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bangkok blue

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Posts posted by bangkok blue

  1. Only way would be to buy a VPN! Seems sopcast is gone for good. Been blocked for over 6months now!

    Pardon my ignorance, but what is a VPN ? :unsure:

    Cancel that I just Googled it and now I know it's a Virtual Private Network.

    Though not sure how it works - Looks like it's research time, which is not easy for an old bloke who grew up with gas driven radio...........:huh:

    Is anyone using a VPN ?

    I used one for the world cup so I could get the English commentary. It's dead easy to set up. Once set up is complete you just log on to the VPN and it tricks the host website into thinking your server is coming from England, USA, OZ or wherever you want it to come from.

  2. Hi all,

    Does anyone know the date of the Maejo Uni ceremony?

    Fantastic event, absolutely amazing sight when thousands of of lanterns fly into the air!

    Just need to know so friends coming up from BKK can book transport before it's full.


  3. TRUE got there SPL feed from a Chinese sports station called Goal TV


    Football plus a new station available on various local cable tv companies around Thailand from a company called Live TV also showed the championship via the same Goal TV feed.


    Something has obviously kicked off with Goal TV as Football plus are not showing championship and now SPL taken off TRUE seems that maybe some money issue has kicked off this chain of events. But I'm only guessing.

    You can receive Goal Tv via Vietnam satellite TV which they can receive here in Chiangmai.

    Good luck...

  4. I'd avoid Huay Keaw residence, average deal.... My mate got his deposit back no problem... But there are better.

    I'd recommmend The Dome, although is a tad pricy if less that 3mths.... There is quite a new place down the same soi of NakornPing Condo on the opposite side that looks nice, think they would do short term leases and IMO has a better feel to it than Huay Keaw residence...

    Good luck :)

  5. Being a huge Leicester City fan and having been based here for 6 years I'm over the moon about this takeover! Unlike most clubs who are taken over by owners who use loans to finance the deal, from what I understand he is using his personal wealth. Valued at around 120mil pounds.

    Where did you hear that Newin was involved in this??? Is he an associate of Thaksin? Rumours are another family are going to be brought into the consortium later this year.


  6. True are useless, the shop is even worse. A friend who owns a bar near me knows the local rep manager and he said that the big matches will be shown on TRUE HD.... Whether there will be a simultaneous broadcast on Truesport 1 is anyone's guess!

    Can't imagine Thais being too happy at having to fork out an extra 290bht a month and a minimum of 10k for a HDTV. (Although HD signal is compatible with standard TV sets)

    When will someone finally end their monopoly!?

  7. Usually get all my torrents from isohunt.com, today it seems the website cannot be accessed. I know True Internet have blocked other programmes such as sopcast and streamtorrent. I cam access other torrent download websites; such as pirate bay. Is anyone else having the same issues? Or is it just my ISP playing hardball?!

    If so can anyone else recommend another good torrent download site, as don't like the look of pirate bay and limewire.

    Any help appreciated.


  8. England Vs Slovenia channel 111, which I believe is TRUE HD

    USA Vs Algeria channel 112, which I think is HBO HD.... Or at least this is what TRUE told me when I called them yesterday.

    Matches on Thai TV as normal; not sure which channels though.

    Good luck everyone... I've a feeling some of us need it more than others.

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