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Everything posted by ronster

  1. Still can't figure out how they got everyone to drink at same time and drink enough to kill everyone. All it takes is one person to say they need go to toilet or make a quick call and then at least one of the group will probably take a sip while waiting and it's all over.
  2. Planes are always full on flights I have been on , but more people might travel if they didn't triple and quadruple their price at times !!
  3. They said was consistent with cyanide poisoning due to blue colouration on organs and extremities.
  4. I could put any kind of drink in front of people around me and no matter what it was they still wouldn't drink it at same time ! Food on the other hand 😂
  5. How do you manage to get everyone to drink at the same time apart from saying a toast and even then there might be someone who doesn't drink it straight away. 🤔
  6. Think they know when to not bother trying to waste their time talking to someone who has heard most of the lines and knows most of the tricks and cons they would pull on someone just arrived. Time is money to them so why waste it !
  7. Noticed KFC kow yam bowls got smaller but same price. 😀
  8. They seem to think everyone in a hotel is checked in . Very easy for someone to walk in with a guest already checked in and go around the hotel with them. I thought lifts have cameras in them also , so would be easy to check if they all arrived together etc.
  9. Reckon was a business deal they were all there to celebrate and one of the group thought I'm taking it all. Possibly taking money held in crypto account and would think as others have that fentanyl was used. Can't believe the PM went to the scene as he was worried it would effect tourism 🙄
  10. Something doesn't seem right about this as it's not a secluded beach area there and there are usually people walking around most times. Have to wonder if she knew him before or did he just walk up to a random woman on the beach and tried to rape them . Plus he was arrested from eye witness accounts , so people just sat watching while it went on instead of doing something ?
  11. Hope everyone hot footed it out of there !
  12. So none of them have a criminal record or a job , yet all find themselves together in Thailand acting out kidnapping etc ? Someone is telling porkies me thinks !!
  13. People who borrow from these scum know what it entails but still go ahead thinking they will be able to pay. Only problem arresting the sharks is as soon as they get nicked they tell others to carry on collecting for them .
  14. Same as the ones above bophut temple that were on the news last year getting busted. They stopped getting built for a few months then started again and now even more built . Construction has ruined samui compared to what it was and there seems no end to it unfortunately 😕
  15. I'm guessing she works them hours to pay her gambling while her husband thinks she is just sitting looking at Facebook on her phone ! 😀
  16. Did he give him a reward ?
  17. The 23 year old basically had a heart attack ?
  18. Just looked at last bill and it doesn't show the rate per unit for some reason. Units used 1005 and cost 4990bht .Still seems very expensive for what it is 🙈 Will be sending wife to PEA to ask why no units shown on bills and electric has different unit for day and night as far as I remember.
  19. 6 bedroom for £43000 ?? I'm sure it was the first time she played the game and happened to win 😂
  20. Will be installing solar in coming months as electric bills are 5-6000bht a month . No idea how they are so much as that is for one large and one medium fridge, one TV,one fan and an inverter air con unit that is on 20 hrs a day due to dogs love of it 😁.
  21. This seems to have ramped up from those caught with drugs or tested positive for drugs being sent to treatment centres. Doing what they say here will fill these so called centres to the max and I'm wondering who owns them , where they are and who pays for the treatments . I'm sure someone somewhere is about to get a whole lot richer !
  22. There is a immigration office in roi et ? Nearest one I could find to me was in mahasarakham which is further away than roi et.
  23. Tennis bat ones work if you are a good aim , the ones that you see in shops on the walls I find don't attract mosquito so much but fly's . Best one I found is the ones that have a blue light in them and a fan in the top part that sucks them into the collection part in the bottom of the trap. These are great when you are going to sleep and are the only light in the room , when the lights are on they aren't so effective.
  24. Why did he not use the one million to legally set up a company with employees or just buy himself an elite visa to stay for years hassle free .
  25. They truly did win the US Powerball !! Planes , helicopters , Submarine and now tunnels 🙈
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