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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Did you just post that a horse can´t think? That just cements the fact you are only posting garbage. Waiting for the next doom and gloom thread from you. I don´t get people like you. If a vote goes against you, then you will try for weeks or months to tell everyone it will all break down as you didn´t get it like you want it. It´s not a question about if the country or the world will break down just because of the election went wrong way. Yes, I am also of that opinion. However, we must accept the result, if it´s a fair result without manipulation and disappearance of votes. Everything is going to survive. The voters that won, would have said the same if they lost. Just take it as it is. There will come a new election, and them people will show if they voted right or wrong this time.
  2. Works with many VPN´s
  3. I am sorry, but I have to question this. All nine were Brits? I thought the Arabhassan Muslimah had registered trademark on such activities.
  4. Yep, another one ejected and bites the dust (in this case gravel), just because it lame and under their dignity to wear a seatbelt. How many more have to die, before people understand that it´s trendy and tough to wear a seatbelt.
  5. What are you talking about? What do you mean? This news is about a person driving drunk on the wrong side of the road. What has that to do with me? Besides that you try to blame the wreckless driving on the fact she is a women. You must have male superiority complex.
  6. Can you keep the political talk to the many threads already existing.
  7. You have two options. Choose wisely! If you want to keep him as friend, you shut up and mind your own business. If you want to end the friendship, go ahead and tell him. Because if you speak, he will automatically get the message that you not approve of his choice.
  8. That sounds like a new level of drunk. Tranquilized into a sate to not recognize the oncoming danger.
  9. Ops! So many wrongs, that it´s hard to know where to start. How can your wife or girlfriend take your money and property if you not give it in the first place? If you get ripped off by dual pricing, you also allow yourself to be ripped off. There are two things that can prevent that. A Thai pink id or a drivers license usually gets you the Thai price. The other alternative is to not visit and pay on places that engage in such activities. What? The government coming after expats? Are you for real? In most countries in the world you become a tax resident if you stay more than 180-185 days. What´s Next? I don´t know. Maybe you and a one way trip to another country of choice that fits you much better.
  10. Might be a better way. He could try to get a new work.
  11. Yeah, and that is just scaremongering. If you already paid tax on your money in another country, they will simply not get taxed in Thailand. You people are like children, digging up problem that does not exist. Sure, it will happen some mistakes and errors, but they will surely be sorted out.
  12. Maybe you should go back and read about what a tax resident means. By all means, continue to think you can just move away from your country and no have to pay taxes.
  13. Very stylish reply. Have you ever thought about that you do not need to know everything. The only thing you need to do, is to declare your income and sources. After that, the people working will know how much tax to pay, if any.
  14. Sure, continue complain. If you wish to live in Thailand, that´s what you need to do. Stop whining about it. It´s another option. Go home and get something for you paid tax.
  15. Yeah, but this is Thailand, and here that does not exist. Young people know that, but they lack the possibility to answer for there actions.
  16. So, if I show feeling and concern about a serious problem, then I have to pay up. Are you serious? That was a really stupid reply. Yeah, I understand where they are coming from. However, it does not cost anything to give up the baby in designated places for it. You are justifying murder of infants with the excuse that people have difficulties. That´s just sick!
  17. The card has nothing to do with small or big receipt. A big format receipt is connected to the one who have show business papers. Private card holders always get small receipt.
  18. And again we will have a long winding thread, right? It´s just to go to the tax office and get a TIN. At the same time they will give you the tax form, so you have when time to file. Nothing more nothing less. Now can close the tread. All information that are going to be posted here, we already have in numerous thread already. You just have to pay tax on taxable income in almost every country you become a resident. Why everyone complain and think Thailand is the promised land and a tax haven?
  19. Hmmmm... ok brake failure is one thing. I fail to understand why it crashes into a vendor and almost a corner of a house? Why not stay on the road until the truck slows down?
  20. Good! Out with the rotten apples.
  21. Ok, you know what happened. Do you know, what I know. I know that they need to either scan a card or enter an already registered phone number that is connected to a card. Otherwise the system, that is centrally controlled does not allow for scanning the products nor make a purchase. A single store has no possibility to change that.
  22. Yeah, it´s also strange, but overall it´s very worrisome that we read about it so often.
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