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Posts posted by chalawaan

  1. 30 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    There won't be many Russians here anytime soon.


    I follow some war related youtube channels mostly from anti Putin Russians. Just reported one way ticket Moscow to Bangkok 5000 dollars  

    Russians wanting to escape now go to places where they can easily stay long term without a visa. Georgia is very popular. 

    Thailand could attract them if they offered the same as Georgia to Russians but they won't as Putin would see that as unfriendly to his genocidal regime.

    Maybe Kalaland will get a few Russkis a bit higher up the corruption tree; the ones who order the defenstrations, not the usual heavy Jomtien thugs that actually do it. ????

  2. 26 minutes ago, ezzra said:

    The scrooge of drugs and gambling and other vice's addiction enough to send people into the depth of desperation and do anything to get some money...

    So seeing that we can't put "gambling" into a needle and inject it, is the problem in the drug or the person?


    Therefore if 3% are problem users, why deny the responsible 97% of recreational users their adult fun?


    Also it's "scourge"


    PS: no idea why it's typing in bold...????????


  3. 10 minutes ago, monkfish said:

    Well I don't really agree and that's just from my own personal experience most people I know who started smoking Pot also tried stronger drugs.

    You are not even trying to understand my argument, I don't disagree with your claim, but it does not follow weed is a risk factor for harder drugs, it just means anyone who uses ANY drugs is more likely to use other drugs. 

    That's a big leap.

    Also, your personal experience of knowing some dudes is not a scientific method of reaching important conclusions about drug use. 

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  4. 31 minutes ago, bobbin said:

    One can only hope that significant numbers of yaba users of all ages find that Ganja is a more pleasant "high" and yaba use declines..


    Ganja seems like a much better "fit' for the average Thai (and everyone that doesn't want to spend a few hours grinding their teeth..)

    If it was legal like booze, kids would find it much harder to access. And the dose would be easier to regulate to stop many negative effects.


    The Whermacht overran western Europe on meth.



    so where were all the German meth heads?


    The only way to control drugs is to stop lying to ourselves about the harms, which exist, but are vastly exaggerated, and start supplying them to those that want them, controlled just like tobacco and booze.

    There is no other way that doesn't eventually end in a state of complete societal chaos. 

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  5. 29 minutes ago, AsianAtHeart said:

    I would not be too worried about most of that list.  My bigger concern is that Thailand will continue to become increasingly chummy with the USA, because Thailand's leadership is weak on independent thinking and could end up becoming essentially a vassal state of America.  If so, it's Big Brother overlording us all for sure.


    I see Thaksin as being perhaps the most misrepresented and maligned Thai politician of all time.  Yingluk was not far behind.  Her brother, though, was more capable, and the Thai economy flourished during his time in office.  That is a matter of record that even Thaksin's opponents will generally admit.  He was an excellent businessman, and it was precisely because of his popularity and success that he was forced out--too intimidating for certain others.  Thailand has a track record of this, known to anyone who has studied Thai history: political prisoners have been common. 


    Someday the truth will come out, but I doubt Thaksin will live to see that day.  I just hope he is soon allowed to return, without being troubled, to his beloved homeland.

    America has little interest or even much spare change left to continue fruitless manipulation around the globe, it's almost always failed and cost trillions. 

    Alliances are now more important, and giving them the tools to do the job, for example aid to UKRAINE rather than interference, allowing Japan to significantly beef up its home defences.

    Infrastructure at home needs attention, and China's golden age has passed thanks to its own paranoia and mismanaged system of existence. That means a vast additional cost as US re industrialization occurs, and dependence on China wanes. 

    For US to "overlord" Thailand, it would need an Afghan style presence here, which is borderline science fiction. 

    China has ceased to be a meaningful threat here, and in any case, Thai nationalism and a deep hatred of Communism run deep.

    Although paradoxically, CCP have already manipulated Thai opinion as masterfully as Putin has trolled the US into a state of political chaos. 

  6. 41 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    Actually prefer Trump over the others, but as you say, NSM.  

    Like that he wasn't a career politician, and nobody liked him.  Really rocked the boat and exposed the system for the farce that it is.  More, it exposed itself, even to the most ignorant person.  Hard to ignore now.


    Biden, probably the worst of the lot, contributing to 40 yrs of gov't failure.  But the best for avoiding any future war with RU or CH, as too invested with them.  


    One less concern ... while staying On Topic.


    How & why, the exchange is in our favor is a mystery, as USA is so screwed up at the moment.  Hope it doesn't imply the rest of the world is at a worse state.  As stated earlier, somewhere, USA (and Thailand) can feed itself, so again OT ... one less concern.


    USA and again, ASEAN (TH) seem to have no problem fueling, energizing themselves, another concern.  no need to worry about. 


    With CH up the road, supply lines aren't as disrupted as everywhere else.  Controlling the chip & precious metals a plus for us friendly nations.


    All those countries bad mouthing & sanctioning CH & RU ... oh well.  Trump warned you, you didn't listen ????

    So no real concerns here, for me & family.  Actually prosperous times ahead.



    The Former Guy aka TFG, your hero, currently has six crime "paths" that lead to hundreds of years jail time -each.

    IVANKA Barbie has already sang FBI Karaoke, but she's going to be wearing the new black regardless, it just means she might go free before menopause. 

    And believe me, it's not about "the left" it's about being so out of touch he thinks he's bigger than the freaking US Government, which suddenly became the "Deep State."?  555 Ok whatever. 

    You've swallowed Putins disinformation so hard. 

    And TFG owes Vlad his soul. It's all going to be revealed soon, before that though, there are dozens of perps going down, including Stone and Flynn, again!  Bannon is the First. 

    Anyway I won't be surprised if your trolling and this reply are deleted, the thread is not about TFG. 

    But keep on believing, the scam bud. ????????????

  7. My Dad, third from left, was with 4 RTR in Germany. 

    Also Malaya with Signals then Royal Engineers. 

    He started as TA, left, then came back as a regular left after about 12 years, having made Corporal. 


    We emigrated after he left, but he never stopped talking about the Army, it was his first love. 


    Later, I was caught up in a different scrap. 



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  8. 36 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:


    And us native Brits are at the bottom ,none in university ,,none doing well in school just sleeping , ,and not one jumping of a boat at dover and rushing to our job as a doctor ,nurse , company director or leader of a drug dealing gang . none so blind as those who do not want to see .

    and that does not mean i dont thing many immigrants do  help and work hard.

    This goes on in indonesia, and Phillipines. Only the persecuted are Chinese, and theyre not the boorish mainlanders, theyre multi generational citizens, they do well, and the lazy stupid locals find some pretext to go on the rampage, bloodshed ensues, plus ca change, as the French say, eh?

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