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Everything posted by LikeItHot

  1. Well I hear what you are saying but for me personally I don't need a sign or a guard to advise me of a dress code in a public supermarket/department store. I must be far more astute then some of the animals I have witnessed. Last month at Tesco Lotus in Lamai Samui I saw a foreign woman walk into the store with a very visible yet tiny thong bikini with the sheerest beach wear coverup. For all intents and purposes she was nude. We were miles from the nearest beach. Signs are clearly posted all over Samui Immigration requiring appropriate dress and I have seen more under boob, moose knuckles and balloon knots in there than I have seen in a proper go go bar. They actually keep a sarang behind the counter so the whores can cover up for their photos. Try that in Phuket and you will be on your way back to the villa for change of clothes.
  2. The shirtless shoppers always blow my mind. I mentioned to one of them that men's T-shirts were one aisle over and under a 100 baht. He went absolutely berserk. I'm planning a stroll through Harrods in nothing but a banana hammock if I ever find myself London. Seems to be the norm from what I can gather from Brits in Thailand.
  3. No I don't. I was just saying that was the only thing I could think of with regards to the phrase. Are you saying you believe everything written in a Thai news article is either factual or follows an accurate timeline?
  4. When we were kids we used to say "Look with your eyes not with your hands". Still works after all these years.
  5. Ill take "things said in ladyboy bar" for a thousand Alex
  6. Thailand. Where safety comes last.
  7. Who? You have a name? Address? Why have you not reported it?
  8. Manhattan Special has been around since 1895
  9. My mother started bringing home all sorts or random products from the supermarket. I thought how strange her tastes has suddenly changed after being loyal to a consistent pantry arsenal.so.I.inquired as to what was causing the change The answer was always the same, "I made a mistake I thought I was buying ______ product.". It happened again and again and I thought the problem might be neurological or that early onset Alzheimer's might be a possibility. But she never wavered in other areas of her life. After years of this odd behavior I came to realize she just didn't give a @#€&! anymore.
  10. Remember this phrase "No honey..no money"
  11. Assuming she is Thai gomto the Wikipedia page "travel requirements for Thai citizens". It will narrow.down your search based on visa free choices. Not to say you get a get a visa for her it's just easier without them.
  12. When they start issuing fines to Thai landlords that will change. I booked a room for 8 hours before a Surat Airport flight and the manager was panicked when I said I didn't have my passport and offered him my Thai DL (like I always do when traveling domestic) He said he has had regular visits from IO's and the fine was 10000b for not registering foreigners with their actual passport. I showed him a photo of my passport and he was visibly relieved. Because I was sure he must've reported it I had my home landlord do an updated TM 30 after a recent international trip to avoid an issue when doing my recent retirement extension.
  13. So what's the solution? Get an OBF 1 reader with an OBD2 to OBD1 adapter plug? Hard to imagine they put a new plug on and old computer.
  14. Thanks for the reply. The local Isuzu is not far I will stop by but are the obd1 and obd2 plugs not different shapes? The former a rectangle and the latter a trapeze? Note I checked https://www.outilsobdfacile.com/vehicle-list-compatible-obd2/isuzu which indicates the vehicle should be obd2 (on the borderline as you said) and I consulted the user manual which revealed nothing.
  15. I bought a Creader 3001 OBD2 diagnostic tool. Tested in a friend's truck. Works great. In my 2007 DMAX it powers up but gives a connection error. Pins all tight and clean. I realized only 6 of my 9 port wires meet a corresponding pin in the scanner jack. Is that normal?
  16. It was only until death when I can part with my wife. I guess it goes even longer with Phuket Immigration.
  17. One of my favorite mini trips. I hired a Tuk Tuk driver for a couple days to be at my beck and call. Lovely guy knew all the in's and out's of the temples and always knew a great bar or restaurant or shopping venue or any "extras" I was looking for. I always invited him to eat with me and he was full of good info. Waited patiently for me at my hotel and everywhere else we went. I think I gave him about $20 a day worth every cent.
  18. They love stinky stuff. I remember the story of the Chinese stinky tofu salesman who rather than wait for his tofu to ferment he just added some of his own "stinky tofu" to the batch. Yes this really happened.
  19. And now you gals can start paying taxes like you always wanted to. Right?
  20. You're ship outta luck
  21. I know a Canadian looser with a Thai baby mama. He was living on Daddy's bankroll for years until the Ganja Gods smiled upon him. He suddenly became the biggest supplier in my area and claims "I supply all the smaller shops and I only import my product because Thai weed is @#$@.". What's your plan to deal with him?
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