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Lucky Bones

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Everything posted by Lucky Bones

  1. Lots of things can be hidden in trousers, particularly in Soi 6, Patts.
  2. 5,000 cups ÷ XX cups per day. Could really work up a buzz there before next clean????????
  3. I wanna see the coffee machine. Self cleaning I hope?
  4. Mommy is googling "sin sod" now. Meanwhile Bob sleeps safely in the room next to momm in his single bed dreaming of his next adventure. Love you, miss you Bob.???????? (Yes....comedy gold)
  5. 86 years eh. Good on him. Frankie Sinatra, Tom Jones & Humperdinky must have warehouses full of panties that have been thrown at them. I've only ever collected steak knives that have been thrown. Long live Viagra????????
  6. I wouldn't tell myself but rather remind myself to keep egging the fast bowler to keep bowling short. Loved playing the hook shot over square leg.
  7. Call Mummy. She likely still has some left over pampers. Nice story Bob. Sleep tight Bob.
  8. I would think there is more than one Lou.
  9. Enuff with the mask wearing questions. In the name of whoever lives in the sky....Just Get Over the Do's & Don'ts.
  10. Then take Britmans advice and share the love.
  11. Somchai, Farang etc etc. Choose your poison. Methinks you are fixated on racism. Are you related to Anutin? Enjoy your very different life wherever you are and pick your threads more carefully next time. Goodbye.????????
  12. I don't think it is a new normal. It's been happening for centuries. How all this is now reported has changed. Once upon a time we would buy one daily paper and perhaps watch the 6:00 pm news. Some news was a day+ old. Now a million sources of mostly instant opinions, not facts. Everyone, try not to read too much blah blah.
  13. I understand Thailand, Isaan (whichever spelling floats your boat), and a few other provinces as well as can be expected. Never had a need to bang on about assets. Sounds like you are a "my willy is bigger than yours type of person." Are we supposed to be impressed? Goodbye.
  14. Hey, that was a fun thread. I don't think anyone got angry with anyone else. Some clever and knowledgeable comments. Should be more of this stuff????????????????
  15. Important to have 26 rai, house and cars. Then you can be "Wannabe King".
  16. "Wannabe King", If you have a wife I am guessing she just follows your instructions to get a salary each month.
  17. So, after all that self opinionated jibber you have 26 rai, a house and some cars. Woopy-Doo for you. Enjoy your terribly materialistic world.
  18. Wow! Looks like the wannabe King of Issan stirred some angry powder into his cornflakes or whatever. His opinion must be correct and must be obeyed. If he is the "King", pity his subjects. Sheeeessshhh????????.
  19. Well, this topic certainly went off topic 50% of the time. Perhaps time to close it down mod in respect of the deceased. Cheers
  20. Hey, you forgot about the partridge in a pear tree. Hung around for 12 days I think. Pesky little thing????????.
  21. A 60 person committee is likely the problem. That's a lot of brown envelopes to get people onside.
  22. Males not washing their hands after the loo is pretty standard here. Much more interested in looking at the mirror.
  23. I am guessing that a number of elder persons, particularly in the villages, will never remove them now. That is their choice and if they feel comfortable, good for them. WE are not waiting.....just do whatever makes you feel good but also respect others. Good luck.
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