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Everything posted by Woof999

  1. ... and you know nothing about mental health. Let's hope it doesn't happen to you.
  2. I agree with you, but those with any common sense would keep it to an absolute minimum. Keeping your seatbelt off just because you can isn't the smartest thing to do. The almost funny thing is that, even after incidents such as this, people will continue to do it.
  3. Carrying 2M baht of gold on a motorbike taxi. Genius.
  4. You already did, although I do agree with the sentiment. A lot longer than a year for 972 days overstay and caught. 10 years I believe.
  5. How does the captain put on the seatbelt sign before clear air turbulence? It's for that very reason they suggest you wear your belt even when the sign is off. No all turbulence can be seen / predicted and CAT can be extreme.
  6. The cabin altitude of that era of jet is about 8000ft and is controlled by bleed air from the engines and outflow valves in the hull. The aircraft suddenly dropping would not cause the cabin altitude to change much, if at all. I reckon those masks dropped down by a combination of the sudden jolt and people's heads hitting the panels, not because the cabin altitude changed. What I did find interesting is that the early reports stated the aircraft plunged 6000ft in 5 minutes, which is a vertical speed of -1200fpm. That's a slow decent, only 50% higher than final approach descent. A normal decent from cruise altitude could easily be 3 or 4 times greater. It's not that I don't believe a sudden pressure change can't harm people, it's that I don't believe a sudden pressure change happened here.
  7. Yes, I'm guessing, which is exactly what I wrote in my post. My guess is also based on a fair amount of knowledge of the aviation industry. If you have more, state it and give us some expert opinion. Add to to discussion rather slagging off others. Additionally, this is a forum. We post opinions, ideas and, yes, sometimes a load of "cr@p". If you've got a problem with that, I really don't care.
  8. Possible but I would guess not. It's going to need some new interior panels that's for sure. Aircraft like that can take one hell of a beating before getting permanently bent, but this incident would have included quite a bit of -ve G, which commercial airframes are less tolerant to. I'm guessing it will have something akin to a hard landing check, or even have a heavier C or D check brought forward if the loads were that great.
  9. A switch that lets you choose which incoming feed actually powers the whole house. A common thing when an off-grid solar system is used. Now you might also have a switch that switches the switchover switch, which would be a switchover switch switch.
  10. Thanks for this. Yeah I'm reasonably OK to check (although the above list is a great reminder), it's just that I can't make it down south in time. Still looking for a mechanic to visit... I've called a few service centres and hire companies not far away from where the machine is and nobody wants to do it. I'm quite surprised by the (lack of) response actually, but it is what it is. Obviously I was going to pay a few 1000s for their time and expertise. Would only take a couple of hours.
  11. Cabin pressure wouldn't have changed much, if at all.
  12. Absolutely atrocious. What the hell did the little girl do to justify being scarred for life? This is one of those occasions where, on conviction, I feel the punishment should include exactly what she dished out to others. Brand the scum.
  13. Actually what you are doing is indirectly questioning the intelligence of people that donate on GFM. It's there for a reason. Helping out others in their time of need is one of them. Nobody is expecting you to donate and, conversely, you don't show much class by slagging off those that do, or those that use it as a platform. Perhaps those that donate knew him, know somebody that knew him, or are just decent people willing to spend a few quid to help out others. Maybe they already did their due diligence and know that its not a scam. Maybe they didn't. So what?
  14. If you think that's bad... Trump thinks he won the 2020 election.
  15. Yet you replied to one. Have a wonderful day.
  16. As far as I can remember, I've never killed anyone, never issued a fatwa against anyone and never banned the fairer sex from doing anything that a male can do. Consumed with hatred and dancing with glee I am not, but calling this death a tragedy doesn't sit too well with me.
  17. Salman Rushdie might disagree with you.
  18. Just on the off chance, I need a knowledgeable Thai (must be a Thai national) excavator mechanic to check over a backhoe loader for me in the next couple of days. East Bangkok area. I'm looking to buy this machine, so I need an unbiased opinion about its condition etc. Anyone have any recommendations? Thanks
  19. In the history of the world eh... nice one. Not just the worst US president in US history. Got to go that extra mile (well, 24,901 miles).
  20. A post from the middle of the last century.
  21. Wearing a seatbelt can significantly reduce the risk of serious injury or death in a car crash. Does that mean it's pointless wearing them because they only significantly reduce the risk rather than eliminating it completely?
  22. Three esteemed medical experts have already replied, so there's not much more I can add.
  23. In all seriousness, a "you're a tw4t" emoji would solve most issues. Please don't delete this post, just mark it with the new "you're a tw4t" option. I won't be offended. And please, enough with the "we're child friendly" bullcrap. The Internet is not child friendly. Leave the parenting to the parents.
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