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Everything posted by LeatFingies

  1. “The parents thanked the teachers and volunteers, without whom the children would be without milk, as the school is located in the middle of the jungle and travel out of the village in Laiwo sub-district is near to impossible during the rainy season.” Perfect place for a school.
  2. Signs are to deter people from doing anything illegal. They are not there to inform people to protect themselves.
  3. Do you need someone’s consent to video record them? No. Do you need to inform someone that they are filmed? No. Do you need to show people that they are being recorded? No.
  4. After 3 months and it’s already losing effectiveness? Prepare for a lifetime of jabs. 90 day report + 90 day jab.
  5. Oh nooooo. Not STRESS. They should feel stress. Generation Z is mostly a bunch of confused, pigeon-toed, un-athletic, chubby-cheeked, tik tok using bunch of ungrateful children. You have a tough life ahead. Get used to it.
  6. I like how you mention “expensive, private school”. What does that have to with anything? If you’re so concerned, homeschool your child.
  7. Goes to show you that nobody knows anything… But don’t think, go get your jabs! Stop killing grandma, you flat-earth bigots. ????
  8. Do you feel the same way when you see old, unattractive men with young attractive Thai women?
  9. And the gun was obviously drawn on him, a round fired. Seems to make sense.
  10. I’m not getting the vaccine. I haven’t been told that I will be fired, but I doubt they will resign my contract. I’m not willing to sell out. Even if I was vaccinated, I don’t think I would be teaching much longer due to the probability of contracting it when working in close proximity with so many people.
  11. Before you opt to get an operation, I recommend to search “empty nose syndrome”. I had no idea about this and thought it was a joke.
  12. I’ve taken my boys out of school and quit my teaching position of 10 years. I’ll homeschool them. No chance I’m giving them a jab for covid.
  13. Don’t worry. Nanny state will take care of you. Just follow what you’re told. It’s just a little bit longer of lockdown. Just need to wear your masks a little bit longer. Just need to get vaccinated. Just need to get a vaccine passport. Just need a booster shot. Just need some more booster shots. Just need your vaccine passport to buy things. Some Burger Kings in the USA are already refusing to serve any customers without their mark of the beast.
  14. That’s a good boy. The government loves compliant children.
  15. It’s amazing how many people are in favor of getting this. This will be just the beginning of future mandates.
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