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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. I have asked quite a few non Whites in London and none of them have ever suffered from any racism . The only time I have heard of any racism (and its also happened to me three times) , is when Non Whites are abusive to mixed raced couples . Some Black and Asian guys hate seeing "their woman" with White guys (And there are also probably some White guys who hate seeing "their woman" with non white guys) . Three times I have has some unpleasant remarks by non Whites , because I was with an Asian Woman , some of my friends have also had similar remarks when they are with their non White girlfriend . (And I am quite sure it also happens to non White guys with White girlfriends)
  2. Have you not been following the trial at all ? Maxwell provided the girls for Epstein 'and Epsteins friends
  3. Have I missed something ? Have the people who used the children trafficked by Epstein and Maxwell been prosecuted ? Has there been an investigation and all the abusers been jailed ?
  4. It is my opinion that those who keep shouting about racism are the ones publicising racial differences and makes people aware of the racial differences and may cause some people to become racist . If you keep stating that people are racist and society is racist , that is what society becomes
  5. Why have none of the people who used her services been named and prosecuted ? As they know who the kids were , they can find out who the abusers were
  6. Why do people like you keep telling other people what words they should be using and also keep changing those words ?
  7. Once again , I cannot provide a link to my opinion . Whilst there may be some racist people in existence , they are just a small amount of people and society isn't racist as a whole .
  8. My theory on there being a cover up is that it wouldn't be too difficult to find out who used the trafficked kids and the prosecute them as well . Ask the kids for information or investigate and find out who else was there
  9. You asked for my opinion , I dont have an opinion . But yes , the Court and Jury have the opinion that's she's guilty
  10. OK, I just have read the link which states all the racist murders in the UK ; George Macmaster killed his Black pregnant girlfriend "because she was Black" , not sure whether he can be considered to be a racist , when his GF was Black . Kai Orgels , a White guy had an argument with his Black friend (they were friends) and he stabbed him to death over a disagreement https://www.theargus.co.uk/news/4481328.worthing-man-who-stabbed-friend-to-death-jailed-for-life/ Kester David (Black) was found dead and this was ruled to be a suicide . Chris Alaame (Black) was killed in a fight and the Judge rules it wasn't racially motivated .
  11. Not following the case to such a degree that I have an opinion as to whether shes guilty or not . like, I haven't been scrutinising all the evidence
  12. Yes, I think something because I think something and I also am sure that there are many others involved as well and there are reasons why some people don't want to be exposed
  13. Sorry, was you there just after I was conceived ? How are you aware of my Mothers actions ?
  14. The Steven Lawrence case was from 30 years ago and it was gang related murder . Gangs fighting over territory . The second link is from 25 years ago and it refers to racist groups that no longer exist
  15. It has silenced any further investigations . Like, they caught the ringleader , persecuted and jailed and case closed . Silenced the calls for further instigation . I haven't really been following the case, so I have no opinion as to whether shes guilty or not
  16. Sorry, I cannot provide a link to my thoughts . I could try plugging in a cable from my computer into my ear ?
  17. Because the links don't exist . The U.K doesn't suffer from the same racial issues as the USA does and there isn't a racial division in the UK, like there is in the USA
  18. .....................first ten seconds .
  19. Or some of the rich people involved were highly influential and didn't want certain famous people exposed
  20. Is this a thread about racism in the USA ? I didnt realise that , I though it was about an angry White man from the U.K
  21. If you make a claim, you need to back those claims up . Did I miss the part of the video where he mentioned racism in the USA and the deaths of Black people in USA jails ?
  22. The video is from the U.K and thats the topic . What are the statistics to back up your claim about that Black people are more likely to die in jail (in the U.K)
  23. Yes, but my point was , why wasn't everyone else involved also prosecuted ?
  24. Whom are you speaking of ? Who are the people who have been murdered because of their race ?
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