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Everything posted by LikeItHot

  1. Getting resigned to new locations will teach them
  2. Actually in Samui the trash pickers have to have permits so not even all Thais can do it so I am sure a farang cannot.
  3. Sadly it's been my experience also. They complain they are bored when there are no customers or they are overwhelmed when it's busy. I call it The Goldirocks Syndrome.
  4. I suppose digital nomads slip through a crack or maybe not but I had the displeasure of trying to enjoy a beverage and some scenery while two of them were clacking away on their laptops discussing an obvious online marketplace. Seemed rather bold if this is illegal and definitely irritating either way. What makes people think we want to sit in their office space? Would have loved to see a cop walk in and ask for their work permits I must say.
  5. The only thing they fear is publicity. After getting and paying a fine I would park on the side of the road and start recording. Watch how fast they pack up and leave.
  6. Your active 90 day period ends when you leave the country. A new one starts when you re-enter. Period. Stop talking.
  7. Every Immigration office will handle it differently better off going directly to your own and ask for their advice. In Samui they told me it was the landlords responsability and impossible for me to complete it or do anything about it other than report it to Immigration as it must be done online with a login only the landlrd has.
  8. Retirement extension with a paid 300 baht re-entry permit obviously would not be a "tourist" subject to a tourist add on fee right??? Add Thai logic...computing...WRONG! YOU PAY NOW!
  9. It was a Monday. New week new rules. Seeya here next week.
  10. Put your fruits between my wife's legs. It's the dryest place on earth. You'll be eating fruit leather in 5 minutes.
  11. Sex with what "appeared to be a woman"? Just count the veg and print a confirmed report.
  12. He's lucky the fashion police didn't catch him or he would be serving life.
  13. I don't know anything about the accident but the rental helmets are never gonna save your face (or her shattered spine). They're not designed to. It sounds like she had more than a fall but again I don't have the details. I don't know how many budget travelers would buy a full face helmet if offered by the rental shops but maybe they could keep a few in stock for this purpose. For less then 1000 baht these kids could go home with the face they arrived with. The rental shops should have to display crash photos too like they show when people get a Thai DL. They post cancer patients photos on cigarettes even. A little fear is a good thing. I realize regulations are not good for business but maybe they can save a few lives (as if they cared).
  14. I was away once and Immigration showed up looking for a previous tenant. My wife let them in and explained who I was and proved it. They then searched my entire house without my consent despite me being the sole contract holder. They can confirm who you are without entering your private domicile.
  15. Another instance of a failed law enforcement system. Roaming dogs of any breed are a public safety threat. If fines were issued for abuse and failure to prevent dogs absconding bites and even some deaths could be prevented. My neighbor chained his pitbull to my fence and gives her zero attention except an occasional bowl of cheap dog food. I built her a shelter and set up a self filling water bowl for her after finding her dying in the sun without shelter or water and I supplement her diet with fish oil and protein and have acclimated her to my dogs. She is strong as an ox got loose several times and once bit a neighbor. Neglecting her is creating a potential disaster with many young children on the street. I've tried the police and asked local vets where to report neglet. They all shrug their shoulders. When someone dies they will blame the breed and it will continue to happen.
  16. To be fair 90 day reports are now a few clicks on my phone. Done. There's things to complain about but 90 days ain't it.
  17. I hope the police keep a mug book of all the offenders photos. It would make finding a suitable date so much easier then checking every damned bar.
  18. My landlord has hired new gardeners for my house a dozen times. Naturally they all befriend my pitbull over time. It's basically a matter of time before one of them hits the house and the suspect list will be too long to follow up on. I keep my precious documents hidden and no real valuables in the house as my defense. It's never the victims fault but it doesn't hurt to consider nefarious possibilities and limit potential liabilities.
  19. BIB don't take noise complaints seriously then people die. Maybe do your jobs?
  20. How much time did those Thai kids who cut up that girl actress and threw her body in the Chaopraya at the direction of her manager her rich predator and his government connection? Lemme guess... none?
  21. Should've started with water treatment plants
  22. When I worked night shifts happy hour started at 7 am.
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