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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. Color-coded map illustrating the legality of elective abortion in the United States as of June 28, 2022 (Updated daily) Legal Up to 6 weeks Up to 15 weeks Up to 20 weeks Up to 22 weeks Up to 23 or 24 weeks Up to 24 weeks Up to 27 weeks At any stage https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_the_United_States
  2. To save my unborn childs life , if it meant myself keeping the unborn child in my stomach for a few months , I would do that . Would you do that for your unborn Child or would you let them die ?
  3. You mean they didnt put a camera into the womb ? Its a life like image from here https://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy/week-by-week/10-weeks-pregnant
  4. It doesnt really make much difference , you are still depriving a living being of a life , whether you do that after 9 weeks , 20 weeks or 30 weeks, doesn't really make much difference . To are just ending that life a few weeks earlier
  5. The abortions are not carried out on medical advice , as you suggested .
  6. All states have different rules, in some states unborn babys can be aborted up to the 27 th week of pregnancy , which is the same age as the baby in the photo "Abortion in Massachusetts is legal up to the 27th week of pregnancy" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Massachusetts
  7. On the other hand , it will cause many more Females to live , rather than be aborted
  8. The abortion time limit in the USA varies from between week 24 and week 28 . This baby was born at week 27 and that is within the time limit in some American states for an abortion https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2687302/Baby-born-just-27-weeks-defies-medical-odds-allowed-home-two-weeks-date.html "No brain and just a clump of cells " ?
  9. Do you disagree that it takes both a Male and a Female to make a baby ? Are you saying that a female can make a baby on her own with no input from a male ?
  10. Covid, don't forget you caught Covid ? You caught it from some Chinese people when you were in some Vietnamese airport
  11. The unborn child is not HER body through , its the unborn Childs own body which was made equally by the mother and father
  12. Can we just talk about normal relationships and pregnancies , rather than abnormal relationships like rape and incest ?
  13. Is there any Republican in particular who will be to blame for the 1.5 Million unaborted babies ? Two inner Americans Democrat have sex without taking any precautions and yet pregnant , yet its some Republicans fault ?
  14. Yes good point , Its NOT the Womans unborn child , its the man and woman's joint unborn Child . She should at least get agreement from the male when deciding anything
  15. Look, we all know about sperm and eggs and how they need to get together to create a life , we really don't need to explain to each other how that all works . Sperm has enough life to last a few days , it doesn't have enough life to last 100 years
  16. I was replying to a post that stated that life begins at 26 weeks and before that , they dont have any life . Here is an unborn baby at 13 weeks , well within the abortion time frame
  17. OK , so the third trimester begins at 26 weeks and you are saying that is when life begins . Heres an unborn baby in its second trimester (34 weeks) , just before "it gets life on its third trimester" That is when the unborn baby begins to grow hair , has fingerprints and can recognise peoples voices , and you are saying it isnt yet alive ? Mayo Clinic Fetal development: The 2nd trimester - Mayo Clinic
  18. I Always take precautions to avoid pregnancy when a pregnancy wasn't wanted and if a pregnancy did occurs , I would have been willing to stand by and fully support the woman and baby . It seems that many guys just want to have condom free sex and if she did get pregnant, abortion is the solution
  19. But a fetus is a life and an abortion puts an end to that life
  20. No , the life begins when the sperm fertilises the egg
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