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Everything posted by Lorry

  1. I want, too. I am in a risk group and not interested in dying or in being in ICU. Also not interested in getting long covid. I am anti-covid, I don't want to get it.
  2. No bleach, no cleaning, no mothballs, no nothing... Came back, room was the same mess as when i left. No problems
  3. If you wanna pay: All Kasemrad hospitals. Medconsultasia.com. Bumrungrad from time to time
  4. No. Actually, immigration has written my address in many different ways. It would be nice to know how their computer writes it.
  5. I cannot confirm this, maybe because it has never worked for me, so it's still the first time and will be the first time forever
  6. "Can" be done I am sitting over it for the second day now. Have to go to CW tomorrow anyway, so I will do it there. I will try to make them tell me how their computer writes my address. There are just too many possible permutations. Has anybody tried to submit 10 or 20 applications at the same time with all possible ways to wie the address? And see, which one they accept. I suspect the system won't like it.
  7. Alpha Pharma is in India... So there is a change from the thread I linked to: Sheryl's posts are still valid, but the price mentioned in the last post of that thread has gone down.
  8. That was less than 2 years ago. Too lazy to google, or did you really think it has changed? It hasn't changed. If you want to know what Thais take to stay awake ask a policeman. Much cheaper.
  9. Amitiza from Takeda. Not (or usually not/only very difficult) OTC. Difficult to get outside a hospital.
  10. Google "pinworms" or "oxyuriasis"
  11. What makes you think the next few months are peak Covid season? (I had my last - 4th - antigen contact in February, too, infection after 3 vaccinations last year. Last vaccination was only 2 months before infection, so the infection in February may not count as a new immunological event. Anyway, I am thinking when to get my next booster...)
  12. Yes. (No need for such a long thread)
  13. Quote from your Wikipedia link: Theraphan Luangthongkum claims the share of those having at least partial Chinese ancestry allegedly at about 40 percent of the Thai population without any proof so it's one person's guess
  14. You are right they were not tourists. You may have noticed that the number of Mandarin speakers is going up again. And its not tourists you here speaking. Young strong tall men, short haircut, clad in black. The way they looked when the Chinese took over Sihanoukville. Of course these guys need Chinese food and Chinese KTV girls. Orinoco and thailand49 are spot-on.
  15. If Rishi tightens his belt he will become invisible
  16. Rishi, for example. Look how skinny he is.
  17. Adalimumab is avalable in Thailand, brandnames Hulio, Hyrimoz et al.
  18. So just look around Indonesia and look around Thailand - can't you see the difference? These statistics are not far off from what you can see in real life.
  19. Hasn't Bali always been cheaper than Thailand? Oh, and Bali certainly cannot be called "peers" of Thailand. Thailand is an upper-middle income country, like China, South Africa, Mexico - poverty exists, but you wouldn't call them poor countries. And it's a whole country. Bali is just a touristy island in a lower-middle income country (that's countries like Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar - countries that you would call poor). https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/middle-income-countries
  20. If you mean to say that doctors in private hospitals have no financial incentives to overtreat patients, then you are very wrong. Good doctors will forego the money and not overtreat. My surgeon worked hard in order NOT to operate on me. He was successful (no surgery) and lost a lot of money. But not all doctors are like this.
  21. Those who make abortion illegal are the ones who want to make contraception illegal. That shows their true intentions. Coming soon to the backward states of America. Been like this for ages in Philippines, Poland, Ireland...
  22. Bad luck. I have never encountered a doctor who couldn't communicate with me in English. That includes government hospitals, some of them very rural, and upcountry clinics. Many doctors are very reluctant to use English, though. YMMV
  23. I agree. I have no idea why this happened? Do you? But in the end the reason doesn't really matter. The only livable places in Thailand will be (or are already) the South. If one doesn't want to live in a place of mass tourism, this leaves very few choices.
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