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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. Yes, she is fully qualified . She fully met all the requirements for the position , as set by Biden . Qualified on both requirements
  2. She was concerned about upsetting the left wing by stating what a woman was . There would have been outrage from certain groups , is she answered the question honestly
  3. Why does a role model need to be the same colour as you ? Judges are also there to judge , it isn't their job to be role models
  4. But they wouldnt have been allowed to leave Thailand , immigration wouldn't have let them leave
  5. The question was : "Can you provide a definition for the word woman" In your opinion, how should the question have been asking?
  6. I do agree that it was a an appalling situation in 1960's segregated USA , but that is a long time ago and a different generation . You would be peeved if a woman got promoted for the sole reason she was a woman and you missed out because you are male . That situation is very likely to have happened in this promotion "to a top Judge) , three woman got nominated for the sole reason they were female , which means its quite probable that some males missed out on being nominated and promoted , because they weren't female
  7. As shes a judge, she should be honest and truthful at all times and give her opinion on certain subjects , Judges shouldn't avoid giving an opinion because they dont want to upset certain people . She should air her opinion, rather than refusing to answer
  8. Well sort of , I ve been listening to black American music since the 1980's
  9. Its quite a acceptable when a black person is chose for a position on the basis of their colour , but its racist when a white person is chosen because of their colour . Do you agree with that ?
  10. Really makes no difference to me what a persons colour is . If the thought process is that she is black and will act as a role model to black kids . What about the other 85 % of Americans who are not black ?
  11. But they had no entry stamps in their passports and they didn't have the necessary documents to leave Thailand and so Thai immigration would have refused to allow them to leave , so the Airline didnt check them in
  12. Could you be more specific ? What are the "basic constitutional rights and freedoms based upon their gender " which have been denied to Females ?
  13. OK, do you think that people should be chosen for a specific job based on their race and gender . I am not specifically talking that this particular case , but would it be acceptable for an organisation to state that would only take into consideration hiring a White Male for the position ? If you agree with one, you must agree with the other , otherwise you have double standards
  14. I am talking about possible future Court cases , giving examples as to why it would be important for a Judges opinion on what constitutes being a certain gender
  15. I was just giving an example of when it may became relevant to her views about what a Female is . What about if a school had changing rooms where all the boys and girl got changed together in the same changing room and the Parents objected . She may come to the decision that they are all Females , so its completely lawful for them all to get changed in the same room
  16. Actually, I do not watch any "right wing culture wars media" . I was asking a question and giving an example as to why her views on what constitutes being a Female is relevant
  17. If there is a future Court case where a known male sex offender was caught acting suspiciously inside a public Womans toilet and he was asked to give an explanation as to why he was in a Womans toilet . He could just say "I'm a Woman and have every right to be in a Womans toilet" and would she, as a Judge accept that excuse ?
  18. Its actually called "Lying by omission" . A lie of omission is when you deliberately withhold information (after being asked)
  19. Its a very relevant question for a potential supreme Court Judge . In future there may be a Court case about wither transgender men can compete in Woman's sports event and her views on what a Woman is would be extremely relevant to the case
  20. That is not true . She did not meet a known "nazi leader" Anyway, its off topic and stop trying to change the topic
  21. Not answering a question, when you know the answer , can be considered to be lying
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