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Everything posted by LikeItHot

  1. It was discontinued even more recently. Womp womp
  2. Harmless huntsman. You can hold them in your hands. https://youtu.be/r011GRdai8Q
  3. Also in Samui. Had two dogs that had cruciate ligament injuries or tears. The damn slippery tile is a killer for all of us Everyone said you must go to BKK and the surgery is not only expensive but the dogs can't really move for three months. One passed away recently from unrelated illness and the other manages and when her pain is noticable I give her half of a 7.5 mg Meloxicam pill for a few days then stop. You don't want to over do it. She's about 22 kilos. All the pharmacies have it. I take it also and I know it works on me. It was impossible for me to go to BKk for months so a friend in Ubon found a vet there who also does the surgery. Half the cost and my friend was going to handle the rehab. I tried for months to get those crooks at Anamalia to contact the surgeon and give me the x-rays and they promised they would and never did. During this time I was giving my dog lots of fish oil and a joint supportive food. She improved dramatically so I postponed the surgical option. This is the vet. https://www.upetanimalhospital.com/?fbclid=IwAR24Q1Qw8bxS_y7HWlvzLVvQ6JJh1adeycc-z1ga_QpbgCDN1az6C7Ju49w https://m.facebook.com/upetanimalhospital?__tn__=C-R&paipv=0&eav=AfaZDdC52Bnz_prNfq3EvKgenLXjGvA9jIuBfwV4Xpdb03xsVqRYlaxrx--jHH0bv8s&wtsid=rdr_0Hz9f8JYUsF0ttrYC
  4. I love the story my Ex tells about a Swede she knew before me. She asked if he liked spicy food. Not wanting to be a square he said "Of course, no problem" and off they went to a nearby eatery. She took the liberty of ordering a few local specialties, nothing phet phet just to be safe. They spent the rest of the night at the hospital where doctors tried unsuccessfully to stop his profuse sweating and cork his back door. She said his stomach hurt the rest of the week and he flew back home 5 kilos lighter. It still brings me to tears ????
  5. I was flying into the US with my GF (both USC's) and I approached the CBP officer alone and handed him my passport. She waited at the line to go next. He could see we were originally together so asked why she didn't step up with me and told her to come forward. I remembered this on our next trip and we approached the CBP officer and presented both passports together. He looked up and said "You're not married?" I replied "No". He curtly told her to get back behind the line and wait her turn. Damned if.you do, damned if you don't.
  6. I had (emphasis on tense) a friend who would constantly ask me for advice but never use it. It happened so often I actually was compelled to Google what you call a person like that and to my surprise a term has been coined for it. https://www.elitedaily.com/life/culture/askholes-shouldnt-ask-for-advice/873028#:~:text=An askhole is basically a,what you said to do.
  7. You don't have anything YouTube can't fix.
  8. I exaggerated a little bit but truth be told he did follow me for at least 30 minutes and tried to to run me off the road several times. My flatbed was full of my GFs kids and their friends. He had zero F's to give for their safety. I keep my fingers in my nose now.
  9. They don't know have any idea what sarcasm is. Use it to your advantage. You can say almost anything you want to them as long as you preface it strategically. "Thank you so much for this ticket officer. I noticed you are only stopping and fining farangs today and that's so nice of you. Thank you for being such a dirty corrupt @$#*&#"" BIB "Welcome!"
  10. I gave a Thai guy the finger once in traffic. He followed me for two weeks. 555
  11. When you lease a car you pay a fixed monthly amount for a fixed time period. At the end of the fixed time period if you like the car you can pay a lump sum and keep it or return it and get a new one. Do you like your car? The new ones have that new car smell.
  12. Jerry Hall was married to Mick Jagger and is, perhaps, the most famous Texas model. She came a long way from the woman who once worked at a Dairy Queen in Mesquite, Texas. Hall said she had this advice on keeping a man like Mick: “My mother said it was simple to keep a man; you must be a maid in the living room, a cook in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom.” She didn't mention a Mensa membership but notably Hall and Jagger eventually split up so that could have been the deciding factor. Of course it could also be because after 22 years and 4 kids she was tucking her teets in her jeans.
  13. Thanks. I needed a totally irrelevant unrelated anecdotal response from a random single representative of an entire population to make my data complete. While you may think the observable universe revolves around your individual minuscule life experiences and are therefore projectable upon all of humanity, I can assure you that is not the case.
  14. I had regular ear infections and tried all the drops there are including the one posted above and the only one that works is this one. Works best if you get a thin strand of cotton stuffed down the ear canal and soaked with the product. I always keep a bottle in stock because it can be hard to find locally. Lazada has it. .This is the same way the doctor treated me. To avoid the infection completely I have a small squirt bottle filled with a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. I flush my ear with that after a swim in the pool or sea.
  15. I see guys walking into supermarkets etc with their wives and the only way to know they are a couple is they walk in fairly close proximity to each other in the same direction. No touching. No talking. No smiling. It's like these guys threw a net over a woman and then slowly trained it to follow them around. I'd rather be alone. I would rather talk to myself and make love to my fist than drag one of these bags of brown meat around everywhere I go.
  16. He will be back when the money dries up
  17. I made a batch of about ten litres of kratom tea a few months ago. I liked it alot but gave me wicked constipation. I'll stick to my banana wine.
  18. This and some peanut butter solved my issue in 30 minutes. Two individuals then I found two babies behind my oven
  19. But then the judge who sentenced the ex-judge suddenly reversed his decision and dismissed the case. Those in the court room said the defendant was seen scanning a QR code attached to the judges bench just prior to the dismissal. ????
  20. I trade with Fidelity here too but it's a no no according to their regs. They seem to run things a little loose and it benefits them and investors but that window could be closed anytime. Make sure you flip on a VPN before doing anything with them or you are risking a lockout. Also be careful what you reveal to them about your location in any communication. Happened to me with Schwab. I had to show up at a US office with my passport to get it taken off. Vanguard is a security nightmare which I why I moved all my holdings from them to Fidelity. If you switch phones you may find the Fidelity app is gone from app and play stores like I did. I just bookmarked the homepage and still get through. You mentioned transferring money and I don't doubt you but sending money and trading are not the same thing. I'm actually going to look into. Thanks for the tip. https://www.fidelity.com/accounts/services/investors_outside_US_faq.shtml
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