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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. It was at the end of World War 2 and the U.K just wanted to return home to the UK , the U.K was bankrupt , we had taken everything we wanted from the colonies and it was time to go home
  2. Dont worry, the Republicans will be gone soon, Biden will soon be POTUS
  3. You can buy sex just as cheap in your home Country . With porn being instantly freely available and it being very easy to find someone to have sex with , theres little point in going to Thailand these days . Although if you want to go to a bar and role play you going into a bar and "pulling " a young woman , Thailand is the place to do that
  4. The British wanted to leave the colonies , just like leaving the E.U , Britain choose to leave . The former colonies still remain part of the Commonwealth (apart from the few that left) though
  5. Or people what got a free boat ride across the Atlantic and they paddled instead of paying ?
  6. Seems like there were many automatic bots on Twitter and Elon didnt want to pay the agreed price because of them
  7. Because it was done accidently and not maliciously
  8. Do you enjoy telling other people about your vigorous sex life ?
  9. How long did the bruising to your hip last for and how long was you pumping her for ?
  10. Why would that be a "scandal" ? The U.K openly buys Ukrainian food now and also sells arms to Ukraine
  11. Its important to get the facts correct , like stating it was the Africans themselves who captured each other and took them to the ports and sold them to the slave traders . They are equally to blame as the who transported the slaves in ships
  12. Even that link is rather biased and downplays Africa's role in the slave trade . It says : "Sadly, a few African nations took part in this Atlantic slave trade. Here are a few of them." That suggests just a few African Countries took part in the slave trade , fact is that slavery was widespread in Africa and many African Countries participating
  13. The slave industry was already in place just before Europeans got involved . It was a business that Europeans joined in with . Slavery was happening long before Europeans got involved and slavery continued after Europeans outlawed it . Some White people want to take all the credit for slavery , claiming it was the invention of White people
  14. The U.K has left the E.U , the Ireland issue is just a side issue that needs to be sorted out ,( It OK though, I wont be bringing it to anyones attention that you wrote something that isnt true )
  15. Its not an exit visa , its the Thai parent giving the foreigner father the legal right to take the kid out of Thailand by getting legal/court documents . Its to stop child abductions
  16. The kids weren't allowed to board the flights because they didn't have an entry stamp in their passport and they didn't have to correct documents to leave Thailand , documents from a Court or something
  17. Well yes, she did answer the question with some deflective words , but she didn't answer the question posed to her
  18. I do think that she should have honestly answered the question
  19. No, but that was the excuse she gave for not answering the question , that she is a Judge and judges need to hear what the prosecution and defendants have to say and she makes judgement
  20. I do apologise for my mistake , I should have said "the two reasons" , rather than the "sole reason"
  21. She wasnt asked to make a judgement though, she was asked her personal opinion
  22. Biden only stated two requirements and she fully qualified for both of them
  23. You keep going off topic and talking about Trump .
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