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Everything posted by chalawaan

  1. Take over what? Has legal alcohol taken over society to the point everyone is drunk all day? Why do you think any other drug is any different? Because "they" told you -one hit and your hooked? It's absolute bollicks! Here's an idea. Start a drug register, and make and sell clean dose controlled taxed drugs to adults from licensed pharmacies. That way, all the loonies and real addicts can be observed, traced, and removed or treated before they go totally insane, kids will be protected from pushers, as they will be suddenly out of business, and the jail's will be full of real criminals instead of 97% recreational weekend users who just want to spice up their dull lives. Or is that too sensible?
  2. Again? What's the winning plan this time? ????????????????????????????
  3. Seems to work in the UK a treat. Especially if the couple of quid is backed up with six or seven zeroes.
  4. While I support Ukraine, I see no reason for Thailand to get involved and condemn Russia. It's not diplomatically necessary or of much benefit to Thailand, or Ukraine. In any case, Thailand can't point the finger at Russia, as both have a corrupt oligarchy, buying up football teams and UK assets, dodgy elections, a fake democracy, even a Crimean style historical and questionable land grab of Malaysia, which is the cause of the southern troubles, and lastly, they're both doing military conscription. Even the flags are similar! ????????????
  5. The headline sounds like it was written by Benny Hill. I was expecting a laugh...
  6. The UK legal system retains qualified translators in almost every significant language spoken worldwide. The issue here is more to satisfy the legal requirements in either country. In Thailand that means a certified translation into English. The OP need not worry that the translator will "gyp" them, and in any case his phone can translate Thai, I use my phone for google photographic translations at the supermarket all the time! ????????????
  7. That style of tattoo intended to be hidden by T shirt and shorts, is hallmark Thai gang ink.
  8. In many countries, a will beneficiary cannot also be an executor, I recommend you have that legally confirmed rather than rely on the net. Do not be tempted to do wills on the cheap, you'll be gone when it inevitably goes pear shaped, and the exact opposite of what you intended could easily befall your grieving loved ones.
  9. Like the crackdown on people trafficking that led to none other than, General Prawit? Good luck with that! Here's the evidence... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.facebook.com/101East/videos/thailands-fearless-cop-101-east/534749904670720/&ved=2ahUKEwiB6OaK49f6AhUXyDgGHU0jCt4QwqsBegQIChAE&usg=AOvVaw3QaIG7WE9xoKYC2yUIz29b
  10. Time to ban alcohol! I use this story to illustrate that if she was on illicit drugs, the moral panic would be off the scale, as we have seen in recent days. One homicidal maniac, and everyone blames yaba, instead of a busted system. Maybe if they issued controlled meth doses to registered users on a government database, the murdering frootloop would have been flagged by a pharmacist and put away long before the tragedy. If we insist on criminalising drugs, then criminals will be only too happy to take care of business, thus also ensuring teens get hooked, whereas, pharmacies could control that too.
  11. So if it's good for a few extra votes in the "hippie" (are you serious?????????) demographic. America doesn't have a drug problem then. Just a few old Ben & Jerry VW Kombi dwellers who don't know what day, month, year, century it is? You can't have it both ways, "bud". Also, you've missed a lot of the deeper, richer, more sublime human experience, if all you've ever done is get drunk, or get laid.
  12. And yet, in the land of 63 million + smartphones... No a single shred of video, or even the usual blurry ghost pic, to back up her buffalo dung story. Some people will try to get attention from almost anything, no matter how vile. What a sad loser.
  13. Owning the Republicans -one drug at a time.
  14. China has major socioeconomic issues that are now so great, the disintegration of the state is all but a given. Some of the more intelligent presumptions I've seen are saying the current cantons, though not necessarily the CCP, will cease to exist as a united entity by the end of the twenties. That will obliterate the Chinese tourist behemoth in the process.
  15. The ending to Butch & Sundance. Nothing has hever come close since.
  16. With all the fanatical rules around cinema going here, I wonder why foriegners even bother? I've only been three times in my entire long visit. The last time was to see Fury about ten years ago. I skipped the obligatory nationalism, and waited in the foyer with a beer hidden in a soda cup, until the charade was over and the main feature began.
  17. But mah sovereignty and something about fishing and the French, and bendy bananas, and billions more per month for the NHS (lies of course) and mah nostalgic blue passport! ???? Thick Lizzy and Kwazimodo are now about to peg the dying quid to the Thai satang! ???????????????? Keep calm and carry on up the Khyber!
  18. Since the forever war on drugs failed to prevent this tragedy, and in fact probably allowed it to happen (I'll explain exactly why if asked). How does woodsome think doubling down on a failed strategy is going to do anything but burn more cash, as cartels enrich themselves? He's a moron. And a felon at large.
  19. Don't worry. Masks will save the day...
  20. I can confidently say, that will not be China.
  21. It's not just a Thai thing necessarily. In the 1980s a Friendly London copper once told me, and I quote: "To get fired from the job, you've got to practically rape the Queen!" There's a lot of bad apples the world over. But yeah, Kalaland is on a whole other level.
  22. I'm sure "iceman" won't be quite as popular, but you never know, meth tendrils stretch farther in Kalaland than anyone wants to think about. Fun fact: US Navy pilot Callsigns are almost always bestowed as a humiliating reminder of a bad screw-up or disciplinary issue in training or on early active duty. The callsign however, must be approved by the C/O and then it's with them for their Navy life.
  23. Because apart from being crazy, they're both trained to defend "Thailand" against ordinary Thais, not against big shot crony criminals, or outside threats, which don't really exist, and haven't since the Vietnam war. Wouldn't be so bad at all if he went to Bangkok and selected a few Jurassic Park targets, but no, big guy had to go for women and toddlers, typical grovelling P.O.S and true enemy of the people.
  24. You are spot on! The Thai media are antiquated and clueless in these cases. In the west now, even celebrity suicide is not reported as suicide. And domestic terrorists like this guy are now name and photo suppressed, because they have learned the hard way, that it's really NOT in the public interest to show his ugly mug, since he's dead meat anyway, and this will lead to another copycat tragedy as night follows day.
  25. Nothing will change in the RTP in any meaningful way whatsoever. They may make big media shows next week, with the usual silly banners with cartoon kawaii cops on it, then go back to business as usual once the journos leave the building.
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