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Posts posted by DrDweeb

  1. In january 2011 it was still abhisit and suthep running the country, the winning elections for the reds was later on, in april. So they had a chance to prosecute. Also it's already over 2 months after the coup. The cąses of LM are prosecuted on the spot or fairly quickly, within days of being commited.

    This case might indicate, that's the charges might be trumped up, fabricated and wouldn't hold up in a civilian court. The court martial, under which he now will be prosecuted is completely a different matter, with closed doors and no right to appeal. Also a gagged up press won't be able to report his defence, as it would breach the law

    It more likely suggests something about your own detachment from reality

    • Like 1
  2. Is this Cronyism? considering his brother is the NCPO chief of the economy, and apparently one of the driving forces behind PRDC? I predicted this a month or so ago. Its all so predictable. An end to cronyism cheesy.gif

    2011- Before the coup the Supreme Administrative Court ruled to overturn a lower court's dismissal and order a judicial review on former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's decision not to reinstate the national police chief.

    2014 - Before the coup the Central Administrative Court ruled that former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva was guilty of dereliction of duty for failing to reinstate former police chief Patcharawat Wongsuwon.

    2014 - Before the coup the Central Administrative Court asked the then-government to reinstate Patcharawat within 60 days of the verdict.

    ​4 words come to mind that are becoming synonymous with the red supporter. "Memories like a goldfish". It is either that or a blatant refusal to look at the facts and instead replace them with a belief structure that supports the PTP rhetoric.

    So to answer you question, unless Wongsuwang had a relative in the Central Administrative Court then it is not nepotism.

    The negativity on TVF no matter what direction the Junta take amazes me and to replace facts with beliefs when nothing bad can be said is a sign of an insecure person whose party is all but a memory and there supporter base are uncovered as terrorists. It is sad really.

    I predicted this a month or so ago. Its all so predictable.

    With that said Smutcakes, I predicted this on the 19th of December, 2011. It is all so predictable.

    And going by the red shirt falangs online site that does the falangs thinking for them also highlighted that the removal of Wongsuwon was a travesty and a manipulation by Ahbisit. See the posts here on "Political Prisinor's of Thailand" (The red shirts bible)

    So with that said it further highlights the below comment I made.

    "The negativity on TVF no matter what direction the Junta take amazes me and to replace facts with beliefs when nothing bad can be said"

    If he was not reinstated it would be a conspiracy by the DEM's and the courts. When he is, it is nepotism. When the Junta found a small amount of weapons it was "An insignificant weapons find" When they found 10% of all weapons finds in 14 years it is "A fake news story". Before the Junta paid the rice farmers it was "They don't care about the farmers" When they paid the farmers it was "They are a populist Junta" Or even comparing this case to the NSC Thawil's case. Where Ahbisit removed the chief because he was found guilty of criminal offenses (at the time) while Thawil was removed to make was for relatives of the Shinawatra'a. These guys are reaching deep into their bag of tricks for excuses.

    That is PTP logic right there folks and a sure sign that, we democratic types can be entertained by these humorous excuses that are more at home in a script on a "Red Dwarf" episode than on TVF and we will read them for some time to come.

    Pull up at a seat and hand me the popcorn. The excuses are only just getting started.

    Let the show begin.

    "Red Dwarf" ... it's been a while, sorely missed

  3. Methinks more like 50 cents worth but well put with good observations and resolutions...if only...

    I still recon Thai has a good Product but like many others consider its hay day as a World leading quality airline has now sadly gone.As an Ex Gold card member I flew almost exclusively on their local domestic and neighbouring Asian routes for many years ...Cambodia,Vietnam,Hong Kong and even more so intercontinential,usually London-Bangkok-Sydney with the odd EU to Bk...but now sorry NO more.About a year ago I used air miles and booked some flights 2 months in advance from CM-BK but found it impossible to get a confirmation (over 20 + emails and telephone calls...on hold)and was basically stuck in CM....but thanks to Tony Fs..Air Asia...all worked out and got to my various destinations in UK and Europe.Should mention that I eventually did got a sms flight confirmation....following day..MPR ..TIT..The future...maybe they will go bankrupt...start again...get a Western CEO who can to use the old expression Kick A.be bought out by Virgin....who knows...?Mai Ko Jai...

