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Kevin Taylor

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Everything posted by Kevin Taylor

  1. Its bad. I think school kids are owed an apology from governments around the world for closing their schools for a virus that did not really affect them. A couple of years of education and learning lost.
  2. Why listen to these clowns about how to run a country. They have been pathetic from the start.
  3. Worth a try contary to present views trying different things and exploring different possibilities is how science and progress works. If you think its snake oil dont take it. Check the WHO website for what to do to treat covid symptoms. Last time I checked it was isolate and shut the hell up. Your choice.
  4. I am so over all this covid mania. Open everything up immediately and give people the choice to make their own judgement on risk. If you are a very unhealthy individual who has one or more of the extremely well documented health conditions that make covid deadly stay home. I dont really think the superspreader fears are valid anymore. Its been spreading through the population for many months at 10000 a day or more reported, figure the daily unreported is many times that. Theres plenty of natural immunity out there now aswell as vaccine protection.
  5. Actually I heard Australia were planning on building them themselves. That could be fun, with the insane woke culture they've got going on their they will no doubt select the engineers based on inclusion of race and gender. Go for it I say let's just see how over budget and time it is. They'll probably insist on painting it in appropriate lbgq colours.
  6. Never really understood these Puritans and why they are so keen to inflict their narrow view onto others. In a strange way I am ok with it make Thailand as dismal and boring as possible make Nightlife entertainment and alcohol illegal, like it presently is. No problem I will leave and gladly give my place to one of the quality tourists of which you speak. Please go through with all your plans and make my decision easy.
  7. Merck is the company that used to make Ivermectin under patent. Just saying.
  8. Who are these people that come up with this stuff ? Have they ever met a tourist ?
  9. I kind of thought crime would be mucher higher given the massive financial strain put on people by enforced business closures and lockdowns. All I really see is a lot more homeless and poor people struggling. Leads me to think most Thai people are actually very decent and kind people. It can't continue like this though eventually good people will turn to crime if they are denied the ability to earn money. This whole situation due to lockdowns which have no effect on reducing virus spread. Still people are sticking to the narative that lockdowns make you safe. Absolute rubbish, they have caused all the problems and solved none.
  10. Unfortunate. No evidence that the bike rider was speeding or doing anything wrong though, people just make that assumption. Personally when driving I worry far less about big bike riders doing something crazy and involving me in an accident than people on little step through scooters.8
  11. Oh dear Now these people have had a taste of draconian lockdowns and oppressing peoples freedoms they want to do it more. I dunno does it make them feel powerful ? Why would you want to oppress the population.
  12. Ok so lets say Ivermectin is bad and under no circumstances should I take it if I get covid. What is the official treatment here in Thailand, or for that matter anywhere. I've looked and I don't know. After almost two years of this what are these so called health agencies advising we do to treat ourselves ? Seems to me all they say is take a paracetamal and shutup. It would be nice if they would give actual health advise instead of scaremongering and attacking any doctors that actually try to treat people with covid.
  13. It's almost not news, I wish the people luck in trying to get a government they want and actually vote for.
  14. Wow this actually seems like they have thought about things a bit and are trying to move forward. I have to say I'm surprised by this good for them. It is for real right ?
  15. Me personally ? I have taken responsibility for my own health, exercising daily trying to get vitamin d from the sun, lose weight, eat better etc. I will take a jab when I can get it, apart from that what am I supposed to do ? I've adhered to all the restrictions from day one, what I can't do is be a cheerleader for them, it seems doing something extreme like lockdowns is attractive to governments because it gives the appearance that they are doing something definitive and appear powerful and in control, an effort to deflect from their own mismanagement and lack of understanding of the situation. Look after your own health is all you can if you do that it doesn't matter who is out after curfew or hasn't had a jab or isn't wearing their mask properly.
  16. So you think anywhere at any time lockdowns are enforced infections go down. Look around you thats not true here in Thailand. Take away peoples ability to earn money and they are forced to group together to survive more people sharing accomodations. Look at the now many homeless they group together for safety. Not everyone has the ability to stay in there house order takeaways and live off their pension. By taking away peoples income you are forcing them to group together whilst taking the moral high ground and blaming them for the increase in infections.
