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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Let´s just pack it up and say like this. Almost 300 km is not close. How long time it takes to go there, is only 33% connected to the distance. The other two 33,5% parts are what you drive, and how qiuck.
  2. @spidermike007 It´s not only one meeting that makes the essence of a fool.
  3. Seems to me that Daniel knows why and think he might have deserved the stabbing. Hard to draw any other conclusion, more than mental illness.
  4. 100% Yeah, and also you can wonder what kind of life a person with over 1 600 posts in 1 online forum have? Let´s just calclulate and make it a bit funny (or face the sad reality). 7 days, and lets say a very active person might be awake 17 hours per day. That´s a total of 119 hours. Every hour have 60 minutes. Let´s break it down. that´s 7 140 minutes. 7 140 / 1 600 = 4,46 That person signs 1 post/reply on this forum every 4 and a half minute of life when not sleeping. That´s just not healthy. It says it all.
  5. Of course he will. This little misunderstanding has nothing to do with this hard working and upstanding man.
  6. I don´t understand, so maybe I am wrong here. Did you just recommend people to fight back, react like you did and behave like an idiot?
  7. That woman should really buy a lottery ticket.
  8. So guys, now we are far out of line. If you don´t like a specific word, that´s your right. However, it´s time for some explaining. What makes it a derogatory term or form? You can not just take a word that is used in another language and give it the meaning you see it as or feel it might have. In Thai language "farang" is a word that describes all white-skinned foreigners (mainly westerners). Nothing more. School children are still sitting on the bus driving by our home, and when I am out they try and say hello in English, but some shout farang instead. They are just smiling and want to be seen, so I just smile back and wave at them. If foreigner use this word, it doesn´t matter at all, and the meaning, as they use it as a term from Thai language, does not change. So, plainly, farang means foreigner in Thailand. I think some people have a hard time here. Never able to relax. You should lighten up guys, embrace the culture and stop making things so hard.
  9. Very true. And she should be arrested only for that photo. It´s enough evidence.
  10. Yeah, most members here are unfortunately biased when it comes protecting the foreigner. They just don´t understand we are guests here, and should understand how people do things in Thailand. Not the other way around.
  11. Yeah, I know, they are heavy drinkers those Swedes. 😉
  12. ok, please, think about that when it´s time to retire.
  13. No exactly! I meant that he forgot the sunglasses. 😉
  14. How can that be? They will bury her without a final autopsy result? Madness at it´s best!
  15. He believed the GPS, and another believe in the lottery. Both are apparently blind to reality.
  16. Where did he say Israeli in the post you quoted? He say, people like this ruin things for us all. The Thai people get a bad attitude against foreigner in general. Immigration and police will make more crackdowns and check-ups. Visa procedures might get more difficult.
  17. Anyway, this guy is awesome. 25 years!
  18. Why on earth is there soo much talk about Gripen jets. They are not even remotely comparable with USA jets. After that, what´s amazing with the capability to land and take off on a highway? Hell, they already had the capability for planes to take of from air carriers from 1911 and during the first world war.
  19. Yeah, that will surely work. I think the relation between domestic economy and international economy is a little bit more complexed than they have the capacity to understand.
  20. Looks like that should be changed to C-
  21. That´s a good way to deal with things. Fight violence with violence. Let´s just say, this guy needs to go to Prayut´s attitude adjustment camps.
  22. So, this incident has to do with your visit, in what way?
  23. I know, but that one was awesome. This one, not so much. 😂
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