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Everything posted by LikeItHot

  1. These Thai legs go over very easy due to being half their normal weight. Don't worry, her third leg is full size and when she gets excited she can do pirouettes on it.
  2. I know a girl who works in a bar and believe it or not she's a great kisser. I know! A rare find in Asia. Problem is everytime she kisses me I need a week of antibiotics to kill the pain in my throat. I don't know who she sucks off before she kisses me but that dude needs a pecker swab cuz he's killing me. I know what you're thinking and the answer is no. I won't let her down near my little Thaksin. He's never had a soar throat and I don't want him to start now.
  3. The Filipina Pea did a video interviewing a bunch of girls and asked them to rate themselves 1-10. A few said they were 2's and 4's a few went as high as 5's. Very refreshing. I would give them 5 stars for honesty and bag to put over each of their heads.
  4. He's in he's out he's in he's out. He's like a whiskey dik on the second floor of Suzi Wongs Go-Go bar.
  5. I was watching an unfiltered YouTube video yesterday of a Ukrainian tank firing artillery shells directly at Russian soldiers cowering in a fox hole only 15 meters away when a YouTube notification popped up. It read that YouTube had taken down a video I posted 6 years ago of a taxi driver in Phuket getting the full Muay Thai treatment from three Thai punks over a traffic dispute. YouTube said I "violated their anti-violence safe space policy yada yada yada..." I guess if the taxi driver was Russian they wouldn't have taken down my video.
  6. Classic Thai logic. Remember last year when the Russian oligarch parked his mega yacht in Samui to avoid it being seized and Immigration swam out to the boat to give entry stamps and fresh mangos like they were hosting a celebrity?
  7. Only if you don't tell your wife
  8. Try the Enhance key
  9. The Lazada reviews with a photo of the sealed delivery box
  10. At least they are not gluing themselves to the crosswalks
  11. I think I now understand the phenomenon of a single star review but the mismatched comment says "Everything was perfect".
  12. Pay the government 25%. Pay off my daughter's school dept. Then buy one ice cold beer with the rest.
  13. There is one of these fireworks operations not far from my house right on the main road. It is flanked by an elementary school a soccer field a boat building/repairs shop and a 7-11. What could happen.
  14. When I lived in phuket there was an Italian guy with a Thai wife. He definitely did his part for her and her family but you could feel it wasn't exactly a family filled with love. The wife confessed to my gf at the time that she made regular trips to a Thai gigolo bar in Patong to get her bell rung. I had never heard they had those here but I can't say I was surprised either.. Bunch of alley cats the lot of them.
  15. My ex took me for a pedicure 20 years ago. For the 19 years following I had that nail fungus under one nail and tried literally every known remedy. Until last year when I tried tea tree oil. I kept the nail cut and filed down as small as possible and applied some of the oil with a cotton ball a few times a day. I actually thought it wasn't doing anything and gave up but when the nail grew back none of the new nail had fungus. It's been like that almost a year now. Lazada has it.
  16. There is a dangerous pit on my soi and the owner keeps her chained to a wall and gives her garbage to eat and no love at all. Many times I found her water dish empty on the hottest days with no sun protection. She made it clear she didn't want friends but I started giving her bits of bacon and table scraps and a pig knee on occasion. I also taught her to swim and give her a nice shampoo occasionally and slowly acclimated her to my dogs until they became good friends. I ran her a water line that fills her bowl with fresh cool water every hour. She has gotten loose a few times and bitten at least one guy and a few dogs. If I see her running wild I give her a whistle and she comes and gives me licks and I walk her back home. Never hurts to have friends especially vicious man-eaters.
  17. Never fully trust a Thai vet. I learned this the hardest way. Get an x-ray for a foreign object in the gut. In the meantime give him homemade baby food. Roasted veggies whipped with a little fish oil basically. Makro sells salmon carcasses you can boil down and separate the bones out and he can eat that with the oily broth also. Make sure you get all the bones out. The fiber and oil will encourage his bowel activity and even if it doesn't go through him it's less traumatic coming back up. In my dogs case cancer had sealed his gut basically but you can usually feel a large tumor in the gut if you search for it.
  18. Totally unrelated. The Korean Air incident was about wealth power and privilege. This story is about the insane rationale of the Arab mentality.
  19. Because Arabs are known to be crazy and this is an example hence the labeling. If you are Arab you may think it's normal to prevent an entire plane full of people from their personal freedom to indulge you in your personal problem.
  20. The office location is probably relevant. In Samui response immediately approval in a few hours.
  21. I'll pass. These look suspiciously like mug shots.
  22. Just around the corner from Google
  23. I used to give my ex 12000 baht "candy money" every month. I also gave her two businesses so she could earn on her own. Her two kids lived with us. She would complain and complain how all I ever gave her was 12000 a month and how she couldn't believe how Kee Neow I was. I tried to explain there were expenses she was not considering but she wouldn't hear of it. When we were together I spent on average 150000 a month. When we split up my total monthly expenses dropped to 60000. Who ever said "it's cheaper to keep her" never met this money pit witch.
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