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Posts posted by chalawaan

  1. On 10/13/2022 at 10:27 PM, ozfarang said:

    Yes, and that is the reason I will not be doing an extension based on marriage next month when due but change to a Non-Imm O based on retirement and pay an agent to do all the paper work. Every year there is always another document Immigration want and I'm tired of playing the the 'game'.


    I'm happy to pay an agent and never have to deal with Immigration myself in the future.


    No more Immigration stress. 



    Depends on the fee. Depends on the locality. 

    Chaing Mai really lifted their game after the new building was commissioned.

    But I still get hives dealing with it. Tho I don't have to as I returned home this year, and will only holiday in the southern winter from now on. We've kept two properties in Kalaland for now.

    One in CM one in BKK tho we'll rent a third for our own stays. 

    Marriage extension keeps more of my money mine, but it's intrusive and demeaning, we're under suspicion of "faking" it, every freaking year!


    In the end, home's better, nowhere is perfect and it was fun here until it wasn't.

    • Like 1
  2. On 10/10/2022 at 4:41 PM, Jingthing said:

    I doubt it.

    Have you seen the prices out of Russia?

    I posted about this before. I follow a number of Russian youtubers who have escaped or are trying to escape. One of them was talking to a lot of them during a peak fleeing day in Moscow airport. Thailand, Bali, and Vietnam were specifically mentioned as ultimate destinations. Georgia has been most popular but because of the Russians, rents have skyrocketed and the government is talking about cracking down on easy visas for them. 

    To add, men trying to leave are questioned at borders and SOME are turned away from leaving. The top targets of that are the younger men. 

    I'm sure the Thai junta will sympathetically NOT grant them asylum like the little Sri Lankan criminal who fled his responsibilities recently. 

  3. 22 hours ago, sidjameson said:

    I heard a stat that retirees die with an average of 70% of their savings unspent. 

    Not me! 

    What a life it's been! 

    I know when I'm really old, I'll be living as cheaply as a church mouse anyway, paying for nothing but the internet.

    As for chronic ill health? Including advancing senility.

    I'll be checking out in a dignified moment of my choosing in such an eventuality.

    That about covers it then.

    I'm more like 1/8 of my savings left! 

    That's the mark of living well while I could enjoy it. 


    • Like 1
  4. Put it in a hard shell suitcase. Well wrapped, don't use original packaging, it wastes space. Check it in as usual. No need to declare it as dangerous goods. 

    If they see it on an X ray on arrival, they may ask to inspect it at the other end.

    And so, you let them! 

    And then you and your desktop happily go on to your final destination.

    If it's new-ish, and you are importing it, bring the proof of purchase. 

    Go online and find if there's any duty to pay for a used machine. If it's not used, start using it. 

    Make sure it looks used, or be prepared to pay duty. 


  5. On 9/14/2022 at 1:10 AM, Lacessit said:

    There may be a tiny morsel of truth in what is otherwise nonsense, when they claim the Ukrainians are getting drugs.

    Both the Allies and Germany gave out methamphetamines quite freely during WWII,

    the Germans called it fliegeschokolade.

    And yet... Where were all the "metheads"?

    What about "one hit and you're hooked?"

    What about "this is your brain on meth?"


    You can't fly a low-tech fighter or crew a Tiger tank with a fried egg for a brain.


    The war on drugs like all wars, dripping with propaganda to keep the rage going to the final defeat, the white flag will be raised by your government only after thousands of good but youthfully  reckless kids have died needlessly, because of prohibition. 


    Not dying from the drugs they thought they were taking, but from the prohibition that allows crims to sell anything as anything. 


  6. There's no "drug plague".


    A plague looks like a pandemic, only worse. 


    So where are the body-piles of drugged out zombies?


    There's drugs that are out of control in a tiny minority, and that's because society chooses to allow criminals, rather than the authorities, to distribute drugs.


    Anyone who still thinks, after half a century of increasing drug use, that they can continue to demonise, and criminalise the human desire to be altered in a myriad of ways, is deluded, and probably needs some substance therapy themselves.


    • Like 2
  7. Lotus's Supermarket. 

    They are all not even close to any Western or even the excellent Japanese brands.


    But they are cheap enough to try your own taste-tests on arrival, although there is no inbound duty-free shops in Thailand. Give the opened unwanted bottles as gifts to your residence security, garden, cleaners, and demimondaines, they will be gratefully accepted in every instance. 

    Chok Dee Krub!

  8. Watch the video and try to imagine this is the same nation that once had the greatest empire the world has ever seen.

    Mostly handed back to inept criminal governments. 

    And now -run by an inept criminal Government itself.


    How skin-crawlingly shameful for the current Prime Muppet to be greeted by her Monarch with the words "Dear oh dear!"

  9. 1 hour ago, ThaiFelix said:

    Couple of guys I used to work with back in Oz had loads of tatts that couldnt be seen when in a short sleeved business shirt and tie.....guess they were Thai gang members too.

    We are talking about the Thai underworld, not sensible Aussie tattoo enthusiasts.


    But why don't you first check with any Thai person who can speak English before embarrassing yourself on here again? 

  10. 3 hours ago, 2009 said:

    I lived in a small rural village for almost a decade.


    It's mostly: elderly, children, and degenerates.


    There are a few upstanding citizens of working age, but most have left to go to places with opportunities.


    Plenty of gang violence. Someone gets beat to death once or twice a year at some big party.


