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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. Are you sure that's a good idea ? Joe falling off his bicycle
  2. This thread is about Joes ability to walk , yes he is "kicking ass" unfortunately its his own ass that lands on his own feet
  3. Was you naughtily misquoting me ? "Stick it in faces" could have some sexual connection and hints at sexual assault and I didn't say that. I quite clearly was referring to LTBG waving their flags around on marches and I didn't use the term "Stick it in faces"
  4. I think that you will find that there will always be people that dislike certain other people . Straight While old men are absolutely detested in some parts . LGTB people don't have an exclusive right on the whatever "phobia" tag
  5. What does that mean ? What is that a reference to ? Is it a movie or a book or something ?
  6. Could you explain why you think its homophobic ?
  7. Its not straight pride month every month of the year though , straight people do not celebrate being straight or go on marches straight and wave "straight" flags in LTBG people faces . Straight people don't keep telling LTBG people that they are straight and blowing whistles and waving flags around to demonstrate that .
  8. Yes, she worked modelling whilst on a tourist via , that's a different situation to not giving citizenship to illegal immigrants born in USA
  9. Trumps Wife entered the USA legally by airplane with a Visa , so no hypocrisy there
  10. Really no need to ageism and sexism
  11. I have seen that happen a few times , people telling a suicidal person to jump , its sad to see it happen . They often jump as well .
  12. Switch your television on and turn it to the channel that is showing the game and sit facing the screen
  13. They should arrest the foreigners as well , attempting to bribe police officers is a serious offence
  14. Although they aren't restricting free speech and banning pornographic books for Children is off topic
  15. He was referring to the month long pride event, rather than this particular thread
  16. They said the same after the Brexit vote in 2017 , they said the same after the U.K left the E.U in 2020 , seems to be an endless wrong predictions about what will happen in the future . We should have all starved to death , froze to death of died of malnutrition by now , according to the predictions of what would happen if we left the E.U
  17. It seems that both Parties have moved more to the centre and now there's very little difference between them both .
  18. With the Conservative Party happy and content with Brexit and now Labour also happy and content with Brexit and the only people not happy and content with Brexit are Nigel Farage and Remainers . Maybe Nigel Farage and Remainers could unite and form their own Political Party ?
  19. Teach kids not to inflict violence on other people by inflicting violence upon them ?
  20. Starmer and Labour have now pledged to stay out the E.U. with Labour leader stating "Britain’s future is outside the EU" Seems its game over for the Remainers and theres no way back into the E.U now ‘Britain’s future is outside the EU’, Sir Keir pledges The Labour leader promised he would ‘make Brexit work’ if elected Sir Keir Starmer has declared “Britain’s future is outside the EU”, confirming Labour will not seek to rejoin the bloc if it wins power. The Labour leader accepted it is “no great secret” he voted Remain in the 2016 referendum. But Sir Keir said he agreed with Leave supporters who wanted “a better health service, better jobs, better wages, more security, a sense of control over their lives and their communities”. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/britain-s-future-is-outside-the-eu-sir-keir-pledges-b2348742.html?utm_source=reddit.com
  21. Biden wants to fight the Russians or at least join in somehow , Trump wants to keep out of the conflict
  22. If her English wasn't too good, maybe she got years and hours mixed up ?
  23. Yet another example of there the Left and Right have changed sides . Previously it was the Right wing who wanted wars in foreign land and the Left wingers were all giving the peace sign. These days its the complete opposite, with the Left wing wanting wars in foreign Countries and the Right wing giving peace signs
  24. Thats not true. Trump supporters do not regard him as an embarrassment and are quite happy to talk about him . This is a thread about Joe Biden at a memorial day , a memorial day for fallen soldiers and the Biden V Trump bickerers really should give it a rest in this thread and take there squabbles elsewhere
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