    Speaking of FF miles ... the Star Alliance is "realigning" the value and "cost" of their FF miles.

    In simple terms, FF miles are an airline currency, and the SA airlines are going to devalue that currency by increasing the number of miles required to redeem a flight. As they have been increasing the cost of aquisition of FF miles regularly, they are chopping at both ends of the sausage.

    I used a couple of hundred thousand this past year, and am more or less at zero again. I did this in anticipation of the SA move (due next month IIRC). I flew so many LH flights on redeemed tickets that I won't generate enough miles for a new Gold Card next time around (I think they increased the cost of that as well). Pity that, it will be strange to waste so much time at airports again after so many years in the short queue :(

  4. Thai Airways International reports (16-Jul-2014) the following traffic highlights in Jun-2014:

    • Passenger numbers: 1.1 million, -31.3% year-on-year;
    • Passenger traffic (RPKs): -22.9%;
    • Passenger load factor: 59.2%, -10 ppts;
      • Domestic: 60.5%, -5.0 ppts;
      • Regional: 60.2%, -13.0 ppts;
      • Australia: 61.5%, -8.2 ppts;
      • Europe: 56.3%, -7.7 ppts;
      • North Pacific: 74.9%, -6.1 ppts;
      • Africa: 48.4%, -10.8 ppts;
    • Cargo volume: 50,548 tons, -1.2%;
    • Cargo load factor: 54.3%, +4.1 ppts.

    Indeed. Not a pretty sight!

    Thai have renewed a lot of the fleet, and refurbished some aircraft. I seem to be flying on new 777s all the time these days, which compare well to other airlines operating similar equipment.

    There are plenty of airlines that are worse than Thai with which to fly - American, Delta, United and the list goes on (too bad TWA "The Worst Airline" is no longer around to complain about). I know it is "form" to slag off at Thais here, but TGs issues are not unique to TG.

    Thai has not been particularly good in the RM department (and by this I mean technically adept), though this might be improving. Similarly, and like many traditional carriers, they have just too many "grandmas" on the flight staff. Not that these people are inept, but the modern traveller fancies some eye candy on a 22 hr haul. An aging female cabin staff is a characteristic of unionized legacy carriers who cannot cull their staff, resulting in a skewed age range inflight, and higher average personel costs. I will refrain from naming the obvious candidates for the "grandma" airlines.

  5. The problem is they are always looking for a Thai to fill the position. They need to look outside of Thailand for someone who is qualified.

    Perhaps they should take you on as a consultant, you seem to know the answer to it's problems and how easy they are to solve.

    Mango Bob is correct I have been saying it for years. Most of the Middle East airlines have outside CEO's and they are racing away.

    The ME airlines are not constrained by the need to actually earn money.

    Also, speaking from within the industry, I can tell you that it is not just the CEOs that are foreigners!

    I don't think there are many RM departments run (or even largely peopled) by locals among the ME airlines

  6. Putting a big cheese from the Air Force in charge, who has zero experience of running a large corporation (but who is the flavour of the month), will definitely help to improve the situation.

    What do "big cheeses" in the military actually do?

    Answer: They run very, very large organisations.

    Suggesting that senior military leaders (Thai or otherwise) are incapable of organising operations of large organisations suggests a clear ignorance of what senior military officers actually do.

    (Disclaimer: I have no personal experience with the Thai military, but I have worked with multi-starred Generals and down the heirachy on a joint civilian/military project in the US and they were very impressive)

  7. Come on all the Daily Mail readers on TV... Where are you?

    We don't need the Daily Mail to tell us that 20 or more pedophiles have been caught in Pattaya in the last 12 months; the evidence is out there for all to see.

