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Posts posted by DrDweeb

  1. Thailand is a dangerous place at the moment...

    The culture is deteriorating daily into chaos bordering on anarchy...

    Add a mentality of corruption...thugs...mafia...mediocre IQ...low self-esteem...lawlessness...saving face...add a dash of Muslim terrorism and border clashes...add in a cup of ineffective government...you have a recipe for the current living conditions in Thailand...

    Happy New Year!

    have to agree, there is a lot off movement current going into the fixed flux but cant agree that its approaching highly dangerous at this point. high awareness yes. if i was outside perhaps i would be holding off entry but being inside cant see acute reason to leave at this point. am in the provinces not bkk. was in hatyai when they were last mass shooting in bkk a while back. then as now its a ripple on a distant shore.

    The male of the species carries two heads. Male behaviour tends to be dictated by the smaller and less rational of the two, in most matters pertaining the the female of the species. Minor lapses such as the OPs comments, can be best ignored. Most males live with a disjunct between their two heads advice on a daily basis and ignore the rational head as a matter of principle.

  2. Pretty poor show by the BBC to drag out this clueless twit; completely out of his depth. Is this the best the opposition can muster?

    Very probably.

    When I worked in Thailand I used to be constantly flabbergasted by how ignorant even supposedly educated people were. There were whole classes of university students incapable of naming eight capital cities, or five major world rivers. There was a class of middle-management bank employees, not ONE of whom had ever heard of Pol Pot or the Khmer Rouge. And these weren't kids - what had happened across the border had occurred within their lifetimes. But of course, 'mai roo' is a national cliche.

    This blanket and almost willful ignorance, even among the middle classes, is naturally hugely problematic when you're trying to have intelligent political discourse because there's no context in which to place ideas, or history to judge them against. The result is the moronic theatre of the absurd that passes for political discourse in Thailand.

    Great post it really is a huge problem in Thailand just the complete lack of intelligent conversation that goes on between people in regards to politics. Education is the key but unfortunately the higher ups don't want the working or indeed middle class to start thinking that they should questions things from an early age. Imagine Thai students in a Thai history class discussing the rights and wrongs of certain events or decisions made by important Thai people instead of the usual horse manure of Thailand defeated Burma and were never conquered and we have never been influenced by any other culture in the world. You look at someone like Abhisit and you realize that there has to be a reason why he doesn't use the amazing education he has received during his life to better use, a man of that intelligence has to be making a concious decision of keeping the status quo.

    Politics is "the art of the possible". No matter how intelligent or well educated one man is (in the case Abhisit), even if he is the nominal leader, there are limits to what can be done and how quickly anything useful can be achieved. Actually he did achieve some important things while in government, but they have been since torn down and overshadowed by the Ragnarok that is now descending on Thailand. Abhisit is really just an observer in what is happening at the moment, because what is being played out is no happening in the formal political arena. Accusing Abhisit of "acting to maintain the status quo" ignores the political reality of Thailand in which all politicians gifted and moronic alike must operate.

    (edited spelling)

  3. Pray tell, why is it suddenly Abhisit's responsibility to "hand Suthep over to justice"?

    Is Abhisit a member of the police force?

    Is Abhisit Suthep's legal guardian?

    Stupid post. Try again

    Is Abhisit the head of the "Democracy Party" cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif for which Suthep claims to be the leader spokesman?

    Not so "stupid", after all, is it?

    Yes it is, galactically so in fact, and your followup equally lacks a clear understanding of the meaning of your original post.

    Hint: If you don't understand big words, try not to use them. You will appear less foolish.

    Membership or otherwise of a political party has naught to do with justice or the exercising of it, nor should it. Abhisit has no more obligation or right to "hand Suthep over to justice" than you or I.

    So, 2 stupid posts in a row. Want to try for 3?

    Just because you say they are "stupid" is no reason in itself to consider that they are.

    I stand by them.

    Each of them.

    I hope others can see through your cowardly attempt to lessen their worth.

    "We've got a winner"!

    I quite reasonably equate illogical, uninformed and illiterate as stupid, I will let you choose your own epithet from that very short list.

    You have singularly failed to grasp why your original post was "stupid", despite it having been shown to you. Native English speakers are unlikely to consider my subsequent posts as a "cowardly attempt to lessen their worth".

  4. From the OP headline:

    "People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban declared Saturday night that the entire capital Bangkok will be completely shut down..."


