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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Back to reality! It´s not only Covid-19 that is the reason people looking elsewhere.
  2. It´s a reasonable question to ask for a ticket home. Everybody that do not live as married or on retirement extensions in Thailand needs to go home according to the immigration law. Not anything wrong with asking for a ticket.
  3. Ok, then you explain what is wrong with what he say. You seems to be the expert: So, get on with it now, and only factual information, please.
  4. First, it´s a silly discussion. A 2 year old should not be given a phone. They should be read and talked to before sleeping, by caring and responsible parents. Second, another moron drinking instead of taking care of his family. Third, another fragile ego that can´t take criticism. The always afraid male for loosing face in front of friends and family. Let´s face it. The father had no face from start! Actually the whole head together with the brain was lost at childhood. That´s why he remain at that stage in his adult life as well. Let´s hope he will be given the grace of drinking out of a straw for the rest of his life, in an infant stage. Live for many years and suffer for what he has done. Death or coma is just too easy for this kind of guys.
  5. Hell Yeah! It´s a spike in Hua Hin too. Before they had nothing, and now they have about 10. That´s a spike of 1 000 %!
  6. I should be constitutional to marry a goat! As long as you do not violate the goats rights, and never do anything that the goat does not consent to.
  7. Yes, and apparently that is a fact now. No need to be surprised no more. Just get over it, and feel the freedom it will deliver.
  8. Nice to see that Thais that are connected to Mor Prompt has just to show that. What about foreigners in the system? Why are we treated different?
  9. Yeah, the only thing that is a fact here is "unlikely".
  10. Yeah, I must admit. It really looks like the guy to the right IS the smartest one.
  11. And Yes, If you read this link it´s not so strange. That was why I also thought that they already had been offering it somewhere. Now keep on asking stupid questions!
  12. Why? I thought my post was as clear as it can be regarding my opinion of the bike. If you have another opinion, just post it and go on with your life.
  13. A <deleted> brand, that I would only buy if I wanted to die a little bit quicker.
  14. So, just because you pay for something you are the king and everyone should do like you say? Not, he has not any right for that. He has payed for something, that had clear regulations from start, and then it´s just to go by that. AS, I posted. Another option is to join the anti-vaxxers.
  15. There are better international ones. Why do you need it to be in Thailand?
  16. Yes, you did! With no need at all, because that was what the OP meant from start. You seem to be the only one that did not understand that. ????
  17. Yes, but it´s a short one. Here it comes: I have not got it yet!
  18. Maybe you should ask yourself why you react different than others. Do you think you are the only one with the right answers? How many people do you think have been getting Moderna with only 3 weeks between the shots already? Have you heard anyone getting a bad reaction out of that? Do you have an education in this are that makes you able to make a better judgement, or are you only reading and believing? My suggestion is that you should be happy to get vaccinated for free. Otherwise you can just jump the second shot, and stand together with the other anti-vaxxers that will not be able to do anything in Thailand or the rest of the world.
  19. You must have chosen a very bad part, that I have not found in 15 years. Or you might just be one of those who wish to have the advantage of living in Thailand as long as you can say that everyone and everything is bad. However, I wish you great happiness in your self-made misery.
  20. From where do you have experience of that, as you say it´s Thai style?
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