    Fact is, Pattaya is a haven for pedophiles. Get your head out of the sand.

    Fact is, Pattaya is also a haven for quasi-pedophiles and crypto-pedophiles. Guys screwing girls technically "adult" but looking only 14-15. Often the first to post on TV: hang all pedos.



    I have no idea what your terms mean, so here is the correct word for youcoffee1.gif

  8. So true what the poster said about educated Thais.smile.png Talk to a Thai with a university education and who has travelled and ask them their opinion about a regular Thai person and having a conversation with a basic Thai.smile.png You think farang look down on poor Thais? You ain't seen nothing yet!smile.png Outright racism.

    Can one be racist against one's own race?wai2.gif

    That being said, there is little doubt that the various "factions" in Thai society bear little love for each other and they treat each other differently.

    I had a hiso chinese TG (to my everlasting regret - she only paid her own way, which is probably a step up from what most farangs experience, but anyway ...).

    In any case, when she was applying for a visa to travel with me, I commented that it appeared very likely that despite her fulfilling the requirements, it might be problematice to get a visa (the country in question basically treats all asian women as if they are in fact bar girls when applying for visas). Her response was interesting.

    "No problem, I don't look like them and I don't speak like them" ("them" being all the other girls applying for visas).

  9. "Akeyuth became rich running a pyramid scheme two decades ago, and stayed in self-imposed exile until the statute of limitations in the case against him ran out."

    Appears to be a bit of an undesireable...

    So were most of the 2500+ "drug dealers" who got terminated probably, however most here would not argue that their sleaziness and criminality warranted summary execution.

    • Like 1
  10. I dread to think whats happening in their Air Traffic Control towers then.


    Because, for better or worse, ATCs communicate in English. I think the only exception is in emergency situations, a native speaking ATC of country X may communicate with a native speaking pilot from the same country.

    I have spoken English with quite a few Thai pilots, and their English was fine. I have no reason to assume that Thai ATCs do not speak English.

  11. I have just finished teaching an intensive English conversation course to medical students.

    It was a 14 day course with no tests whatsoever. Just pure conversation, fun and games.

    The students wrote in their evaluations that "they learnt more in the last 14 days, without the pressure of grades, than in the whole semester.

    What I mean to say is that the report is correct in many aspects. Thai students have this fear of getting low grades and this probably influences their confidence and learning abilities.

    On a side note...They are all potential surgeons but I hope I never have to be operated on by one of them. Even though the course was fun and games the students cheated a lot by texting messages to each other. If they cheat in fun activities what do they do in their academic studies?

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Unfortunately for the country rather than actual students the whole system is flawed from the outset.

    Cheating isn't really seen as wrong. Remember the incident at Ramkamheng Uni with Mr. Ts son and the comments of the deputy head who said cheating was not a serious matter.

    Students don't really have to fear failure as for many and varied reasons not many do unless an outcast and a real nonentity.

    Students get passes and qualifications they didn't earn or don't deserve and the country gets landed with all these ' qualified ' people.

    The deputy head of Ramkhamhaeng Uni. said cheating is not a serious matter and now it's OK for Thai students to cheat.

    Bill Clinton said BJs weren't sex so now very many high school students in the US give oral sex thinking it is not 'real' sex.

    It begins with the leadership.

    Fairly silly analogy.

    The point is not about the school administrator saying it. The point is that most Thais (old and young, educated and not) seem to agree with the idea.

    How many Americans agreed with Bill Clinton's idiotic statement?

    I shall await your answer.

    OT: When Bill was responding and said "I did not have sex with that women", he was referring to "sex" as described in a rather lengthy and astoundingly complex and comprehensive definition of "sex", penned by the questioners. It was so lengthy that the judge had it shortened to 3 pages (!) IIRC. In any case, during the abridgement, and prior to Bill being asked, "oral sex" somehow got cut. Bill didn't actually lie in any legal sense. The person asking the question had gone to extreme lengths to define sex, and oral sex wasn't in the definition, so Bill's answer was legally truthful. Not Bill's fault really.

