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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Nothing wrong with that! If they don´t wish to pay the man that trying to make a living helping people find lost property, then they can just get a new plate.
  2. Good explanation! Now go to the cashier and pay 500 baht. Problem solved!
  3. Yeah, give paople in Bkk their jabs before all the people in Thailand got their first vax. Good work. Probably been robbing the RTP´s regular Alco Pan Am Airways.
  4. Naturally this is a typo. It should be a boom boom time. Means nothing much different. Not much to see here.
  5. Another long runner. New competition to Challe Boss Yovid! Like Cop killer vs Cop killer the other way around. Maybe they will make a back-to-back episode before they celebrate the 10th season.
  6. Except from that we are talking about a person of Thai nationality, I must agree with you. Seems that a certain person finds the most irrelevant things to work with. Wonder what that might be a reflection on? In my opinion it can only be two things: Lack of organizing skills that make a person totally aware of his condition, but unable to understand what´s wrong. (Imagine the pain of such condition) Walking in the hands of power like a puppet, being told what to do for every step one takes so nothing regarding the flood of money changes direction. In both cases a totally useless person that have zero knowledge of, or the meaning of, the position that is connected to his name.
  7. Yes they do. They just changed the percentage of alcohol and adjusted the recipe. Or, are you trying to say they are selling fake Chang?
  8. Sounds like you are in a tight spot. Not to worry, I will assist with the answers. 1. 319 2. NO! 3. Yes! Please check how many in answer 1.
  9. That´s what I´ve always said. To have a hand truck ready if something happens is always a good thing. What? Really? Out of all possible tools and weapons to kill a person? This guy uses a hand truck???? Unbelievable!
  10. Advising???? Right! It somehow sounds like the person running into the wall and find out it hurts like hell. Despite that the same person will time after time continue to run in to the same wall with the same speed, just to see if it hurts again.
  11. Hell Yeah! I also love that one. Mask while driving motorbike. Very useful. ????
  12. "Thailand Road Carnage: More booze bans and checkpoints needed - look at lockdown success" Right! We must all congratulate this woman. Seems like she is one of the first to understand the problem the population have with rules, education and respect for other human beings.
  13. Yeah, actually the choice of flip flops and long sleeved shirt just says it all. Any long sleeved shirt + flip flops is a sure explanation for lunacy.
  14. I am not really sure about what you are posting here? An antlion deep in a pit giving itself the last rites after burial, still seeing or feeling someone walking by? At the same time connected to internet changing some kind of user name. Then re-incarnation, getting big and eating to much????? Are you sure everything is okay? Sounds like a very deep Covid-19 depression to me.
  15. You seem to bee very well informed about values of things. Have nothing that needs justifying.
  16. Oh, you mean the rapid side effects that shows up 2 minutes after getting the vaccine?
  17. Where did you get that from? Did they drive through the restaurant in high speed as well?
  18. Oh, it´s all very well considered. Thanks for understanding.
  19. No, but you surely did sound like it. Now trying to squeeze yourself out of the pit you dug so well. Not working, huh?
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