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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. Even with the weak Pound which makes imports more expensive ? I have a feeling that you are just blaming everything on Brexit , like the bad weather in Morocco is because of Brexit . Bad weather in Morocco has caused food shortages in the U.K and that was caused by Brexit ?
  2. Don't we have trade barriers in the way to stop produce coming from Europe ? You cannot have it both ways . The U.K either has to compete with E.U sourced produce OR there's trade barriers stopping that produce from entering the U.K It cannot be both
  3. They have had some bad weather in Spain and Morocco recently and they haven't been able to deliver fresh produce to U.K supermarkets because of the bad weather , so there's been a shortage of fruit and vegetables from those Countries
  4. Typo, should have been "Look"
  5. Yes, so UKIP's Nigel Farage saying that the Conservative party are responsible for the U.K's immigrations policies isn't a case of blaming other people , because the Conservative party are actually the ones who are responsible for the U.K's immigration policies . UKIP/Brexit wanted to reduce immigration , the Conservatives have increased it
  6. Brexit hasnt actually "failed" and Nigel didnt say that it had. Nigel was responding to a reporter who said the word "failed" and he replied using the same word
  7. Is this a trick question ? Am I going to loom stupid for replying : A bank or a money exchangers ?
  8. The Conservative Party initially were in the Remain camp , David Cameroon who was P.M at the time was very much pro remain in the E.U . One of the UKIP ideas of Leave was to reduce immigration. Who are responsible for U.K's immigration policies ?
  9. OK, so who has been responsibly for running of the U.K post Brexit ? Are you suggesting that Nigel Farage and UKIP have been running the U.K or has it been the remain Conservative Party ?
  10. I have always had the opinion that workers deserve decent pay . The current cost of living crisis is a temporary thing and it will all blow over soon and everything will be back to normal . Isn't it now very difficult for the U.K to trade with the E.U Countries ?
  11. A bit or sarcasm from me there about you seemingly agreeing with exploitation of poor workers , tongue in cheek may be the better descriptive word
  12. The U.K can get cheaper labour from the Third world . Indians will work for much less than Polish guys and in hasher conditions . Why concentrate on Europeans , when we can get Asians to work for less ?
  13. If only the U.K Government would provide a working visa for seasonal agricultural work where Europeans could apply for a visa to pick fruit in the U.K ...................... Hang about, they already have done that https://www.gov.uk/seasonal-worker-visa seasonal worker visa : Overview You can apply for a Seasonal Worker visa to come to the UK and work in: horticulture for up to 6 months - for example, picking fruit and vegetables or flowers
  14. Another example of were the Left and Right have swapped sides . Myself a Right winger in favour of the poorer people getting a decent living wage and Employers treated them decently instead of exploiting the poor . Maybe I should swap my Red MAGA hat for a Red Star hat ? *Power to the people*
  15. The farmers need to make the jobs more attractive to workers to encourage them to work . Exploiting poor Eastern Europeans to work for a pittance and under bad conditions is no longer an option
  16. It was very easy for E.U citizens to say in the U.K after Brexit , six million managed to register online and get long term permission to stay post Brexit . Those working cash in hand and not paying taxes found it difficult to stay .
  17. Although he was just 17 years old , I doubt very much that he would have believed the girls in Pattaya pretending they liked him , he would have had to been incredibly naive to believe the word of people who want to extract money from him
  18. You are once again concentrating on the small group of fruit pickers , there were millions of others doing different jobs. The six million E.U citizens living and working in the U.K were NOT all picking strawberries in the summer . Unskilled E.U workers were keeping the wages down . They can apply for visas now and work in the UK whilst documented and do jobs when they are available
  19. Yes, people voted for Brexit to stop millions of unskilled Europeans going to the U.K for work and to live . That is why we left the E.U
  20. Don't even think about making a joke about how much the vets bill would be if that Buffalo got sick , that would be just so predictable
  21. It would have been a good idea for his photo to be the main bit of the photo , rather than the doctor and all those tables and chairs in the photo ?
  22. What is so special about those ones . They all seem pretty much the same to me . Did you see Leks one from Joes bar on Soi 6 ? Hers was a bit different to the rest of them
  23. I do find that life is better when you no longer worship them
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