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Everything posted by Saanim

  1. A simple solution: To harvest rainwater in separate reservoirs where the rainwater will sediment (1/2 - 1 day, a regular addition of alum - SaanSom , so easily available and cheap in Thailand can improve the water quality). Then with the intake few cm above the muddy bottom you get quite a clean water for addition to the other general water storage, hence, reducing the water hardness substantially.
  2. Your sand can serve you surely for years once you regularly backwash it. A quartz sand is laying in river and creeks for millions of years, always clean. (But I do not sell the river sand.)
  3. On your question of pump replacement: you can take any pump 1.1 - 1.5 kW as you find on Lazada or Global House for some 8,000 Baht. It will serve you well over years as it serves me. On your question of piping: you should draw a diagram how the pipes go, to understand it better. In general, all sucking pipes (at the pool bottom) have to go into sucking side of the pump, the outlet from pump goes to filter. And from there to all inlets into the pool. Important: each inlet and outlet pipe should be controlled by a valve in order to regulate an equal sucking intake and an equal feeding input flow. (Or any flow in different pool location as per your liking).
  4. Would they (the ones in tents) be able (and willing) to serve the country?
  5. The pH level has no (substantial) influence on Copper Sulphate efficacy. And the small amount of weekly chlorine is for an additional help what the CS hasn't finished and for improving water clarity. And for some kind of precaution against bad bacteria. And if the chlorine is not engaged for algae fight the pH level does not matter either. For humans the pH level is also no problem, drinking water standards allow 6.5 - 9.5. But we do not drink the pool water, do we? I would not know what I am doing wrong that my water is permanently so good, all that with minimal care and minimal money. Everybody is free to manage as per his idea, I do not promote anything. Just reporting how it works for me, for my daily swimming to keep myself in good form, experience over 18 years. This forum is for exchanging one's experience, not for one's promotion. It's not me who is here constant bagging anybody. Perhaps you should watch your rhetoric.
  6. If "Biden is in no position to do anything", please enlighten me which country is pushing on UK to get him? So, do you really think that Obrador is trolling his very powerful neighbour (he is very depending on) - something what other world leaders do not dare to mention?
  7. Yes, if you rely only on the chlorine procedure against algae, you have to attend it every day, or have a sophisticated chlorinator. And of course, daily careful maintenance of pH (mostly lowering), otherwise the chlorine is not effective enough against algae growth. And if you add the cyanuric acid and not frequently add or exchange the water its the level will grow up (it does not evaporate same as chlorine), with a certain content it hampers balance of other chemicals. That costs not only the daily care but also daily money. If you asked for other options, yes, there is one by copper sulphate (and a bit of a simple chlorine). I have described it few times here in other threads: No daily care, no pH care. Disadvantage: it's so cheap. Then, clear water every day throughout whole year, with simple (and cheap) filtering equipment.
  8. As I said before there had been many reports of OSCE Ukraine Monitoring Mission before end of February 2022, many of them still is obtainable by a search, e.g.: https://www.osce.org/files/f/documents/e/7/233896.pdf And that the Mission personnel had left with their white SUV's in the February days before the Russians started everybody could see on all world news those days. Why they left and who gave the order? That can be also found, I guess. Not so illogical to further keep them when they were still issuing their reports, e.g. https://www.osce.org/special-monitoring-mission-to-ukraine/512872 That the months afterwards the situation has changed, also the statements, is also not so surprising, is it?
  9. The civilian casualties in Russian controlled territory? It's still Ukraine territory, isn't it? And the casualties had been reported over the last 8 years by OSCE Ukraine Monitoring Mission (not really a "Russian propaganda") up to their very last reports in February 2022, unless they were ordered out of the country. The reports about their early years after 2014 (not really pleasant) were reported even in Western media, not so much in the later years.
  10. But that's what I have been missing: reports, figures about such casualties, whether inadvertent or unfortunate collateral damage...
  11. Another perhaps related: June 29, 2022 Former Senate security chief dies; death not considered suspicious Michael Stenger, the former Senate sergeant-at-arms, resigned after his handling of Jan. 6 was criticized. Michael Stenger, the former sergeant-at-arms who oversaw Senate security during the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, was found dead Monday morning, two sources familiar with the matter said. Stenger’s cause of death is not yet known. U.S. Capitol Police declined to comment. The medical examiner in Virginia did not handle his death, a spokesman said, indicating it was not considered suspicious. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/former-senate-security-chief-dies-death-not-considered-suspicious-rcna35705
  12. How the Ukrainians master that they never attack civilian targets, never any civilian casualties. Or did I miss something?
