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Posts posted by chalawaan

  1. 1 minute ago, JackGats said:

    Yeah, I've even though shelling out one million baht for a 20-year Elite Visa might be a better deal overall than having 800k rotting in the bank.

    The marriage visa and retirement visas both clearly had as much thought put into them as every other cockamaimie idea they launch -only it was desperate times, the Asian financial collapse- and now they're having second thoughts.


    So they're gradually making both of them as difficult and expensive as they can. 


    The marriage visa nonsense is completely unnecessary with today's tracking technology, as is the 90 day report. 

    Unless you have a bloated government workforce that need a reason to exist.

    And a fear of foreigners, you but still want their money. 

  2. Here's an idea, solve some of the actual murders! 

    I get VERY twitchy, when they fly in super-cop Hakpan and his report is basically: "nothing to see here". There's got to be a cover up on the scale of Epsteins Island for reasons we're not being told. 

    Remember this is the same crew who once got away with blowing a Cathay Pacific Airliner out of the sky.

    Feel free to look it up. https://southeastasiaglobe.com/cathay-pacific-flight-cx700z/

    • Thumbs Up 2
  3. Yes. It's possible but most units are designed to accept inputs wirelessly. So it could get complicated and expensive fast.


    You want to control them external to the site, what lead you to that solution to begin with, what's your desired outcome, in other words, why this way?


    What's the problem you're solving?


    Do you have a grow?


    If you do, there are websites devoted to those challenges with technology. 


    The more detail you can share the more alternatives or solutions are likely to emerge in reply.



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  4. On 4/11/2023 at 7:10 PM, JackGats said:

    Of course. Have been dropping by twice a day since Friday. I was told yesterday the visa was on the way from Immigration (a ten minutes' ride!). Today I was told either that the big boss at immigration was not there to sign (unlikely, as passports kept arriving back) or that a concommitant application for a certificate of residence was delaying the return of the passport (don't see why this should be either).

    So all this dropping by twice a day for a week, and angst. 

    How much are you paying for this "service"? 

    It takes a slow writer ten minutes to fill out an immigration form, there are people at immigration who will photocopy exactly what you need for 2 (two) baht a page. 

    The bank letter is maybe another hour, including travel time.

    You can enjoy some great podcasts while you hang about immigration for a result, then with all the money you've just saved on DIY extension, you can take your tilac for a nice imported steak, or a five star buffet, and bevvys of your choice. 

    Agents are for the blokes who are too unwell to do it themselves. Or those unicorns whose time really is worth more than the agents fee. 

  5. 17 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:

    Considering that everyone, incl. Netflix, is vying to please Chinese viewers, he is lucky that they didn't give the role to an ethnic Chinese actress...



    Overall, biracial adults who are both white and black say they have more in common with people who are black, and that is reflected in their relationships: They feel they are more accepted by blacks than by whites, have had more contact with their black relatives over the course of their lives, and are about three times as likely to say all or most of their friends are black than they are to say all or most of their friends are white. By contrast, biracial adults who are white and Asian tend to have stronger ties to whites than they do to Asians.

    • Haha 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, proton said:

    DNA tests have proved over and over the claim is false

    Scholars reject the notion that Egypt was a white or black civilization; they maintain that applying modern notions of black or white races to ancient Egypt is anachronistic. In addition, scholars reject the notion, implicit in the notion of a black or white Egypt hypothesis, that Ancient Egypt was racially homogeneous; instead, skin color varied between the peoples of Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Nubia, who in various eras rose to power in Ancient Egypt. Within Egyptian history, despite multiple foreign invasions, the demographics were not shifted substantially by large migrations.

  7. Egypt is apparently in Africa, the arcane science of DNA confirms we all began in Africa. 


    And if the times constantly a'changing produce profitable movies with black actors playing English Shakespearean nobility....


    Then this rent-seeking nationalist better have enough savings to pay Netflix court costs.  


    The DNA link supplied by Proton clearly proves modern Egyptians are just Arab invaders. 

    • Like 1
  8. 19 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    You may wish to reconsider your hashtag to ‘rub one out’ together considering the target of your attention was once known as the ‘massage parlour king (pimp) of Thailand’ !!!... 