    It's been a slow train coming and I think Khun Suthep is choosing to ignore the fact that his "Democracy Party" cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif supporters may well end up being outnumbered at least two-to-one by the voters who (democratically) elected the current government (not forgetting that the world's media will also be upon Mr S's proposed Thai transition from democracy to autocracy).

    This isn't the 1930's. People can see and report and if Abhisit (despite his expensive education) remains stupid enough to think the rest of the world will tolerate the birth of yet another North Korea, he is sadly mistaken.

    About time Abhisit grew some and had Suthep handed over to the justice he so richly deserves.

    A padded cell awaits him, I imagine.

    The sooner Mr Suthep gets the ball rolling, the better.

    Pray tell, why is it suddenly Abhisit's responsibility to "hand Suthep over to justice"?

    Is Abhisit a member of the police force?

    Is Abhisit Suthep's legal guardian?

    Stupid post. Try again

    Is Abhisit the head of the "Democracy Party" cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif for which Suthep claims to be the leader spokesman?

    Not so "stupid", after all, is it?

    Yes it is, galactically so in fact, and your followup equally lacks a clear understanding of the meaning of your original post.

    Hint: If you don't understand big words, try not to use them. You will appear less foolish.

    Membership or otherwise of a political party has naught to do with justice or the exercising of it, nor should it. Abhisit has no more obligation or right to "hand Suthep over to justice" than you or I.

    So, 2 stupid posts in a row. Want to try for 3?

  5. Personally speaking, I've never been much of a one for politics - here, or back home, and I think it would be fair to say that I am politically uneducated. However, I've been trying to follow this situation on here and - correct me if I'm wrong - from what I read, basically there's no one party any better than the other. They're all just self serving megalomaniacs? Is there an actual workable solution for Thailand? I mean, are there ANY politicians here who are actually worth voting for?

    Individually, almost certainly. But once they form a "gang" and achieve power, the lowest common denominator is the force.

  6. From the OP headline:

    "People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban declared Saturday night that the entire capital Bangkok will be completely shut down..."


    It's been a slow train coming and I think Khun Suthep is choosing to ignore the fact that his "Democracy Party" cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif supporters may well end up being outnumbered at least two-to-one by the voters who (democratically) elected the current government (not forgetting that the world's media will also be upon Mr S's proposed Thai transition from democracy to autocracy).

    This isn't the 1930's. People can see and report and if Abhisit (despite his expensive education) remains stupid enough to think the rest of the world will tolerate the birth of yet another North Korea, he is sadly mistaken.

    About time Abhisit grew some and had Suthep handed over to the justice he so richly deserves.

    A padded cell awaits him, I imagine.

    The sooner Mr Suthep gets the ball rolling, the better.

    Pray tell, why is it suddenly Abhisit's responsibility to "hand Suthep over to justice"?

    Is Abhisit a member of the police force?

    Is Abhisit Suthep's legal guardian?

    Stupid post. Try again

  7. When the government does not listen, what can any one do. It is a desprate attempt, but these are desperate times. The government has not been forth coming with any information about the rice scheme. It is an option for them to provide it or not. Seems like that YS thinks that if the majority don't care about the abuse of power with the rice scheme, then it must not be important. Wrong....in a democracy everyones voice is as important as many. An election is a process which majority of the people believe that the elected offcial is best to lead and unite the country in the best interest of all its citizens. It does not mean that the leader will only care or put a major budget towards the majority. They must balance for the greater good of the nation. No one had any gripes or protest when she won. But the things that she has done with the Rice scheme, 1st car scheme, tablet for every child, illegal admendment to the constitution, passage of the amnesty bill...all of this happen under her leadership. She has not taken any accountability for anything. Always passing on the buck. Citizens have the rights to demand an answer. But no answer. Even the rice scheme, the first year they couldn't produce any information. For the benefit of the doubt, let's assume that it is complicated and take time to gather information. Doesn't that mean that it is being mismanaged. In that case, let temporarily stop the program. As everyone know, the farmer got angry. So they continue. Because it was ill concieved and would loose support of the North and reveal the truth that it was used to buy votes at the expense of the taxpayers. Yes I said it. Vote buying. Things like this that is causing Thailand to go in to financial dire. Project like this is one of the reforms that must happen. So parties can not promise impossible projects. All project must have fisical discipline. All the project is just spend and spend without any regard for balancing the budget. And then the 2 Trillon with as much transparency as the Rice Scheme that has passed. That was the last draw. The govt that can't even manage the rice scheme is quality to manage a 2Trillion budget. I think not. I can talk about the massive rice scheme corruption going. But that is not for this thread. Thai democracy is still evolving. This is part of it of its evolution. Remember, YS may have come by a legitmate way of the election through the democractic way. But her action is far from the democratic way, which makes her illegitament. One can not choose which gear of democracy to turn they all must turn in order for it to run.

