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Posts posted by chalawaan

  1. 10 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Probably has a criminal record, they shouldn't be allowed in

    But that's the reason for pointless 90 day reports and the other beloved annual tradition of the great paper chase aka non-o extension day.


    These heartwarming traditions ensure the bad guys don't need to be caught at check in. 


    Nope, they will be caught x years later, on overstay. 


    They're not respecting Immigrations traditional photocopy tyranny at all. 

  2. Lonely? 

    Issan would not be my pick for a single OLDER guy moving to Thailand. 

    I'd pick Chiang Mai, take burning season jaunts to the coast.

    Or Hua Hin, maybe the higher cost there is offset by having to flee CM annually, the air over South East Asia is unlikely to improve in our lifetimes. 

    Pattaya paradoxically, is not recommended if you like that sort of thing unless you have serious money, you'll just destroy yourself there, a case of too much of a bad thing, it's a trap for elderly dreamers.


    Chiang Mai has plenty enough action for an old guy. And the food options are far better, Pattaya farang food is mostly guys hoping to get rich quick with high turnover meaning mediocre food will always have dumb tourists paying too much. 

    You can extrapolate all those issues to the islands to various degrees. Bangkok is for young guys with plenty money and swollen nuts. 

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  3. 53 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    Have you tried another doctor or clinic? 


    Depending on where you go, there is one clinic I can advise you to use and have personall experience since 2017. In the beginning you will have great experience with gel and Android testo caps the original one and not the Thai copy. 


    There is no specific universial dose with injections, but 250mg Bayer enenthate every 3 weeks is average dose. Some do every two weeks, some do every 4 weeks, depending on you and your tests/blood work 


    At Bangkok Hospital in Bangkok




    What's the average cost please?

    I've heard these jabs are extremely expensive in Australia.


    Everything is expensive there of course, but how about locally? Thanks. 

  4. 15 minutes ago, Puccini said:

    Referring to the Omicron subvariant XBB.1.16 as "the Covid-19's new variant, Arcturus" is confusing.


    How did XBB.1.16 get the nickname Arcturus? The nearest thing to an answer I could find is this, from an article in the Times of India:

    I also found that there is the company Arcturus Therapeutics, Inc. in the USA currently doing clinical trials with a new mRNA Covid-19 vaccine. Were perhaps "scientists" connected with the vaccine research at Arcturus Therapeutics initiating and spreading the nickname Arcturus for XBB.1.16?

    Did you know Xi (a Greek alphabet symbol) was the original name for Omicron?


    But the wet-wipes at the WHO were scared of hurting Winnie the Flu's feelings. 

    • Haha 1
  5. If you import bulk medicines for a chronic condition you should know that since February, your shipment will be held until the local equivalent of the FDA verify it is legit, and not fake!

    A Dr script is still required.

    After the usual endless runaround we discovered the Cancer medicine we ordered from India for a 90 year old in Korat was shipped to some customs office in the middle of nowhere, I forget the city, but it's the customs service "hub" for Korat Province, and we have to now drive about 5 hours to get there and presumably sign and pay whatever they ask, do whatever they want, to get the meds released, even though it's their rules and really their problem, not ours!

    And why can't we do it by wire?


    Well what a stupid question in 2023 Thailand with a world beating internet, eh? Don't you know the internet is only for play-play time? Stupid farang. 


    Nobody here ever bothers to communicate these important changes unless, it's them cracking the whip over the public, even the Dr was left to find out the law had changed. 


    Now the old chap is unmedicated, as chasing this mystery delay took weeks to get the full story, even though we ordered ahead.


    Just be aware, and good luck!

  6. 22 hours ago, Hal65 said:

    I'm on a Tourist Visa.


    Is there any chance that Jomtien immigration transfers more than the prior stamp/visa? I have a volunteer visa, my new school is concerned that the volunteer visa/stamp may also be transferred over.


    Another important note. I last entered Thailand through CNX. My Thai tourist visa is from HCMC and the stamp is from CNX immigration.

    Okay, one more stab at this. 

    If you were last stamped in at Chiang Mai as a tourist, what does the used volunteer stamp in the old passport (tho in one post you said it was in the new passport!) have to do with anything? 

    If you last arrived in CNX then they are the ones to go to for the next steps whatever you are trying to achieve. 



  7. 8 minutes ago, Caldera said:

    The OP previously had a volunteer visa, now he's in Thailand on a tourist visa.

