs. ????


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  4. 18 minutes ago, SoilSpoil said:

    A bit of regulation couldnt hurt, seen that you can buy 100 grams of KDKT for 900 baht online. Kids can order and receive it by mail hassle free. 

    Any Thai kid who can get a hold of B900 to blow on weed is either a juvenile delinquent, or a figment of your imagination. 

    The delinquent is going to be that way no matter what laws exist. 

    Your argument is a great example of moral panic, it is regressive thinking based on false assumptions. 

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  5. 6 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

    The not coming Chinese groups are compensated by the arrivals of the Russians, so TAT has no problem with their figures

    The 2021 population of Russia is 143.4 million. 

    External passports issued in 2022 is 3.87 million (fun fact, they still need internal passports too!) 

    The best guess population of China is 100 million under the claimed 1.4 billion. 

    The percentage of Russians in Thailand, and there are many other options for them in Asia, doesn't even begin to make up for China's declining figures. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, bignok said:

    Malaysia and Cambodia have better visas than Thailand. Malaysia also gives 90 day visa exemption vs 30 days. Cambodia is us$300 a year no hassle for over 55yos last time I looked.


    Elite visa is good but expensive. Other ones a hassle. If anything a forward thinking party should make it better.


    I'm finding Thailand a bit more boring these days. Or maybe I've changed.

    Malaysian "MM2H" retirement visa was always very pricey by comparison, and was recently massively increased, it's upper middle class territory (surgeons, judges, etc) 

    Cambodia is very unappealing from what I experienced over two visits. 

    Hun Sen and his merry men are basically veteran Khmer Rouge, and make my skin crawl. 

    How does mature health, geriatric, and hospice care plan out in Phnom Penh is another concern. 

    Anyone retired there based on the cheap beer and bargirls is a mental midget. 

    The same applies to the Phillipines, fun fact, they are so narco-paranoid there, that there are a total of five(!) chronic pain specialists, in the whole 7000+ islands!

    And their access to serious opioids is close to zero. Duterte himself got his Fentanyl pain management in Singapore. 


    In short, if you're cash strapped and elderly here and they boot you, it's going to be bleak indeed!

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  7. 9 hours ago, BritTim said:

    As others have already posted, your OP is meaningless without more information, especially the land crossing used. The only thing that can be said for sure is that the Aranyaprathet/Poipet crossing has been involved in an ongoing "crackdown" for the last six years or so.

    If it was Poipet he likely would have been flat out denied. Even legit tourists on their first bounce currently get sent to PNH Airport!

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