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Everything posted by Woof999

  1. I'm not about to answer the first question, for all sorts of reasons. As for all the others, Pattaya wins hands down. Angeles is nothing compared to what it was a few years ago and it was never all that much anyway. It's a bit like comparing "enter the name of any smallish town that has no real attractions here" against, well, Pattaya. I've lived in both places.
  2. From the little that you've written above, I'm pretty sure youthinks not very much.
  3. Assange has spent more than 10 years in some kind of pergatory. 7 years living in an embassy and then 5 years in jail. Snowden not quite as long but not far off. He was stuck in a Moscow airport for about a month and has lost everything he had in his previous life, likely never to regain it. You might say that the US didn't get their men, but they sure helped (with other nations involved too) feck their lives up for a significant period of time.
  4. Those dogs were quick to offer assistance. Impressive. Got to love the translation (or possibly the original intention). The truck did not lose control. It never had control of itself or anything else. The driver lost control of the truck.
  5. [joke] Surely it's nothing that a strike can't sort. [/joke]
  6. An old post I know but I guess it shows that education works.
  7. Unborn being the operative word. What percentage of abortions in the US, within your lifetime, were performed on fully viable foetuses (they are not children until born)? How many in the 2nd trimester. How many in the 3rd? Do you support the withholding of an abortion to a child that has been raped? Do you support the withholding of an abortion to a mother in the first trimester who has a high chance of not surviving a birth?
  8. This topic isn't about slavery. It's about abortion. We're also not living in the 19th century any more.
  9. That doesn't sound like a job for one. I'm happy to be a teaching assistant, by the hour.
  10. Yep, and I note they are also very quick to put a left / right political slant on it too. More like head in the sand vs eyes wide open.
  11. Do you have a work permit or are you sure the work that you are doing is legitimate without one? Are you tax resident and file tax returns? Before going to a court to try and claim those kind of damages, make sure all your ducks are in a row. Also don't forget the #1 rule of suing someone. Do they have the money to pay?
  12. Quit with this "no wars under Trump" bullcrap. 1.) He buddy's up to Putin. Do you think that Putin in any way, shape or form either admires or fears Trump? He WANTS Trump in office. 2.) He has already told Putin to "do whatever the hell he likes" with any country he feels are "delinquent" on their defence spending. Is that what a peace lover does? 3.) No new wars may have started on foreign soil during his presidency (do you honestly think that was because of any proactive work done by Trump?), but he riles up his fellow nationals domestically. Such as "stand by" for the Proud Boys, and numerous others and stood by doing nothing while his followers marched on the Capitol, being fed a whole heap of lies about a "stolen election". Bless you anyway.
  13. It rains, in the rainy season? Shut the front door!
  14. Birds have wings and feathers and legs and a head. <deleted> all over the place too. Wait, was there bird poo sighted?
  15. It's a bloody drone. You can see how it tilts backwards to slow down / stop.
  16. Lol. I was about to say "a dangerous slope?" surely you cannot say that in 2024.
  17. Freedom of speech is a precious thing, but a smack in the mouth can also be useful sometimes too.
  18. Will they be appending their own 11th commandment? Thou shalt not have an abortion after being raped.
  19. Last few I've bought have been from either Index or OfficeMate (as mentioned above). They quite often have one of the better ones on sale for around the 6-8k baht mark. Bear in mind that even the ones that look pretty solid still aren't up to that much. They tend to last me about a year tops, but then again I'm sat in them almost all day every day. The castor wheels usually go first, but I tend to replace the whole chair just to get the padding back up to scratch too.
  20. The inmates truly are in control of the asylum. https://news.sky.com/story/louisiana-becomes-first-us-state-to-make-ten-commandments-mandatory-in-schools-13155898
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  21. Not necessarily. Facebook and most others can use one of the authenticator apps, which work on most mobile devices, SIM card installed or not. Multi factor authentication is a HUGE benefit.
  22. You're calling out dumb people all over the shop and then go on to write this. Just wow.
  23. Norton is one of the worst software suites you can have on a PC. In the early days it was kind of OK and then went as far downhill as is possible very quickly. This video goes a long way to explain:
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