    And he's not a dual citizen. He's talking about a cancelled passport. That was my bad. Apologies. 

    I still think the transfer in Chiang Mai will be refused, that's just how the boys and girls roll.

    I was refused TM30 and 30 day  exemption in Cheangwattna, even though I arrived in Bangkok, because they saw all my old retirement extensions from Chiang Mai. 

    But maybe best to get a Thai speaker to call CM and ask! 


  8. 9 hours ago, CMBob said:

    Not very likely OP can use a cancelled/punched passport for any purpose (other than to show visa/permit status and/or to transfer stamp(s) to new passport).  

    9 hours ago, CMBob said:

    Not very likely OP can use a cancelled/punched passport for any purpose (other than to show visa/permit status and/or to transfer stamp(s) to new passport).  


    I am in error, I misunderstood the initial request. 

  9. 14 hours ago, Caldera said:

    Will you apply for an extension in Chiang Mai? Otherwise, they won't transfer anything.


    If you apply for the 30-day extension of your tourist visa at Chiang Mai immigration, they will transfer your entry stamp to your new passport, make note of your tourist visa, and stamp the extension into your new passport. No reference of any prior visas will be made in the new passport.

    He has a volunteer visa in the New passport?

    Very confusing.

    Also, I incorrectly thought he was a dual national, not referring to a cancelled passport.  


  10. 7 hours ago, PeeJayEm said:

    I compared my UK and Thailand domestic electricity kWh prices for Dec22 to Feb23.  The UK rate was about 500% (yes 5 times) the Thailand rate.  50p vs 10p.

    Thailand as a net importer of oil, gas and coal is subject to the same basic global market pricing.

    So it seems that either the UK has some highly inefficient structures in its  energy delivery model or Thailand has a huge price bomb overdue to explode.


    Not a valid comparison for anyone other than yourself with energy bills in both places.


    Almost everything driving those price differentials are unique to each nations economy and energy supply/demand frameworks. 

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  11. 4 hours ago, kinyara said:

    I've always thought the 300 baht proposal was a typical lazy sledgehammer tax on foreigners to recoup/make up for funds lost from them during the COVID years, and in reality offering nothing in return.


    I get there is logistical collection issues but I also think for maximum effect its timing was always intended to coincide with when they thought the Chinese millions would return. The problem they seem to have is it appears the Chinese tour group masses seem to be very price sensitive to the continued high price of airfares and aren't as yet significantly returning, ( hence the drop in overall numbers ). Sticking on another fee is not the best idea at the moment and is I think another factor in it being kicked down the road again, even though we may think it's a relatively small amount in the grand scheme of things. 

    I never tire of reminding everyone how wrecked China is at present. 

    Forget the fudged Q1 report in the MSM plenty of very capable China observers, including tapes leaked from China weekly with Citizens in utter despair. Unfinished condos they are forced to pay for without jobs. And that's just one of the many issues they face. 

    Few average Zhou's are thinking about the beach in Thailand right now. 

    Only the cadres,  and their families can afford trips now. The non CCP aligned middle class are scheming and saving to get the hell out, permanently, at the earliest opportunity, and no to Thailand, to the West! 

    Not every Chinese person we see is from the Mainland. 

    There's Malaysian, Singaporean, Taiwanese, and everyone else from everywhere else. 


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  12. Absolutely doublespeak.

    I seriously wonder what level of education the PM "graduated" with because he comes across like a dull nine year old. 

    Sweden's timber exports have nothing to do with ASEAN recalcitrance ignoring the fires and  pollution. 

    ASEAN all want to stop their BS blaming the little guy, and start taxing the insane billions in USD profits their cronies rake in from the food industry, to buy Ag machinery and put farmers through Ag college. 

    Problem solved.  

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  13. 4 hours ago, bignok said:

    Departue tax. Bump it up by 200 baht, nobody will notice. Dont even announce it. Just tell the airlines.


    Put visa exemption back to 45 days full time.


    More tourists more revenue. 


    How hard can it be to have sensible policies? 

    If the excuse is to pay farang hospital bills, then I want to be definitively covered for accidents.

    All New Zealand's visitors automatically get free emergency medical including dental. 

    I'm not happy paying this on behalf of clowns who get on a bike and void their travel insurance. If this is to cover them, then I want cover too. 

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