  17. Further madness. None of the mega stores that have stayed open all this time have had to do this. Now small business is looking to open government wants to put road blocks in the way. You still get covid if your vaccinated by the way, it is just hoped that symptoms are less severe, so literally what is the point of only allowing vaccinated people in restaraunts ?
  18. I specifially never mentioned age because an American cdc study of 540000 covid deaths I read didn't either. The study looked at covid deaths and the 7 or 9 pre existing conditions. 99.3% of the dead had 1 or more of the pre existing conditions most had more than one. The number one co morbidity by far was obesity. I think in terms of age it's more about the miles, how many medical problems you accumulate along the way. In terms of the hospitals I dunno how long do you want to wait for ?
  19. Lockdowns of the entire population is dumb. It' really quite well known who the at risk of dying people are. Wouldn't it have made more sense for sick ill and unhealthy people to try to isolate untill they are vaccinated and the healthy population just go about there lives, we would have been over this nonsense long ago if that had been done. Instead we've got this situation and for some reason people still want to listen to the health authorities and governments that have lied to us and missled us. Covid will still be there when you open the door after lockdown. As to the hospitals being prepared, it's getting on two years now if there not prepared now they're never going to be.
  20. Australia and New Zealand are in for a lot of pain over this, unless they plan on closing borders to the rest of the world for ever they are only delaying the inevitable. It's very sad to see for me as an Australian, unfortunately this over governing Nanny State kind of thing has been getting worse and worse over time. Those living there don't seem to have noticed or have just become numb to this kind of government using more and more power and control over the population. Sure as hell I won't be going back there, the Woke Militants can have the place.
  21. Never been a conspiracy theorist but I am now. Ivermectin may not be a cure all for covid but it does appear to work and is safe. I kind of understand big Pharma's position, they just want to make profit, although they exist in what is called the health industry they really don't care about my health or yours, only that we buy they're products. I kind of understand these so called health agencies like the WHO and various CDC's and whatnot. They appear to have been bought by big Pharma so they seem to just do big Pharma's bidding, if they were actually concerned about our health they would be advising us to lose weight if we are obese and get plenty of sunshine. They don't say that though, only buy vaccines. Governments, well no need to speculate on them. The ones I don't understand are the people like this guy who started the thread, who seem to want to mock something they don't understand because they think it makes them seem smart. Truthfully I don't know how useful Ivermectin is against covid, but I do know there is a coverup going on with this drug and that makes me suspicious. Think whatever you want to think but be suspicious of censorship, like the so called lableak theory that was taboo and censored for so long so is the topic of ivermectin. Why is that do you think ?
  22. Heres the problem, I have read 3 or 4 weeks ago that they had already joined this Covax scheme with the Who. So what's true here did they not do it before and are doing it now as this article says, or is this rehashing old news ? It's confusing right. I must have read 10 articles about the 20 million phizer vaccines. Still don't know if they have been ordered, will be ordered or will have a meeting about ordering them. Govt is bad but media coverage hasn't helped what to believe.
  23. The local council are good at destroying things you have to give them that. Digging up perfectly good roads and leaving a mess, top marks. They have excelled themselves with destroying the beach though. I usually walk the promenade every day. I missed Sunday Come Monday the job was done they have ripped out just about all the trees on the beach. Now they are gone you really notice it walking the promenade there is now no shade it feels 10 degrees hotter. So well done to the city council, what now maybe head on up to the public park at Pratumnak hill maybe dig up all the walking paths there for no apparent reason.
  24. Just to grab a headline to be seen to be doing something. Pointless really where are those people from the camps and dormitories going to go now with no money in their pocket.
  25. Either herd immunity is still possible or it is endemic and we have to learn to live with it. Neither possibility is helped in any way by continued lockdowns causing much bigger problems for society. At some point if you want to live it's time to venture back out and start living again. If you are one of the people who fall into the 7 or 9 morbitities, you might want to play it safe, your call. Keeping a healthy population locked up and not working serves no purpose if you ever want to move past covid.
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