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Everything posted by Lorry

  1. But they could have reached the egg... So it's a clear case of attempted murder, rightly punishable by death. May we suggest stoning?
  2. Agreed. Even in the middle of Bangkok, there are shortcuts that go through very quiet and (at night) deserted areas, and if it's an area that I am not familiar with the feeling is bit ... uncomfortable? Just a bit.
  3. Would you please be so kind and provide the source of this highly informative detailed statistics?
  4. Do you just guess this (you wouldn't be alone ) or is this verifiable?
  5. Klang Plaza (for history buffs ???? ) Mall, with swimming pool Saveone Evening at YaMo Didn't you like Central in KK ?
  6. Sorry, didn't know you impregnated Lek. Congratulations Hopefully, the kid will inherit his or her intelligence from the mother
  7. Wrong question. Thais are not "polite" to friends, they are "polite" to strangers. Answer to the question: Yes. Thais use it with friends and family. It's not exactly very sweet and charming, but sweet and charming language is for strangers, not for friends and family. Thais don't end a phone call to a business, a grab driver or an office with this phrase. I hardly use it on the phone. I do use it when I order things (like Groongthep said).
  8. Why for heavens sake should you have a say if Lek wants to kill her unborn baby??? There is no other body involved Most definitely not you and me
  9. Marketing decision. Who is going to pay a lot to avoid shingles? If the producer figures the market is too small they won't bring it here. It's unavailable in much richer countries in Asia, and even in some rich countries in Western Europe you couldn't get it until fairly recently
  10. Our whole soi was lit by candles. In front of every house, and in some yards. But their new neighborhood shop didn't close.
  11. Here we go again: a bunch of old men discussing what young women should do with their bodies or are there any young women on TV?
  12. Strange that the people like you, who use the word "execution" for the termination of not yet viable life, are exactly the same people who are in favor of execution of actually living people.
  13. For Europeans who stil have access to the health care system of their country it's about the price of a flight home. The vaccination is free, then.
  14. Ask Bangkok Hospital in Korat. Bangkok is usually more expensive, so you will have an idea
  15. It wasn't foolishness. It was money before other people's health, as Mr J2U's links nicely explain.
  16. Good to review all this. People forget to quickly
  17. Why should it be smoother now?
  18. Are you saying that you treated your sleep apnea by sealing your mouth with kinetic tape?
  19. This is not good medical practice. This is not good medical practice. See, the posters talk a lot about cure and prevention. But except KhunLA nobody quoted actual cases. His daughter's class hardly counts as tourists, they are locals. This is a problem of the locals. Let's know how many infected tourists you find in your study, very interesting.
  20. Never heard of it. It's a disease of the locals (see above: walking barefoot in dog <deleted> is not what tourists usually do) How would you know you have hookworm, anyway? If you have any symptoms you would see a doctor for a stool exam, and he would treat you (more or less the way outlined by the other posters).
  21. Back to OP: Yes, taxis are pretty safe. The story about the Don Muang taxis kiling their passengers is more than 10 years old and an exception. What is NOT an exception are women raped by taxi drivers, you can google it yourself. A good example is the Brazilian raped by a taxi driver whom she flagged down at Don Muang: it happened in broad daylight (1:30 pm), and the driver had just been released from prison - because he had raped 2 other women before. As 1moreFarang said: taxi drivers have this job because they need money and don't get any better job. I know Thai women who wouldn't take a taxi alone even during the day. And most Thai woman consider taxis at night as dangerous and to be avoided. I have escorted Thai women on taxi trips during the night because they asked me to do so.
  22. What I am telling you is reality is not contained in your links. There is a difference between internet links and reality. Never mind, go and search for your links if it makes you happy. I have a brain (another old-fashioned concept that you may not be familiar with) to remember things.
  23. Except for "reading", your elders used to have other weird capabilities. One was called "walking" as in "walking out of the door and see there is a world beyond the computer screens" There are more things in heaven and earth, Mickmanus, than are dreamt of in your internet.
  24. It wasn't a movie, that's why you don't know about it. In the old days, some people had capabilities called "reading" as in "reading a newspaper", maybe you find an old bargirl to teach it to you. Big story, actually, because the wrong guy (the one they didn't finish off completely) turned out to be a friend of a very, very high personality.
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