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Everything posted by ronster

  1. Thank god for the “ concerned citizen “ again !! Saving us all from the spread of covid due to shisha ! ????????
  2. So nobody questions a guy in the ladies toilet or why he’s using a computer in hospital offices when not employed there ? Did nobody else use this computer and if he was dumb/smart enough to put them there then why would he not send the images to a laptop at home . ????
  3. Welcome to Thailand ! Now if you could just hand over your wallet and be on your way please ! ????
  4. So everyone packs in before that time ! Time is irrelevant.
  5. Wife showed me a video of them putting stuff in these boxes the other day. She said they had sold 30000 at 1000bht each. I pointed out that there might be 10 or so new iPads and phones , some with money and maybe 1 with a car . All the rest were full of creams, perfume etc which I told her was probably really bad quality or fake name brands. Done the maths and even if those selling the boxes spent 5 million bht on the items inside , then they make 25 million bht profit for practically doing nothing apart from waffling on for 20 minutes on Facebook !
  6. Probably tell him global warming happened faster than expected to explain the heat !
  7. So they caught it in the country more than likely ! Wonder why they were tested or did they all feel that bad they went to get tested ?
  8. There were 6 flights the other day with total of around 360 people on them so hardly booming ! ????
  9. How many times are the going to propose this and never do it ! Hope they employ someone from outside the country to make the site , as any site I have seen from the government here is woeful and looks like an amateur built it . ????
  10. Hope immigration don’t ask for photos of the couple together at home and in the bedroom ! ????
  11. Parenting to blame or lack of it I would say . Lets them go out at 10.30pm and waits till 4am before deciding to call about it to see where he is when doesn’t return. Played violent video games all my life for 30 years and no interest or inkling to shoot someone or bash someone’s head in .
  12. That will be the end of tourism for 2022 then . Can’t wait for the TAT mind boggling numbers coming to be spouted out in next few days ! Thought they might have waited until just after new year before pulling the plug , but guess not and this will surely finish off any bar / business that was hanging on by a thread hoping to be saved by some tourists coming . ????
  13. Why run if he hit a drainage area ? More likely drunk or on something to keep him awake !
  14. Guess they didn’t survey those without jobs or who had lost their homes due to his handling of it all !
  15. Covid is sponsored by Rolex I heard ! 1.01am 1st January 2022 run for your life ! ????????????
  16. This word doesn’t exist in offices here so I’m saying fake news !!
  17. What ?? Are you seriously trying to tell me some clown called the police to report an arcade game where you win stuffed toys ! What utter nonsensical reason can they have for stopping these ? Or is it any machine that’s classed as a game with a coin slot in it is regarded as gambling in this Stone Age place ? ????
  18. Let me guess , he slipped and fell on it ! Throw away the key ! ????
  19. Foreigners busted drinking and partying ! Erm the bar is ran and owned by a Thai and shouldn’t be open , so maybe more of a headline than skin colour and foreigners ! ????
  20. ???????????? So you can go out and drink till 1am and then after that alcohol will be banned again apart from approved restaurants. Covid will be so happy it has been given the day off ! Bit like saying you can go wander around the main reactor area in Chernobyl for a day because at new year it’s not radioactive ! ????
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