So guys, now we are far out of line. If you don´t like a specific word, that´s your right. However, it´s time for some explaining. What makes it a derogatory term or form? You can not just take a word that is used in another language and give it the meaning you see it as or feel it might have. In Thai language "farang" is a word that describes all white-skinned foreigners (mainly westerners). Nothing more. School children are still sitting on the bus driving by our home, and when I am out they try and say hello in English, but some shout farang instead. They are just smiling and want to be seen, so I just smile back and wave at them. If foreigner use this word, it doesn´t matter at all, and the meaning, as they use it as a term from Thai language, does not change.
So, plainly, farang means foreigner in Thailand. I think some people have a hard time here. Never able to relax. You should lighten up guys, embrace the culture and stop making things so hard.