    And can you name one western democracy that doesn't indulge in 'vote buying' by political parties, beggaring the public finances with promises of largesse? I can't. It's standard procedure in UK, and that's why borrowing is out of control there.

    If the Thai people don't like what Yingluk's government have done, then they can vote her out, same as they do everywhere else that runs with a parliamentary democracy. What Suthip is doing is born of petulance because he can't have it all his own way. Well tough shit. That's how democracy works. You want power, then go to the people with policies that will make them want to vote for you. That's how democracy is done. What Suthip is trying to achieve is mob rule and is totally illegitimate.

    When elected governments run amok (as the puppet YS government very clearly has) most western democracies have a system in place to dissolve the government and replace it with a caretaker government while things get sorted. This "release valve" is normally the monarch or a president. There are plenty of examples where this has happened in "The West" and I won't bore you with a list.

    What is happening here is a revolt to bring down a democratically elected, extremely corrupt and incompetent puppet government before it is too late - because the "release valve" is currently inoperable at the moment. YS's government are incompetent to the extreme and very soon the country will be in some considerable financial pain because of it, not to mention the very real pain that the farmers who are yet to be paid for their pledged rice are experiencing right now. There are just too many bad acts instigated on YS's watch, and her puppet government deserved to fall.

    I am not a big fan of Suthep, but at least he was able to muster enough support to put enough pressure on YS to call an election. It remains to be seen how the chips will fall.

    PS: "Vote buying" is the act of paying cash for votes. A PTP speciality, because they are really, really well funded by their "I want to be the King" leader.

    Wooing voters buy allocating spending to specific regions is something practiced in all democracies and is not a problem because it happens in the open and is indistinguishable from any other governmental allocation.

    • Like 1
  8. Suthep and Abhisit are just like other dictators and thugs. If you cannot win an election (even after three different constitutions) and you are labeled a born loser you use your brown or black Mussolini shirts to force people in submission.

    That's fine. We know how Suthep and the Democrat party have ruled in Southern Thailand. We know that they cannot even control one single village over there and that they embraced violence in the South. But Bangkok is not the south. Only a mere 25% of Bangkokians are registered as such and vote. 75% is unregistered and mainly red.

    Suthep can muster 150000 people on the streets and he can use his Malay and Chinese speaking thugs to attack the police. But he grossly overestimate his power if he thinks that he can commit another act of treason. Even an army leader who was born before the computer age and who has never learned to use twitter or social media will understand that they have to take him and his thugs out. if the Bangkokians who are losing their livelihood will not do it themselves.

    Suthep is a chicken.

    Ahhisit, a sitting member of parliament and leader of the Dems.

    Suthep, self styled leader of the people's revolution.

    I wonder why you need to label Abhisit in this case, he is not in the game at this point, merely watching it.

    Actually, I do know, your just another disgruntled little red apologist who needs to show his lack of intellect at every possible occasion.

    FYI: There is more to democracy than winning elections, unfortunately you have no clue about this and sadly, apparently neither do most Thai politicians.

    I don't think Abhisit is a sitting member of parliament right now or will be if they have the elections on 2 Feb 14

    Did he resign his seat?

    I may have missed that in all the turmoil. If not, then he holds his seat until the next election. The fact that an election has been called in no way changes his MP status.

    Were he to lose his seat (or fail to run) in the next election, then that would be a change in status.

  9. Suthep and Abhisit are just like other dictators and thugs. If you cannot win an election (even after three different constitutions) and you are labeled a born loser you use your brown or black Mussolini shirts to force people in submission.

    That's fine. We know how Suthep and the Democrat party have ruled in Southern Thailand. We know that they cannot even control one single village over there and that they embraced violence in the South. But Bangkok is not the south. Only a mere 25% of Bangkokians are registered as such and vote. 75% is unregistered and mainly red.

    Suthep can muster 150000 people on the streets and he can use his Malay and Chinese speaking thugs to attack the police. But he grossly overestimate his power if he thinks that he can commit another act of treason. Even an army leader who was born before the computer age and who has never learned to use twitter or social media will understand that they have to take him and his thugs out. if the Bangkokians who are losing their livelihood will not do it themselves.