    Now, Bill, you, me and everyone else on the planet know what sex is, but in a court of law, that might not count for anything, where the precisie definition of words can swing the outcome of a case.

    And to close, it was a really silly analogy!

  12. In Thailand, they can do it one election cycle.

    The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    From bondage to spiritual faith;

    From spiritual faith to great courage;

    From courage to liberty;

    From liberty to abundance;

    From abundance to complacency;

    From complacency to apathy;

    From apathy to dependence;

    From dependence back into bondage.


    I followed the link. You left out the "meat" IMHO

    "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the people will always vote for those who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

    Somehow I think this applies to everywhere, which in and of itself is a frightening realisation.

  13. In Thailand, they can do it one election cycle.

    The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    From bondage to spiritual faith;

    From spiritual faith to great courage;

    From courage to liberty;

    From liberty to abundance;

    From abundance to complacency;

    From complacency to apathy;

    From apathy to dependence;

    From dependence back into bondage.


    I read the not so long ago that the USA in recent years paassed the point where >50% of the population were directly dependent upon the Government for their livelihood, via direct support and/or by employment in Government service.

    While this has been true for may years in many European states, the USAs fall to this state is a milestone in the decline of that particular democracy.

    Jokes aside, where do you see Thailand?

  14. Unfortunately the biggest criminal is beyond the grasp of even the Junta trying to set up his "Government in Exile".

    I don't think Thaksin is setting up anything.

    attachicon.gifThey Got Thaksin's Family.jpg

    Pictures on bands tying Thaksin, on his mouth: Panthongthae Shinawatra [Thaksin's son]; on his wrists: Pinthongtha and Phaethongtha Shinawatra [Thaksin's daughters]; on his ankles; Pojjaman Na Pompet [Thaksin's former wife]

    [Thaksin's silence since the coup has been unusual. The promised civil war that was threatened for years did not materialize and no coherent strategy was forthcoming from the Pheu Thai Party. Some speculated that the completely unexpected timing of the coup caught Shinawatra family members inside the country and this has stayed Thaksin's hand in definitively stating a position and countermeasures to the coup.]

    Or ....maybe he's just not really the Boogey man...

    btw where is Yingluk ? I'd like to know. Has she been disappeared ?

    Of course he's not the Boogey man (the Bugis are pirate sailors on the SE coast of the Island of Sulawesi and are Indonesian. Thaksin is Sino-Thai). He is, however, the puppet-master who created, the TRT, PPP, PTP, and the UDD, and, until his sister dissolved Parliament, he controlled the Thai government by via Skype and telephone. He's the 'paymaster', the man behind the curtain, and self-described 'caddy'. He is also the man who couldn't accept that his time was past and has been the instigator of 90% of the political unrest in Thailand since 2008. His governments set records for corruption. Who are you trying to fool? One of my best friends is close to Dr. Thaksin and has visited him in HK in the past year seeking favors for a couple of my friend's clients

    Last I read, Ms. Yingluck is just fine and is staying in her home town of CM and keeping a low profile. I'm sure she's glad she is no longer a 'clone'.

    I guess she will just have to be content with being half a clone.


    Reporter: "Yingluck, ar you a clone"?

    Yingluck: "No, of course not! But I can juggle a bit".

    End Joke)

  15. "Separately, NACC member Prasart Pongsivapai said the commission had not yet considered the request filed by Yingluck's lawyer asking the NACC to investigate another eight witnesses from her side in the case of negligence related to the rice-pledging scheme that she is facing. He said he was not sure if the request would be on the NACC meeting agenda next week."

