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Everything posted by ronster

  1. Why are they getting 5000bht when average citizens were getting around 3000 or nothing basically? I wouldn’t imagine a taxi driver over 65 would need the money more than a 40 something year old with a wife and kids . Obviously the taxi driver union ???? has had input into this .
  2. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck then here you can guarantee it’s probably not a duck !! ????
  3. But people were saying before they are all diamond dealers and there were only a few bad Nigerians selling drugs ! ????
  4. By someone who thought how can we line our own pockets by making it look like we are actually doing a good job catching criminals ! ???? Unfortunately over time the people have realised the police are doing it for cash incentives and not for the benefit of the country’s safety .
  5. Yeah because the first thing you do after knocking out and tying up a guy that was pointing a gun at you in the middle of the night is search his pockets for cash !! ???? Pretty scary though that they got a search warrant so quickly for something so stupid sounding and with nobody there when they searched the house .But then searched the place after picking up a monk and a local guy who thinks he has power due to a bit of cloth round his waist . ????
  6. They might raise more money quicker if they didn’t have stupid rules that allow the police to collect a large amount of cash from sold assets that have been seized !!
  7. I bet that the superman t-shirt that cop is wearing is not real or from an authentic merchandise seller ????????
  8. Won’t make much difference to the numbers coming here I reckon. There might be a rise in people coming around Christmas and new year , but mid January I think it will bomb again till summer . Still too expensive for what it is to come here and if bars are still shut , curfew is still in place and you can’t drink in a restaurant with your meal then forget it !
  9. Woeful at best . Not even a million pounds in all that time and made practically zero difference to the local economy I bet as most of this would have been made from overpriced hotel rooms .
  10. Thousands will be needing therapy in Thailand after that trauma ! Now explains the wife’s non stop wailing and screaming all night ????
  11. You have to find it hard to believe that this guy has got all these cars taken from their owners as they were illegal etc and not one got the hump and tried to get revenge ! Would be interesting to know if any other cop has similar numbers of busts with illegal cars , I bet not even close . Plus how can he have so much money when the raids will be conducted by several policemen so surely that would water down his catch bonus . ????
  12. Bars or restaurants or bars pretending to be restaurants ? ????
  13. A coma ? More like it died already and has been cremated at this stage ! ????
  14. Wear a mask and no food or drink !! I can see the cinemas fighting off people for that amazing experience ????
  15. Makes it easier to understand but still don’t get why she was walking in front of the truck as the 7-11 appears to be straight ahead as she gets out , as you can see near the end where the truck is facing straight at it when stopped after the accident.
  16. Yeah I got that , but she must have got out and basically stood beside it while he hard turned left or she got out and was walking slowly directly in front of it while possibly looking at her phone and he just didn’t bother looking around before he started moving . Tragic but basic driving skills would stop it from happening if he had any sense of spacial awareness or his surroundings. I’m sure the station cctv will have it on camera to clear it up in his case .
  17. And as always they just skip past bars and put it to the back of the queue. ????????
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