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Everything posted by Woof999

  1. Now there's some backwards logic if ever I've seen it.
  2. That would mean an at fault local, which is of course impossible.
  3. Me. If my autopsy report showed I was killed by a 0.45mm projectile my mates wouldn't stop laughing.
  4. It's 0.45 and 0.38 of an inch ffs.
  5. ...and from the latest report, the deceased had already been moved to another building, and so was no longer bothering this idiot's father. Witnesses stated that he impersonated a relative of the deceased to be able to find his location, furthering the proof that he was no longer in the bed next to his father. 100% premeditated.
  6. You seem to be ignoring the fact that Trump signed the deal with the Taliban in February 2020 that committed the US to a withdrawal by May 1 2021. Up until he left (was forced out of) office in January 2021, he did little or nothing to actually make all the logistics happen. He lowered the troop numbers by about 30% to a little over 8000, and to 2500 by the time Biden took power, but what did he actually do to dismantle and remove the massive amount of infrastructure and equipment? He was too busy claiming a fraudulent election and putting himself first, as he always does. Biden took power at the end of January 2021, leaving him with just 3 months to organise the withdrawal, which was going to be impossible. There were still 2500 troops present and many thousands of tons of heavy equipment. The Taliban massively increased their attacks in this period and so Biden had little or no choice but to get the rest of the overpowered troops out, with a consequence that lots of equipment was left behind. The Afghan's own forces literally collapsed at the same time. Yes I'm sure there were mistakes made by the Biden administration and, with 20/20 hindsight different decisions could have been made, but Trump set the impossible timeline. EDIT: ...and let's not forget that Trump gave Biden pretty much ZERO handover throughout this whole period, with the US still reeling from the Jan 6th attack on the Capitol and Trumps constant droning on about how he was wronged. Yes Trump, the real piece of work that is out to look after the interests of the US, NOT!
  7. Pretty much exactly the same. Electricity is cheap here. Heat pumps are pretty efficient. No reason not to be as comfortable as possible.
  8. Ouch. All the best and here's hoping the permanent loss prognosis is wrong.
  9. It's pointless trying to prove or discuss whether it's politically motivated or whether Biden is behind it or not. The alternative is that any presidential candidate can break any law they like because, if prosecuted, all the numpties will shout that it's a politically motivated wittch hunt. - exactly what is happening now Trump brought this on himself and he has nobody to blame but himself, but he is doing exactly what he always does, deflect, deflect some more and then deflect to the max. "Lock her up, lock her up" was pathetic from him before and it's come right back around to bite him in the ass. "If I don't win this electioin then it just shows it was rigged"... what kind of muppet makes that claim and what kind on blindfolded, ignorant fool falls for it?
  10. Almost by the by. DJT is unfit to hold office regardless of whether he is a felon or not. It just so happens that he is.
  11. Always amazing how cash can smooth things )
  12. Yep, time to send the wife on an errand by the looks. Don't be jealous, they are relatively cheap here. Seem to be in the region of 50% of what they'd be in the UK (where you can drive one on a standard car license). Original JCB parts are another matter here though. JCB UK wont ship out of the UK, and so far I've had no replies to emails to the few authorised dealers that exist here, or the dismissive "no have" response to any phone call.
  13. I'd be happy to have it assist people occasionally. I kind of have the use of a Kobelco SK200. The owner lives only 200 metres or so from our land, is a really nice chap and looks after his machine well (it's old, but works). I'd probably have bought a 12 ton 360 if his machine wasn't available, rather than the JCB. No way I'm going to drive it for anything that could be construed as work for other people though, just not worth the risk. I also wouldn't just let anyone use it. I've seen how they (don't) look after machinery and repair bills can get very high very fast. I also have a CAT D4H bulldozer and it's taken a fair amount of time and money to unbodge some of the bodge jobs that they do to repair things. The JCB has a few issues, all small so far. Mainly undoing some of the "custom" wiring that they've done to bodge in an aftermarket coolant temp gauge rather than spending a few baht more, using the existing wiring and re-using the fully working factory installed gauge (which is still there!). All they needed to do was purchase the correct temp sender, but no.... the wrong one that needed bodging in was a better solution. All part of the fun. Oh, and they reconnected the slew hydrualics the wrong way round, so slew left goes right and vice versa. An easy fix.
  14. Here she is sat outside the house
  15. Just a 2ft (I think, not measured it) bucket. Almost all JCBs here are of low spec, so there's no 4 in 1 / 6 in 1 bucket, no forks, no extradig (extending dipper). I'll probably add forks to it or i'll end up buying a forklift too. Next on the list is a 9m manlift.
  16. I'm not on a phone, I'm on 2 x 34" screens and 1 x 49", but the browser might well be smaller. Tried it once on a mobile yonks ago, saw the mess that was the adverts and never tried again, so I'm with you on that. Anyway, a quick inline CSS script in my browser and the up arrow is no longer.... joy )
  17. A fixed position element that can sit above and hide other page content, forcing a user to have to scroll to click on elements below it goes against everything UI/UX. It's called careless........ 😉
  18. The Home button on most keyboards has achieved that since almost forever. SHIFT and SPACEBAR can be quite handy too.
  19. It might have been smarter to only implement the up arrow on mobile devices.
  20. I didn't assume anything from your comment. You wrote "I believe that suicide, whether assisted or not, is one of the most selfish acts a human being can do.", which is what my comment was referring to. Have a lovely day.
  21. Fortunately for the rest of the world there are mental health experts that understand depression far better than you. If this was suicide, which is not confirmed I believe, the anguish and pain this poor chap was going through must have been unimaginable. That does not take away from any pain and grief his loved ones will have to go through.
  22. Wanted one since I was a kid, the chance reared its head and I went for it. It's a 15 ish year old 3CX that almost looks like it just came out of the factory and has orange number plates. I would like to be able to drive it on the road legally, only between my rented house and my land (OK my wife's land if those people are here), and to the fuel station. All 3 locations are on the same stretch of road, with no more than 2km between them. Is there a special license needed for a backhoe? Can a foreigner hold that license? Is it worth the hassle? Should I just drive it any way as the risk of being caught is minimal (unless the locals dob me in). I will only be using it for my own work (play mostly) on my own land (already covered that). It wont be used on other people's land, hired out to anyone else or doing any kind of work for payment. I'd rather be legal as I'd rather hold valid insurance should the worst happen.
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