    Speaking of which, where is she lately, and Chalerm, and the rest of the cronies? There has been absolutely no news, AFAIK, about where they are and what they are doing. Are they all under house arrest? Banned from media contact?

    And nothing at all from the narcissist in Dubai. Where is the news of the mottley crew?



  16. You would equally be likely to surprised at the attribution of the wealthiest monarch was provably incorrect, and was comprehensively debunked shortly after its publication.


    The inclusion of the wealth of the "Crown Property Bureau" in the private fortune of the Thai monarch by Forbes is particularly contentious as not all royals were subject to this counting method IIRC. It is unclear exactly what Forbes' reasons were for including the "Crown Property Bureau" in his personal wealth, as doing so basically means that the King "owns" the country and catapaulted him to the top to the surprise of many.

    Who "owns" Crown Land in the UK, how much is it worth, and was that value attributed to the Queen in Forbes' list?

    Then ask the questions other monarchs in the list who are not "absolute monarchs".

    You might be surprised that the Thai Kings elevation to the top of the list alone rests on this specific decision by the compilers of the list at Forbes.

    Btw, Forbes themselves do not claim that their calculation is in any way definitive or even accurate.

    I would go and read a bit more before you really start confusing yourself about the definition of crown land and the crown property bureau.

    I know precisely what they mean, and I am not in any way confused.

    What is your point?

  17. ^ So what ? No way would she be extradited for such frivolity. It isn't a crime on British soil and she didn't commit the "crime" on Thai soil.

    She's in the real world- access to uncensored information -not Ta Ta land's fairy tales.

    The question of whether the offence is illegal in the UK s only relevant for the question of extradition from the UK to Thailand.

    It doesn't matter where she commits the crime, from a Thai law point of view. She could be in Antarctica and it would be the same legal breach.

  18. Ridiculous Law?This is Thailand and we live here as guests and obey their laws as guests. Every country in the world has laws.So if members think this is a stupid law then get on a street corner and tell people to change it . We will see what happens . This is the law of this country as I for one would never talk about the His Royal Majesty as he has done so much for this country something some people forget about.

    What about these laws

    1. In seven U.S. states, according to their constitutions, atheists are barred from holding public office.

    2. Sodomy is illegal, in general, in Idaho, Utah, Michigan, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. In these states, sodomy is only illegal for homosexuals: Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Oral sex is often considered sodomy by many states, according to the Hebrew Bible. Except strangely, you dont see people as equally outraged about this as they are about gay sex.

    3. Interracial marriage was still illegal in Alabama in 2000.

    4. Not until 2008 did the UN Security Council pass UN Security Council Resolution No. 1820 which declared rape and other forms of sexual violence a war crime, a crime against humanity, and a constitutive act with respect to genocide, arising from the conflict in the Balkans, in which violating women became an conspicuous weapon in the war.

    5. Since 1986, US authorities have had the legal right to access any 180-day old email, without a warrant.

    6. In Mobile, Alabama, it is against the law to throw confetti or spray silly string.

    7. In Saudi Arabia, it is illegal for any woman to drive a car. Right now, its illegal for them to vote too. Apparently it will become legal in 2015 (how sweet).

    8. In Dubai, extramarital sex is against the law and could result in jail sentences for over a year. Which means that in rape cases, both the victim and the perpetrator could end up being charged with the same crime.

    9. In Saudi Arabia, there is no minimum age for marriage. In 2008, a Saudi court refused an 8-year-old girl, who asked for a divorce from her 58-year-old husband.

    10. In 29 states in the US it is legal to fire someone for being gay.

    11. In Greece, police are allowed to arrest anyone suspected of having HIV. Police are also allowed to force HIV testing, to publicize the names of HIV-positive people and to have them evicted from their homes.

    12. In the Philippines you can be charged with the crime of unjust vexation for doing just that, vexing someone. And yes, it is as vague and arbitrary as it sounds.

