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Everything posted by ronster

  1. Wonder if he was going for a quick trip to the toilet and thought it might be ok as nobody would see him down there . Looks like when he went down he slips so possibly hit his head and fell face first into the water .
  2. Let's see if he gets off with a 500 bht fine like the delivery driver did the other day ! 😀
  3. Lucky it only got his foot and didn't drag the rest of him in . 😕
  4. Found out the lawyer was hiding evidence and she poisoned them by putting it in people's food and drinks .
  5. How did she use it to kill people and why was her lawyer jailed ?
  6. Where did a clown like that get the money to buy a gun 🤔
  7. So were they actually all in the car and not in the flatbed area and did they die from drowning or crash impact ?
  8. This is why you should always do monthly checks on property you rent out .
  9. This is why I only buy anything that I ingest from proper shops like Tesco or boots . God knows how many fake vitamins etc there must be on Lazada and similar platforms.
  10. 500 bht for punching someone in the face ?? That will really put people off hitting others 🙈 Odd the guy never pressed charges and they didn't name the foreigner. 🤔
  11. So he had legally bought the gun and ammo or was it a BB gun ?
  12. Worried about 500bht when loads of them live in nice houses , drive cars beyond their pay salary means and have money tucked away 😄
  13. So maybe some people will realise that stopping tourists drinking or buying booze between certain times makes no difference to how thais behave or what people think of the country. They might even realise stopping thais buying alcohol on voting days , Buddhist days also does nothing as they just buy it all the day before to drink the next day ! 😄
  14. This must be about the fourth time this year they have said this !!
  15. Who keeps the change from all the unclaimed money ??
  16. And yet despite these and other tales of inappropriate behaviour, people still donate money constantly to them !
  17. What are the 10 cops standing behind the women meant to be doing ? Think they had just arrested the most wanted people on the planet judging by their pose ! 🙄
  18. Seems Daniel was selling something extra for the weekend !! Idiot !!! 🙈
  19. Would have thought this would be pointed out to them earlier and samui would be a prime target as chaweng beach road seems to have turned into little Israel.
  20. Who do they think owns the larger hotel chains in the country like four seasons, grand Hyatt etc ? Do they think every hotel in Thailand is owned by thais ??
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