    I couldn't think of a better way to waste an hour or three than being blazed at a soapy on "Durban Poison" it beats drinking overpriced beer and express-dating overpriced dancers any year of my life. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 21 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

    Well done Chuwit the country's barking mad enough without the gear????    

    Yeah, if I walked into a weed shop and asked for "gear" I'd get some funny looks.

    Why do those with the strongest opinion against drugs, seem to know almost nothing about them beyond what the equally clueless mainstream media feed them. 

    Go read some vice.com stories. They talk to people that are actually dialled in. Not bent cops, clueless editors, and gutless politicians. 

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  10. 11 hours ago, AustinRacing said:

    Legalizing it has and will continue to do damage especially to the youth. Give it a bit more time and you will see a generation  of zombie lookalikes roaming the streets wandering aimlessly and content with smoking dope all day to remain in their little cocoon. 
    Thai society is not mature enough to manage legalization of drugs. 

    Dude, when we get stoned, we don't "roam the streets".

    Be careful though, when the munchies hit, we might break into your home and eat your brains, if we can find them...

    • Haha 1
  11. 20 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

    That is the bit that is wrong.

    I have checked out guests that were so stoned that they struggled to get dressed.

    Then they got on their motorbikes and wobbled off to their next fix.

    And people say that cannabis is harmless. Oh yes - it is not the cannabis - it is the people smoking it.

    You can state your position on weed without embarrassing yourself.


    Anyone who has ever used weed knows your check out story is either your imagination, or your ignorance of a multitude of drugs and their effect, or poly drug use.

    What evidence do you have that they only used cannabis? Or used cannabis at all?

    Without the science, what you saw is based on assumptions, and reads like your drug education is entirely based on the WoD propaganda pushed in the lamestream media.

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  12. 34 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    This is not new and in fact more is required than FDA verification. It requires an FDA permit (hard to obtain but possible if the drug is otherwise unavailable in Thsilan)  to import any pharmaceuticsa by mail and always has. 


    Shipments via courier always get flagged on this.


    Shipments by regular post, if small in amount, are often let through but no guarantee.


    Good luck when you go - but before making such a long trip suggest ypu try to find out on phone if they are going to demand an FDA permit (which by law they should) as you will otherwise waste the trip.


    Thank you Sheryl.

    We got this Bicalutamide for Prostate Cancer, without any issues in Bangkok, it was 180 pills airmailed. 

    Moved to Korat, and now this.



    All I am relating is what we were told, that "Thai laws changed in February." 


    This stuff is not cheap, even out of India, and necessary for the user.


    They told us once the package is "approved" we will be cleared for ongoing shipments. 


    They didn't bother telling us we will waste our time as private citizens. 


    The drug is available in Thailand. 


    It's just infuriating to deal with this nonsense constantly.

  13. 18 minutes ago, nigelforbes said:

    Many Asians don't view things as divided as you, have to say I don't and I don't think the Thai's do either. Trade is trade, relationships are relationships, trading with you doesn't mean I have to be in your gang.

    You can't be Mercedes, or Airbus (yes I know they just signed a deal, but they also invented the A380 and time has proved that to have been a giant flop.)


    Who wants to tie their fortunes to the CCP and deal with a regime that has the tantrums of a three year old, and now insist on a party seat-warmer on the board to rubber stamp every single move you make!

    Also, their labour costs have skyrocketed.

    Bye China, it was fun while it lasted. 

  14. 8 minutes ago, nchuckle said:

    Have you any idea of the (unworkable) logistics involved in such a suggestion when that number is tens of millions . That’s even without the implications involved in letting a random foreign country have access to another’s criminal database if that’s what you were contemplating. Wanna another think…?

    If the US can insist on a full manifest of every single pax on every single inbound plane before take off for the last 22 years, then it's doable, Oh and China do it internally with 1.5 billion people. I'm not saying it's a great idea, and in China's case, it has yet to stop crimes such as kidnapping etc. where thousands of children are abducted in broad daylight and sold to who knows? It's just that it's not really that hard to ground anyone with a criminal record from leaving home to begin with. 

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