    Suthep is a chicken.

    Ahhisit, a sitting member of parliament and leader of the Dems.

    Suthep, self styled leader of the people's revolution.

    I wonder why you need to label Abhisit in this case, he is not in the game at this point, merely watching it.

    Actually, I do know, your just another disgruntled little red apologist who needs to show his lack of intellect at every possible occasion.

    FYI: There is more to democracy than winning elections, unfortunately you have no clue about this and sadly, apparently neither do most Thai politicians.

    • Like 1
  10. It is a one group play Yellow shirt elite will force the yellow shirt army backed by the yellow shirt judiciary to use a military coup to control the Yellow shirt backed Bangkok elite.

    If the Red shirts tried this they'd be murdered by army shot in the head like the 93 unarmed Red Shirts 20 months ago.

    The middle class do not support the Yellow shirt dogmatic, elite. The Yellow shirts are hired, thugs, miscreants and paid anarchists. Judiciary has caused this confrontation by not implemanting the rule of law they have sworn to up hold (no arrest war rent for Sutephs break ,enter inciting riot....give me a break...are the people niece in the face of a prjudice judiciary tandumed with eager generals waiting for their entrance cue from the elite. If I wasn't actually witnessing this I would never believe the

    elite could corral the public like this, subvert democracy, distroy freedom of speach, walk over human rights, treat the general populice as ignorant inconsequential beings. The press in the West needs to get in here and witness the abuse of power....power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    I must have missed something, I thought the Reds were in power and were absolutely corrupted, operating via remote control from Dubai with a puppet PM doing the puppeteer's dance.

    And I not again, I simply do not see the "yellow" v "red" thing happening here. This is far more fundamental.

    Latest from up country is the family still has received no money for rice, and no one else for miles around. Were the farmers to descend on Bangkok and uproot YS with pitchforks and axes it might get interesting

    (PS. get a spell checker and/or learn to spell)

  11. No pain, no gain. I hope the PDRC have worked out how to implement a strategy for exit counseling for a couple of million people from the cult of Shinawat. As with any cult following, rebuilding the followers self esteem and life can be difficult and traumatic after coming to terms with having been used by the cult leader for his own personal benefit only. I have to admit some surprise that Thaksin has been so successful in building such a cult following, he can't levitate like Shoko Asahara, can't write pop songs like Charlie Manson and doesn't have the good looks of Jimmy Jones. Either way, I wish PDRC luck trying to deprogram and re-educate the Isaanites.

    Thailands future rests in your hands Khun Suthep. Fight the good fight, uniting the country will earn you reverence in the Thai history books.

    Only naive newbies would think the yellows are somehow better in this. For example the corruption index of Thailand jumped from position 62 to over 80 during the yellow rule of 2006-2008. Now it is over 100.

    "Surayud's government was a controversial one. There was a significant worsening in perceived levels of corruption during his government. Surayud's Deputy Finance Minister, Sommai Pasee, was sentenced to jail for abuse of power. Surayud raised the military budget by 35% and was accused of economic mismanagement, rampant human rights abuses, and flip-flopping on numerous policies." - wiki

    Quoting wiki will not earn you many points, wiki has its own problems where many contentious articles are regularly trolled and controlled by individuals telling one side of the story.

  12. If it's not too much to ask! could they also trace back and freeze the accounts of the one who paid for the Bangkok riots in 2010,and who paid out the cash that financed the 3 month ransom and burning of Bangkok! among other places in Thailand?

    It was widely publicised at the time, that Thaksin's "bagman" Yingluck sent her personal lackeys to withdraw an obscene amount of money, in cash, which was ostensibly used to fund the "burning of Bangkok". The xact amount escapes me at the moment.

    edit ...

    I do recall that the lackeys claimed the money was for "lottery tickets and jewellery"

  13. I have not seen one farmer that has not been paid yet. I just don't believe it sorry. If thousands of farmers would not have been paid yet they would be in Bangkok already.

    The Rice Mills are the one that didn't have been paid yet but many give cash out to farmers that bring their supply in for a discount.

    Most rice from farmers in Isaan at least that I know off don't qualify for the pledging as the quality is not Grade A. Many have been turned down in our village.

    I can name 3 for starters ... family ... there are a great many who have not been paid. I rather hope it gets ugly for the sock-puppet, she deserves no less!

    • Like 2
  14. I wonder if you lads will be cheering when Abhsit is found guilty of murder?

