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Everything posted by LeatFingies

  1. Look at the west. Run by all sorts of freaks promoting this garbage. Good for Thailand.
  2. The media love reporting about vaccines in a way that everyone but you wants it. They like to make you feel alone. Soon, people against the vaccines will be labeled as domestic terrorists.
  3. No such thing as “fully vaxxed”. You got the covid starter kit.
  4. That’s the thing that sheep can’t comprehend. This will never end. “Just get the jab so I can go back to my normal life”. Life will never be the way it was again. You’re signing up for a lifetime of oppression and many, many more jabs. Israel is already on their 4th jab. =D
  5. No mention of sticking the vaccine up their <deleted> though. Thoroughly disappointed.
  6. Where’s the option for “no covid vaccine, stick the vaccine up your <deleted>”?
  7. I’m not sure if it’s the journalists or the editors who are the ones that are incompetent. Every story is so ambiguous or missing so many answers that it’s just useless noise.
  8. This is a Thai forum in Thailand. I couldn’t care less what your laws or courts do in whichever country you’re from.
  9. Are you from Canada? Luckily for a lot of people, free speech is becoming obsolete. 1984 began in 2001.
  10. Thailand is a safe haven for idiots. The problem is it’s often the idiots calling other people idiots… Avoid Thailand if you don’t want to deal with idiots. He should also be aware of the gay culture in Thailand.
  11. Actually, everyone has the legal right to abuse anyone. As long as it’s not physical.
  12. Don’t worry. The mark of the beast QR code won’t forget about you.
  13. I’ve been vaccinated at birth. Received many other vaccines before traveling to other countries. My kids have both been vaccinated, and will continue to receive their upcoming jabs. I’m not anti vaccine. The covid vaccine is not one I’m willing to take though so I guess I’ll be forced out of my job of 9 years. I love my job and I have a good position. It’s a shame. Guess it’s time to dust off the resume.
  14. Maternal wards are unable to deliver babies at some hospitals in the states due to nurses and doctors refusing vaccinations. Meanwhile, Thailand is jabbing pregnant women and soon new born babies. Interesting.
  15. One thing I’ve noticed on this forum is a huge lack of intelligence from the members. Virtually everyone on this forum is pro vaccine, pro totalitarian government, no questions asked. Every time I read comments about really anything on here, regarding any topic, I just shake my head. That’s how I know that not taking the vaccine is the right choice.
  16. Cannabis being used safely for hundreds of years. “Inconclusive studies. We don’t know the effects on the body. More research needed.” Covid vaccines approved within a year. “safe and MANDATORY”. ????
  17. These are for dry climates. I bought one in bkk and it turned my house into a sauna.
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