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Everything posted by Lorry

  1. Same my little local khlong, never seen the level so low (central Bangkok)
  2. I gave examples for places without a legal system and without law enforcement. Go visit there and compare to Thailand.
  3. Filmed in Thailand.
  4. I remember reading some do...
  5. There are commercial beggars, often from Cambodia, and often using kids, organized in gangs that keep the money. They occupy the best spots, especially in tourist areas. The goverment discourages Thai people to give to beggars. I don't give to anyone who uses kids. That's child work. On the other hand, begging in a market in a god-forsaken place like Bang Phli, that's not a money- making enterprise. I will usually give them something.
  6. Are there any snakes in Thailand that would follow you? Been there, done that, ages ago. I may need a refresher, thanks for reminding me.
  7. They all are written very similar, containing the letters a, i, n. They all speak unintelligible languages. They all ate peace-loving countries, who have never bombed another country. Really indistinguishable.
  8. Interesting. And you may be right. But it would add "Do not try this at home" More interesting for me: if I run away, will the cobra follow me?
  9. It's the normal way, even the international hospitals may insist on one if they feel you shouldn't be left alone in your room (they can usually organize one, at a cost)
  10. I agree, and make that 99-99.5%.
  11. The main benefit all foreigners here enjoy, and that's based on taxes: you live in a more or less functioning country, with infrastructure including a legal system (laws and law enforcement) There are roads, you don't get robbed if you go out without your gun, there are doctors and hospitals, there is a usable currency and there are banks, and and and... there even is a weather forecast. There are plenty of places in the world where you don't have to file taxes: Haiti, Somalia, the highlands of Papua, Western Sudan, Antarctica, international waters... Even Cambodia doesn't force you to pay taxes. But only one member actually moved there. He writes he is happy there. Most of the others prefer to stay in Thailand and complain. (BTW half of Cambodia's formal GDP is the scam industry, based on kidnapped and trafficked foreign slaves) https://www.usip.org/publications/2024/05/transnational-crime-southeast-asia-growing-threat-global-peace-and-security
  12. You can find this kind of attitude not only in Thailand. Thais deal with it by agreeing completely to the doctor, and, once out of the door, ignoring his advice if they don't like it. BTW the amount of nonsense a doctor hears from patients in his lifetime is quite amazing, and tiring. A guy I know stated on a questionnaire that he was completely healthy. He had no legs, they had been amputated in the Amazon because of sepsis. He also had exactly 26 other diagnoses. He honestly didn't think that he wasn't completely truthful.
  13. So, should oneput a 10B stamp on thd self addressed return envelope or better 40 ?
  14. How to pay for EMS on the SASE? And: mark the return letter with the letters "EMS"?
  15. https://thailand.go.th/issue-focus-detail/001-01-053 Seems only foreigners with PR are supposed to have it, that's not many people. Retirees are just tourists, they do not reside here in the view of the Thai government.
  16. To call a published rule of the TRD a rumour... I have heard of a rumour that drivers should stop at a red light. Just a rumour. Taxing people doesn't give the tax payer any rights at all, in any country. Example: Many slaves foreign workers in the middle east pay taxes there - that doesn't give them any rights.
  17. Only 2 Chinese banks have ATMs in Thailand. ICBC has quite a few ATMs but charges those 220 B. Bank of China has very few ATMs and doesn't accept VISA. They do accept Mastercard/Cirrus, whether they charge 220 B for using those (from a third country) I don't know.
  18. Is the 190,000 B allowance for people over 65 applicable already for the tax year in which you turn 65?
  19. Logic sides with @JimGant The statements of the TRD in the embassy videos side with @chiang mai, the sniff test, too. This is the 27th time we discuss this, nothing new here. Related: buying stuff from iHerb, paying with my foreign CC, and have it sent to Thailand - is this a taxable remittance? I would say no, anybody disagrees?
  20. It's a criminal offence to take food that's near or just over the expiry date and thrown away by the supermarket (many tons every day) out of the garbage container. They call it theft. Scavenging is also forbidden at railway stations, gas stations, airports, subways, wherever. In theory, it is legal at a public trash can in the street. In practice, public trash cans have been abolished. Yes. Trash is metuculosly separated, the trash police will fine people who throw things into the wrong container. It's all collected, nationwide, put onto big ships and shipped to South East Asia (before 2018, China) to be burnt in the open, eg in Laem Chabang.
  21. Agreed - but of course it's enforceable. Enforcement will be unworkable for us, not for the TRD. That's why I call it hostile.
  22. Easy. Let's say, if you aren't here in the year you remit the money, you just fly here, file your taxes and pay them, then fly back. If your Thai is good enough, you may even do it online while abroad. No problem at all.
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