    13. The only two states where divorce is illegal are the Philippines and The Vatican.

    14. In Thailand it is illegal to step on money.

    15. In Singapore, selling non-medical chewing gum or chewing normal gum is a fine of $1000. A second offense costs $2000 and being forced to clean a public area of the city for a day. If a person litters three times, they must clean the streets wearing a bib that reads Im a litterer. Even pharmacists who sell the medical gum and forget to ID get two years in jail. Spitting is also illegal and can result in arrest.

    16. In July 2013 a law was passed in China that states it is illegal for adult children to not visit their parents often in China. They are also required to attend to their parents spiritual needs.

    17. There is a law in South Carolina called the no mock proposal law, which states that anybody above the age of 16-years-old is not allowed to perform a proposal if they do not mean it.

    18. In Montana, proxy weddings are allowed for those serving in the military, which means a friend can pretend to be the groom or the bride and the union will still be considered valid. In some cases both the bride and the groom are absent.

    19. In Arkansas there still exists a law that was instated in the 1800s that states a husband is allowed to beat his wife, but only once a month.

    20. In Rhode Island, a union can be considered invalid under the grounds that the party is deemed to be, collectively, an idiot or a lunatic.

    21. In Arizona, having more than two vibrators in your home is illegal. If you own more than two in your house, you can be subject to criminal possession.

    22. In Iowa, it is illegal for a man with a mustache to kiss a woman in public.

    23. In Massachusetts it is deemed illegal for a woman to be on top during sex.

    24. It is also apparently illegal in Massachusetts for a man and a woman who rent a room for the night to sleep in the nude.

    25. In Virginia, it is illegal for a man to kick a woman out of bed.

    26. In Britain it is illegal to handle a salmon in suspicious circumstances.

    27. In Vermont, a wife needs the husbands permission to wear false teeth.

    28. In North Carolina couples must have sex in the missionary position and with the curtains pulled.

    29. In Britain, it is illegal to import potatoes into England or Wales if you have reasonable cause to believe that they are Polish.

    30. In Oregon, talking dirty while having sex is illegal. Even though they dont really specify what qualifies as dirty talk.

    31. In Utah you can marry your cousin, but only if you are both over the age of 65. Because, you know, when you turn 65 youre known to have impeccable judgment.

    32. In Britain you are not allowed to let your pet mate with any pet form the royal house.

    33. In Utah, a husband is responsible for his wifes actions as long as he is with her at the time of her actions.

    34. In Kentucky, a woman cannot remarry the same man more than three times.

    35. In parts of India, a man who is in debt can offer up his wife until the debt is paid.

    36. In Greece, if anyone wants to get married, the law requires those to publish their wedding notice in a newspaper (written in Greek) or on the City Hall notice board.

    37. In France, it is stated as illegal to marry a dead person.

    38. In Britain, it is illegal to carry a plank along the pavement.

    39. In Hong Kong, theres a law that allows a wife to kill her husband if she finds him cheating. However, she must kill him with her bare hands.

    40. In Britain it is illegal to operate a cow while intoxicated.

    41. In Pennsylvania, it is illegal to tie a dollar bill to a string on the ground and pull it away when someone tries to pick it up.

    42. In New York City it is illegal to honk your horn. If you do, youre at risk of paying $350 fine.

    43. In Florida, its illegal to fart in a public place after 6pm on a Thursday.

    44. In England it is illegal to die in the House Of Parliament, but something tells me that if someone did do this, they wouldnt face many repercussions?

    45. By law, any whale or great Sturgeon caught in the UK is the property of the Queen.

    46. In Samoa it is illegal to forget your wifes birthday.

    47. In Britain, oddly enough it is illegal to be drunk in the pub.

    48. In Missouri it is illegal to drive with an uncaged bear

    49. In Turin, Italy, dog owners must take their dogs on a walk at least three times a day.

    50. In Honolulu, Hawaii it is illegal to sing loudly after sunset.

    51. In Sweden it is illegal to be found buying the services of a prostitute, even though prostitution is legal. Which means the prostitutes themselves would not be breaking the law. In the past few years Iceland and Norway have also adopted this law.

