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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. So, the reason for closing is just bad business then?
  2. Ok, and I stick to that I never posted that a PM needs to have governing or government experience. Soo, I guess your case just flew away on made up wings, right?
  3. She had a chance to protect him, by raising the boy to understand right from wrong and see to that he was knowledgeable to take the right choices. By explaining the danger, and confirm he understands. In this case, that includes not sitting on motorbikes driven by unlicensed friends at the age of 12.
  4. Yeah, the only good thing he did, was to record the evidence against himself. This is a big problem today. Everyone think they can just take up the phone and start filming or snapping pictures at whoever they want and wherever they are totally without permission or consent. Total lack of respect and privacy.
  5. Ok, that was easy. However, I thought that was something they already had been thinking about.
  6. Yeah, that was a suitable job for the guy. He could have stayed in that one. 🤣
  7. True, but that guy had military backup. which means attitude adjustment camp or worse for the one who talks.
  8. The guy is done! He´s old news. Once again he got his 15 min. of fame.
  9. What are you on about. Your reasoning get more and more strange by the post. Mike didn´t mean that a PM is directly appointed by the people. What is important here is the follow democracy core stones, and that is to allow the party who the majority voted for to chose a PM and form a government. They failed that from day one. Over to address other rather ridiculous comment from you. No experience, so what???? Yeah, that probably means she will be easily programmed by her father and the rest of the 1% ers how wish to remain in control of company Thailand. Of course a PM need to have some qualifications. Like experience in different kind of fields of life and work for example. Here we only have someone who has grown up and been fed information to believe in from the mighty father figure. For your information, people can only get real experience if they are left to think and find things out as well as make judgement on their own out of that. Do you really think that what´s going on here?
  10. Who could have thought that?
  11. They are not whining about that. What they are whining about, is that they have come to another country, which opened their eyes. Today they can see how corrupted everything is, and how specific clans push themselves to power. That´s the real reason behind the protests.
  12. At least he took of his shoes.
  13. Just another moron who wish to tell how bad his life has been. Do the crime, you do the time.
  14. I guess that cookie, didn´t have all the cookies left.
  15. That was not anti-Muslim! It was just overuse of a common Arabic name.
  16. Your thoughts are noted. Will try to please you next time.
  17. Yeah, right! I understand. Nothing bad can happen to such stand up guys. 😉
  18. So, you based you biased post on the information from 1 woman. Smart!
  19. Yeah, now the week is filled once again. Early this time. Maybe have enough time to find one more this week.
  20. Sure he did, and you are the gift to Thai females, so they don´t have to deal with such bad males, right?
  21. Most likely, but he just might have a very rich father. 🤣
  22. Wait now. Do we believe you or chat GPT? Hmmmm....personally, I think I go with the chat. 😉 Reason: It was more funny. Especially the second answer.
  23. Ok, and what use are, and what purpose have, investments that do not bring income? Can´t you just put the money in your pocket then. Better up! Set up a company registration in UAE, transfer your money to that company as a payment for security services. Then they are in a tax free country. The company can invest them from there.
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