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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Can clearly see it. They will dust off Arnie and Sylvester. "Cyborg Jesus VS Robomonk: The War of Fools" in the making. Release date 1st of April 2022
  2. One must then assume, that the confusion made him think the bank was home.
  3. Guess we just have to go back and learn from the cave man. Instead of bonking a peace maker in a woman´s head for marriage, they just have to smack their own heads. Problem solved. Buy the way. I never slept better, as it´s nice and quiet all around.
  4. Good News! Does that mean they will finally treat it like it has gone down to the level of a normal flu? No, didn´t think so. They will continue to suppress the people and their freedom, and ride on the wave as long as possible
  5. Of course is effective. it takes away the problem on all people with no symptoms.
  6. That will cover greater Bangkok area. Good news, that the rest of the country will still suffer from Wild West price gauge.
  7. A woman with a pole fetish. Nothing to see here, as it´s a very common fixation.
  8. As there is always a reason for uneducated fools to make a stupid comment on Thai Visa? Is that what you mean, or did I miss something? Yeah, yeah! Just read the sign. Protect and serve. Doesn´t stand anything about catch and arrest there. Good enough! ????
  9. Yeah, it´s amazing! Outrageous! Who would ever have thought they would have to pay tax on economical profit? Ooh! Wait.....isn´t that how it works between traders and state regarding the financial sector?
  10. They have been outed by the lottery sellers that has already been there before the picture was taken.
  11. They are now officially moving away from the clear and independent path. The teachings of Buddha is that all material things are of no value. It started with mobile phones, computers and smoking monks. Now they have created Monk Headroom! All for the money and everlasting greed.
  12. A clear comprehension problem. Not fit for duty! Sack´em! For me there is no confusion. Cannabis is off the narcotics list! Means that you can smoke it, and only get a small fine if caught. At least that´s how I interpret the law.
  13. About 80 percent of infections are now Omicron variant. First person died at the age of 86. She could probably have died by a normal flu, or just a cold at the wrong time. Feel sorry for her and the family, of course. However, it´s time to stop the clown circus. This is no longer more than a normal flu. learn to live with it and open up the country. The other option is to let everyone get infected before opening. Maybe another 5 - 10 years.
  14. Seen from my perspective, The Revenue Department deals with much confidential information, and have no real use or need of a Twitter account. Therefore they should not add to the risk factor by using one.
  15. Partly. However, if you care to try and understand. Then they mean they have not found out who yet, hence the use of the word. Seen from another side, there are also ethical hacking for good purposes with the goal of finding and closing holes in different systems. In that case the hackers in not unknown, and still goes by the name hacker.
  16. It doesn´t work, but I thought that was obvious.
  17. We don´t have taxi where I live.
  18. It´s so nice to see that so many comments here reflects over that she mentioned that she has not been herself and been hiding for two years. Any sane person with that kind of problem after a so called "bad filler", would not walk around with that infection and hide. On top of that, wait 2 years to make her claim. She should have made the claim earlier. I do not believe that it´s anything regarding bad filler. More likely she got an infection or she is allergic to the filler. Bad, it´s very nice her lawyer is protecting her, by telling her to not take down the info. A good lawyer that is helping her to pay a lot later and maybe even go to jail.
  19. I guess Prayut have to reopen the Attitude Adjustment Camps. This guy really qualifies!
  20. Normally, we use the expression "falling for deaf ears". However, in this case Mr Heinecke, you are engaging in a discussion with people who have no ears. If they had, they would not know how to use them. Their eyes, are also very sensitive to things they know are right but is not included in their agenda, as they did not invent the idea. Here they will wait for another year, and then come up with the bright idea, that it´s high time to take away the restrictions.
  21. Yep, never mind anything else! As long as it´s cheap enough, we will eat it. ???????????? Not saying it´s something wrong with crocodile meat, though. Just implying that the mind set of people is Fokked Up!
  22. Ever heard about changing the country you live in and still keep your citizenship. To me that means changing country. Thanks for the terminology, though.
  23. Yes, and you control the money, and therefore a real man.
  24. What are you on about? It´s normally not hard to get a cert. of res. Just in this case the OP has a problem because of ongoing transfer after death. How can you compare a cert. of res. with when you want to rent a room in hotel long time? That´s kind of what is going to be your ground for what a cert. of res. is going to be based on.
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