    IF that day ever comes, we'll see.

    However today, we have a guilty person and he's getting what he deserves.

    I seem to have missed something. Has a court adjudicated on this matter?

    If the answer is no, then he is by definition innocent until such time as a court determines, based on evidence, that an offence was committed.

    The ignorant troll count on TV seems to be rising rapidly sad.png

    I read the word the word 'guilty' and 'sentenced' so yeah Prompong is guilty and is getting what he deserves. As for Abhisit, the trial has just started so IF he's ever found guilty, we can see who here will cheer that verdict.

    It was unclear to me to whom the poster referred. Not enough quotes.

    Apologies, 1 guilty, 1 in the dock and 1 "I'll be along when I get a free moment" by my count.

  15. Amazing Thailand for sure, you get jail time for slander, but its OK to drive high on cocaine and drunk run over and kill a policeman and just walk away. Just shows you how much power the rich BKK elites have!

    OFF Topic, but I get tired of reading libellous statements that should be removed. It is equally illegal to libel bad guys as it is good guys.

    Not all countries have vehicular manslaughter or other similar statutes, incl. Thailand.

    In many western countries, he would have received a lengthy probabtionary sentence (not necessarily gaol) and very heavy fines, loss of licence to drive forever etc. But gaol time is not a necessary outcome, it depends very much on the laws of the particular land. In some countries there would have been mandatory gaol sentencing, once it was proven that he was at the wheel, that is not the case in Thailand as I understand it.

    It is very likely he was the driver (not sure if that fact has been ascertained as fact by the courts)

    He might have been high (unproven and unprovable, since he left the scene of the crime)

    He might have been drunk (ditto)

    He was certainly speeding

    If he was the driver, he certainly drove negligently

    Like it or not, heavy fines are the best the Thai law has at its disposal. I would suggest rescinding the right to drive for about 80 years would also be appropriate.

    Paying the family compensation is pretty normal in asia and many other places - this is a civil thing and has already occurred.

    While I am personally appalled at this particular young man and his actions, the fact is that neither the "drunk" no "high" accusations are provable to the court, neither would they be in most western juristictions. He left the scene of the crime, the chain is broken. It was a despicable move, an illegal act, and his subsequent actions were equally reprehensible. No question, but they are not gaolable offences.

    You writing that he was "high on cocaine and drunk" is ignorant and libellous btw.

    Fair comment. In most Western countries its also an offence to leave the scene of an accident and attempt to pervert the course of justice. The latter, if proven, is usually heavily punished. Wasn't the poor servant involved in the perverting attempt jailed already? What happened to the policeman - moved to an inactive post? No charges laid elsewhere.

    The whole legal process, enforcement, investigative, judicial, works differently here. That's how it is, However, the courts and police can only work within that legal and cultural framework.

    It seems horrific to us and scandalous that someone can avoid justice like this, But, it's all being done in ways which are accepted here. Pay blood money, attending funeral, leave country before due in court, then can't come back because ill, statute limitations expires on speeding etc. Why did it get to the 11th hour and he was allowed to go out the country ? Who knows. But speculation is irrelevant. The of Thailand, applied in the Thai way are what count, Not what others may think.

    Up to now, nothing has been proven in court, and no verdict passed. Innocent until proven guilty.

    Yes, I described leaving the scene as "an illegal act" and what happenned subsequently as "despicable".

    I have a more colourful glossary, but I suspect I might have been kicked had I used it :D

    • Like 1
  16. I wonder if you lads will be cheering when Abhsit is found guilty of murder?

    IF that day ever comes, we'll see.

    However today, we have a guilty person and he's getting what he deserves.

    I seem to have missed something. Has a court adjudicated on this matter?

    If the answer is no, then he is by definition innocent until such time as a court determines, based on evidence, that an offence was committed.

    The ignorant troll count on TV seems to be rising rapidly :(

    • Like 1
  17. Abhisit the hypocite .

    Accuses former PM Somchai of not being Thai and not even human when two protesters get killed when police try to disperse PAD protesters. Later he files a murder charge against him

    Now he wants Yingluck to take responsibility for this and that but won't admit to his own culpability for the 2010 deaths.

    Hardly surprising the Democrats don't want to face another election. He is as despised as Thaksin, probably more so.

    As for amnesty....not an issue for them as they all seem to have immunity......a much better arrangement

    Oh dear, what a confused and incoherent post.