    52. In Victoria, Australia, it is illegal to change a light bulb unless youre a licensed electrician.

    53. In the UK, a law still exists from the Middle Ages that requires all males over the age of 14 to be trained in shooting a long bow.

    54. Bangladeshi children of 15 and older can be sent to jail for cheating on their final exams.

    55. In Australia, men are free to cross-dress, just as long as their dresses are not strapless.

    56. In Florida it is illegal for a divorced or a widowed woman to skydive on a Sunday afternoon.

    57. In Switzerland, it is illegal to flush a toilet after 10pm. This one confounds me.

    58. In Canada, any comic book that portrays illegal activity is banned.

    59. In Argentina, there is a law that states that Argentine nightclubs must play the same amount of tango music as all other forms of music combined.

    60. In China, it is a law that a person must be intelligent to go to college.

    61. Married New Yorkers cannot get divorced on grounds of irreconcilable differences unless both marriage partners agree on those grounds.

    62. In Tennessee it is legal to carry a loaded firearm into a bar. Seems safe.

    63. In Norway, there is a law that protects all female dogs and cats from being spayed. Only male dogs and cats can be neutered. Also, an ancient Norwegian law still still exists that obliges all Norwegians to go out on expeditions to rape and plunder at least once every five years.

    64. In France, it is illegal to name a pig Napoleon. Apparently this is a slight to the great French general and emperor.

    65. In Britain it is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the monarchs head upside down on an envelope.

    66. In Russia, Vladimir Putin just recently made it illegal to tell kids that gay people exist.

    67. In Colorado it is illegal to collect rainwater. Apparently farmers and landowners are being punished for this

    The king himself asked for the law to be changed......In fact, wouldn't not changing it be Less Mandate....

    IIRC, HM invited the law changed to allow criticism of his actions.

    HM did not, I contend, wish to allow hate speech, libel, slander and so on. HM has no recourse in law against these offences, and LM protects him as such from this form of abuse by providng "blanket coverage". His wish to acknowledge his own imperfection stands in stark contrast to many other figures in Thailand.

  19. This lady is in the UK where she will not be charged or arrested for her views, however if she returns to Thailand she will of course be charged and imprisoned. I really didn't understand the references to Joe Gordon and Harry Nicholadis as they were only arrested once they set foot in Thailand.

    Reading comprehension and context. They are not just a theory, but a good idea.

    A poster wrote, quote:

    if a person said something about the monarchy while outside of Thailand in a country that allows free speech, I don't believe they can be charged with anything.


    The poster is wrong. He is not wrong in theory, he is not wrong in his "belief". He is completely wrong. A person who says something about the monarchy outside of Thailand can be charged. No... sorry, not "can be" ... has been charged. Numerous times. Their physical place, their nationality... none of this has anything to do with charges. I picked two such people, reasonably well known, who were charged long before they entered this country. There are MANY other cases and Ms Rose will be another for certain.

    Then, when said person(s) set foot in Thailand, they were arrested, and away they go.

    In Nicolaides' case, for example (repeat "for example"), the charges were held in abeyance for many years, nine as I remember, just in case he returned to Thailand. Which he did. He even knew about the (old) charges but thought (if I may use the term loosely) they had been forgotten, forgiven or somesuch. He was charged for, in the words of the mistaken poster, "saying something about the monarchy while outside of Thailand in a country" where this is not an offence, YEARS before his detention, arrest and incarceration. Actually, really, charged, while outside Thailand.

    The idea that Rose will not be charged is a fantasy. She will be. I'd be surprised if she hasn't already been charged but I don't care enough to find out since it is absolutely certain she will be.


    Oh dear, more intelligent, coherent and informed posts. Be careful, the TV brotherhood do not take kindly to being presented with factual coherent posts! thumbsup.gif

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