    No shortage of drug addicts, alcoholics, drunk driving, illegal guns, theft, robbery, dog poisoning, property damage, illegal tree cutting, teenage daughter pimping, wife beating, child abuse, child neglect, animal abuse, animal neglect, illegal gambling, loan sharking, extortion, violence, suicide etc etc 


    I saw it all, Buddy, in the relatively short span of about 8-9 years and not from a barstool!


    Well, I did have my own barstool. ????


    So almost like any deadbeat zone the world over then?

  11. 9 hours ago, Padthaigoong said:

    Lets all hope cialis doesn't get dragged into this deletedfest.

    It's already unavailable in reputable pharmacies. Has been for a few years. So if you're getting stuff in a transparent blister pack, it's fake. 

    If it's in the dull foil, it's smuggled.

    So welcome to the world of "druggies" and arbitrary criminalisation for making personal adult choices about the chemicals you choose to consume. ????????????????????

  12. 4 minutes ago, Noris said:

    "Iraq was a disaster" Yes, we British supplied him with everything to make it a disaster and never said a word while the money rolled in. Your replay to my post shows symptoms of mass hypnosis. With respect. So Cruise missiles are far better than barrel bombs used by Bashar al-Assad.  You shock me with your one side view "Mass Murderer" No countries in the World have killed more than the UK and the USA Nato. It would be funny if not so serious. Ops the drone just hit a wedding party in Afghanistan and shucks! we thought it was a gang of armed men. Propaganda rampant. Concentration Camps we think Nazi. Well no it was we British in the best possible taste in South Africa killed thousands of Boers in the worst ways. Now as to the rest of my post, being silly ? Would that be due to the inability to answer? "Belgrade, the west went in to stop MUSLIMS being mass-murdered" what a load of hogwash. So that pesky Putin could say the same thing. To stop Russians being killed by Ukraine forces. We Bombed all those people to stop them from being killed by others, LOL. I stop here, as it is your reply that really does not warrant the time. With respect Sir. And thanks for the invite. Oh, did you know Ukraine has been bombing civilians and blaming it on Russia?

    We were done after your last post, matey. I'll let someone else waste their priceless time debating you. 

    • Like 1
  13. 25 minutes ago, bobbin said:

    The West is not fighting. The Ukrainians are winning, using high-quality Western weapons, not post (but still) Soviet, shall we say say less than optimum equipment.

    And even when the Ukrainians use captured Soviet relics, they can still effectively use them to kill ex Russian accountants and burger slingers with a days worth of military training, foot bindings, and first aid kits made up of tampons. 


    I really felt for those guys getting on the buses, with their wives, mothers, sweethearts and kids in tears. 


    But this is their reward for sitting back and swallowing the post-Soviet rhetoric since kindergarten.

    • Like 1
  14. 35 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Yes and no. China unless they have a revolution is intent on eventually taking Taiwan. They were never going to be as reckless and foolish as Putin who has really lost the plot invading Ukraine in the first place. They are very patient. 

    The only way it is likely to happen is if they *do* have a revolution, and the reason being is invasion would provide the restive masses with the old "external forces" distraction, a desperate move to keep the CCP from imploding due to mass dissent. 

    Even so, I doubt very much China will see a popular uprising ever. The grip of the CCP is sophisticated and the brainwashing has been as extensive and successful as the way the west has trained its own citizens to unquestionably fear and demonise every mind-altering substance that exists, along with all their responsible adult users -apart from highly addictive and deadly, ethyl alcohol.


    What is more likely to happen in China, is a rebel cadre at the highest levels will attempt a coup -for its own ends, but will of course, dress it up to get their tribe to go along with them. 

    This will then lead to a gradual factionalism and perhaps eventually civil war. 

    Even if all the horrors that are likely to befall China happen, they won't dislodge the party. 

    But it remains to be seen if they can convince broke and starving middle classes that Taiwan is worth invading. Taiwan will look increasingly prosperous as China declines faster and harder, the west is already reverting manufacturing home, it doesn't have a choice, and if it did, would likely do so anyway. Our love affair with cheap stuff wasn't worth it after all. 

  15. 24 minutes ago, Noris said:

    So let me try to understand this.


    The Bombing of Belgrade was ok, made good TV and most cheered as kids civilians die.

    Killing Saddam Hussein was OK I mean he had WMDs  oh  no he didn't.

    Bombing Syria was Good we know our TV said so what more proof is needed

    Killing Muammar Gaddafi like a pig dog was good made good TV what?

    The Show on TV while Women and kids died in Iraq was all justified

    Using Drones to kill in Afghanistan is great, we did it all in the name of?


    Now this pesky Putin he is very bad man, he stops money laundering Biolabs and stops CIA and The Clintons Bidens and the rest all loose money.

    I mean the cheek of it who gave Russia the right to invade the old Capital of Russ.

    Give more money to kill people while the rich get richer and the young get killed.

    What happened to

    Thou shall not kill


    Do you think for one moment, we have all been conned?

    Iraq was a disaster, and a price was paid by good men on both sides for it. I don't mean the Daesh terrorists, I mean the Iraqi conscripts.  Saddam was a mass murderer all his rule, and was hanged. Ditto Daffy duck ran out of luck in the drainpipe.  Another murderer, murdered. 

    Belgrade, the west went in to stop MUSLIMS being mass-murdered, or at least, to bring their killers to justice. It was done.

    The rest of your post is so silly it's not worthy of a response. 

    Welcome to the debate anyway,  Vladbot.

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