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Everything posted by happydreamer

  1. This place just hasn't learned their lesson. No tourism for close to 2 and a half years and the damn country nearly goes bankrupt and finally tourists come back and the first thing they do is extort them. I usually don't take the side of influencers or media personalities because of their flair for drama but given the two sides of this coin my chips are on Ms. Taiwan
  2. Ya but that does nothing for the rest of us. those who live here and / or visit regularly. You become kinda trapped in their BS even if you try to avoid it. When this happened to me a while back I was warned by the people who did it that if I said anything it would cause problems later
  3. Yes...this will be the outcome of this situation. There will be a law made just like the anti-defamation law that says if you "out" anyone here you will be banned from the country for a set amount of time. Totally expect this to happen within the next few weeks
  4. Is it possible that this was some sort of retaliation from RTP for the scenario where they were outed about off-hours escorting duties? Maybe not the same person but something to deliver a message....?
  5. Common occurrence. Was threatened with deportation last year upon entering with one of those "agent visas" Cost me 20K to get out of. My lawyer was on the phone with immigration and couldn't do anything about it because I was in the wrong. They could have just cancelled the agent visa and issued me a tourist visa for 30 days but the opportunity to extort presented itself and thats what they do. The entire country is opportunists....some out of necessity some because they can, others because they know no other way.
  6. This is what delusion looks like in its online, faceless form gents...
  7. Article seems like it was written for the sole purpose of conjuring up another 16 pages of back and forth bickering over which passport is greater than others.
  8. My Man...just lettin it rip .... ???? They got 12+ pages in another thread hatin' on us and thats not enough. Ol boy gotta bring it over here... No mercy. Cobra Kai
  9. This is the most plausible explanation I've read and seems very much par for the course.
  10. Only with simpletons.
  11. Origin is irrelevant to the conversation at hand. We're talking about current day Americans abroad, specifically in Thailand.
  12. What does arrogance have to do with how someone spells words? Language evolves. Thats the nature of it. Im not really sure what point you're trying to make other than being offensive by making repeated generalizations. BTW, you spelled "surely" wrong.
  13. Nearly had the same thing happen to me. Seems more common than not. Ive come to assume that with sales of anything here (especially assets and items of substantial value) there's some smoke and mirrors. Its whether or not you notice it. For this reason my wife didn't get her diamond ring until we went back to the States.
  14. Ya...and thats sorta an unfortunate part of that culture too.
  15. I think most people who aren't from the US think Texas and think of cowboys, hence the discussion on 10 gallon hats going on somewhere above. The same way when people think of spoken American English they always seem to impersonate Valley-girl/guy accents and if you mention NY they throw on a bogus Goodfellas accent.
  16. What are you talking about. Each of those has their own variations of words, phrases, and spelling dictated by how a word is pronounced. Learnt, for example.
  17. I don't know much about Mexican Texas culture. I was referring to Texas in general as having a culture of its own different than most parts of the US which most who are not from Texas will not understand.
  18. American culture is quite informal. It doesn't dawn on most especially younger generations. No hats in a building is/was taught to us in school when we were kids but you're going back some 35 -40 years. There's a lot of common courtesies that have fallen off. That being said I still wear a hat to the gym because I'm playing sports and often both inside and outside during a workout.
  19. The assumption wasn't that you don't live in England. The assumption was that you don't live in the United States and therefore are ignorant to the culture, references, idioms, metaphors, slang and oh yeah...abbreviations used in spoken and written American English. The conversation we're having (were having) is about pointing out the idiosyncrasies of written American English. There was never a dispute over your level of proficiency in English. There's plenty of people with high levels of achievement that can be wrong. Regardless you still chose to dispute an American English speaker over what we call the two letter abbreviations for states within our country and for that matter, the LEARNERS version (as in the version for someone who needs to learn) of the Oxford Advanced Dictionary.
  20. Texas has its own culture. It's a mystery to anyone who isn't from Texas.
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