  13. Perhaps the old war architects - once they are about to approach the gates of heaven - are coming to their terms, want to clear their conscience a bit, thinking how to compensate their deeds that had not been really heavenly. Similar we could see also with McNamara, Brzezinski, to name just few.
  14. Quite different idea than by Henry Kissinger, the one who knows how the wars start and end... https://www.newsweek.com/henry-kissinger-noam-chomsky-find-rare-common-ground-over-ukraine-war-1709733
  15. I was moved seeing one officer using the wall sanitizer, very considerate...
  16. Do we have any substantial link that Iran supplies their drones to Russia?
  17. That's strange when we hear so often about unprovoked invasion, war. In the recent interview of Noam Chomsky - I mentioned above - he spoke about occurrence of the word "unprovoked", that it jumps up in a great number when googled, something he did not see at the wars before. One does not have to agree with all his statements, however, it's amazing and astonishing how he - at his age - can formulate the flow of his speech corroborated by facts and events, without apparent help of a paper (or a teleprompter), in a very impassive diction. That cannot always be said about his interviewer, e.g. Owen Jones...
  18. Yeh, that's the problem when we get just only one side of the stories. How do you recognize what's propaganda and what's the truth? Just curious... From the last years wars have you read only the truth? Anyway, do you have any info about the recent shelling from the only one correct information side?
  19. I do not know what's your comment about. Did my remark say something different than Bkk Brian placed above (Mr. Grossi added ...)? Anyway, I have reacted on the remark that the IAEA access was denied by Russians. I did not find any link to such statement, did you? But the problem is that the information flow is not always fully available. That's why recently Noam Chomsky remarked that the censorship has reached a level beyond anything in his lifetime.
  20. I did not failed to mention anything about denied access by Russians, I would not know that. The source you provided (Reuters) has failed to mention it either: VIENNA, June 6 (Reuters) - The U.N. nuclear watchdog is working on sending an international mission of experts to the Russian-held nuclear power plant at Zaporizhzhia in Ukraine, Europe's largest, its chief Rafael Grossi said on Monday. International Atomic Energy Agency chief Grossi has for months said that the situation at Zaporizhzhia, where Ukrainian staff are working under Russian orders, poses a safety risk and said he wants to lead a mission there.
  21. Actually, there are only 4 nuclear power plants in Ukraine. And the biggest one, in Zaporizhzhia, currently under Russian control, was of a serious concern of Mr. Grossi, the boss of IAEA. After it was found that the UKR had stored there a huge stock o plutonium and enriched uranium - and he was reminded in Davos - he declared that he will go to see it there what's that about. Since that it has not been much reported about that visiting - or did I miss it? But as usually, what's not reported by MSM, it has not happened, has it?
  22. It would be surely very logical - and believable - to be hit by the Russians when the nuclear power station is currently under Russian control, in the area of the ethnic Russians in Zaporizhzhia. ????
  23. A "false equivalence"? Did I place the "overweight general" (who actually was no general) on par with Bucha? So, why did you bring it up? Wondering why you rather did not mention the potatoes in Russian McDonald...
  24. It's quite difficult to know nowadays what's a "reliable source" when we do not get it from all sides. I just hope that it is not like this "news" that was shown by many (not only) in UK: https://www.newsweek.com/photo-obese-russian-general-pavel-putins-army-prompts-speculation-1719470 also: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/19003310/putin-calls-obese-20st-retired-general-lead-troops-ukraine/ Somewhere I am now reading that the fat man is a Russian veteran Ivan Ivanovich Turchin, (not general mayor Pavel) retired 2011 after 20 years service at Uzbekistan frontier, nothing indicates that he is in Ukraine. The photo was taken at a celebration day of border guards in May at Russian city Elan.
  25. Quite amazing to know that it was "very sensible move" by the Ukrainians, unlike such a "move" by Russians. Anyway, we did not get any reliable source that the Russians would open their prisons, I doubt that they were so stupid. Besides, do you really believe the news of the "reliable" sources? (Putin collapsing, his forces collapsing, Putin's double, etc. , but the Ukrainians retreat to the planned locations). On the other hand, the Ukrainians have needed to clear their prisons to make them free for the many opposition people.
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