    Please try again, and try to support your conjecture with at least some semblence of evidence or reasoning.

  18. Quite simply during Thaksins 2010 attack on Bangkok yes they were offered early elections by PM Abhisit which they declined.


    PS : Good luck finding it. The only Red Shirt demand was new elections as a loophole in the Thai constitution had allowed individual MPs to switch sides in between elections giving the Dems enough MPs to form the "coalition".

    What on earth makes you think it is a loophole? That ability is there BY DESIGN. Members are elected personally, and they have the absolute right to change allegience according to their conscience. That is how it is supposed to work. Just like, well, everywhere.

    That you do not lknow this makes you ignorant. Try education, demonstrating that you have some will improve how others perceive you.

  19. I don't care much for Abhisit or what he represents, but he deserves credit for walking into the courtroom and standing up against whatever comes. Unlike his "indicted co-conspirator", the would-be dictator Suthep.

    The case will go nowhere, and will ultimately be dismissed. It's a loser for PTP to pursue this.

    Although for sure it's a loser for the PTP to pursue I have little sympathy for a man who while the protest was still peaceful and this started going on...

    "The army were firing live rounds on civilians. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself"

    Paul, British teacher


    Has the same night on national Television a spokesman say:

    A government spokesman denied reports that live rounds had also been fired.

    "There were no live bullets fired at protesters," Panitan Wattanayagorn said on national TV, AFP agency reported.

    I don't know about you but I tend to believe Paul the English teacher and if the BBC knew there is little doubt Abhisit knew too.

    a) Eye-witness reports are notoriously unreliable

    B) So is the BBC

  20. Amazing Thailand for sure, you get jail time for slander, but its OK to drive high on cocaine and drunk run over and kill a policeman and just walk away. Just shows you how much power the rich BKK elites have!

    OFF Topic, but I get tired of reading libellous statements that should be removed. It is equally illegal to libel bad guys as it is good guys.

    Not all countries have vehicular manslaughter or other similar statutes, incl. Thailand.

    In many western countries, he would have received a lengthy probabtionary sentence (not necessarily gaol) and very heavy fines, loss of licence to drive forever etc. But gaol time is not a necessary outcome, it depends very much on the laws of the particular land. In some countries there would have been mandatory gaol sentencing, once it was proven that he was at the wheel, that is not the case in Thailand as I understand it.

    It is very likely he was the driver (not sure if that fact has been ascertained as fact by the courts)

    He might have been high (unproven and unprovable, since he left the scene of the crime)

    He might have been drunk (ditto)

    He was certainly speeding

    If he was the driver, he certainly drove negligently

    Like it or not, heavy fines are the best the Thai law has at its disposal. I would suggest rescinding the right to drive for about 80 years would also be appropriate.

    Paying the family compensation is pretty normal in asia and many other places - this is a civil thing and has already occurred.

    While I am personally appalled at this particular young man and his actions, the fact is that neither the "drunk" no "high" accusations are provable to the court, neither would they be in most western juristictions. He left the scene of the crime, the chain is broken. It was a despicable move, an illegal act, and his subsequent actions were equally reprehensible. No question, but they are not gaolable offences.

    You writing that he was "high on cocaine and drunk" is ignorant and libellous btw.

    • Like 1
  21. The threat of gaol time is intended to be a deterrent

    Serving gaol time is a punishment.

    It would serve Thailand no end of good to start dumping clowns like this guy (and TS, Jutaporn and about 100 others we can all name from both sides of the spectrum) for that matter in gaol. Were the threat to become suddenly real, improved behaviour might result.

    Personally, I would put YS in gaol for lying to parliment, deriliction of duty and contempt and possibly treason. It is unclear to me how a leader of government is openly allowed to be directed from abroad by a convicted felon, without legal repercussions. Skyping to cabinet meetings? I ask you, really?

    She is TS's "clone" so she should do TS's time since TS is a runaway.

    Trust me, this would straighten up a lot of these leeches pretty quick smart.

    • Like 2
  22. The army didn't start shooting until after they were blown up by grenades.

    Abhisit was elected in the same way as Thaksin, Samak, Somchai (especially Somchai) and Yingluck. Just because they don't understand the parliamentary system doesn't give them the right to use violence to force him to step down.

    Sent from my phone ...

    Sorry to burst your bubble but he was in fact appointed by the Dems when they seized power and not elected at all .... biiig difference.

    PS no im not a red supporter just get your facts straight.

    You need some lessons is the Westminster parliamentary system.

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