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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. For some reason, you are just not able/willing to understand the very basic concept of the word first used by me in this Topic...THRASHING. And so, let me try again, because I do not wish to have you think that what I stated, originally, is incorrect: "Thrashing can occur in any type of computer architecture, including HDDs, SSDs, and RAM. However, it is more likely to occur in systems with limited memory, such as laptops and mobile devices." YES! This is exactly what I have already stated MANY times. If you want to know more, then you can read the following... "The technical term for thrashing in computer science is thrashing. It is a condition in which a computer system spends a significant amount of time swapping memory pages between main memory and virtual memory, which can cause a significant decrease in performance. Thrashing can occur in a variety of ways, but it is most commonly caused by: Insufficient memory: If a computer system does not have enough memory to store all of the active processes, it will start swapping pages between main memory and virtual memory. This can cause thrashing, as the CPU will be constantly interrupted by page faults. Too many processes: If a computer system has too many active processes, it can also cause thrashing. This is because the CPU will be constantly switching between processes, which will also lead to page faults. Poor page replacement algorithm: The page replacement algorithm is the method used by the operating system to decide which pages to swap out of main memory. If the page replacement algorithm is not efficient, it can lead to thrashing. Thrashing can have a significant impact on computer performance. It can cause the following problems: Slow response time: Thrashing can cause the computer to respond slowly to user requests. This is because the CPU will be spending most of its time swapping pages, rather than executing instructions. High CPU usage: Thrashing can cause the CPU usage to spike. This is because the CPU will be constantly interrupted by page faults. High disk usage: Thrashing can also cause the disk usage to spike. This is because the operating system will be constantly writing and reading pages to and from disk. Thrashing can occur in any type of computer architecture, including HDDs, SSDs, and RAM. However, it is more likely to occur in systems with limited memory, such as laptops and mobile devices." I can agree that it would be more authoritative if I were to quote and reference academic literature on this question, and so.... If the commenter PERSISTS in spouting inaccurate information, then I will have no other recourse besides quoting from several respected Linux/Windows reference resources which I have stored on my HDD-SSD-GoogleDRIVE. Why this guy is so hellbent on promoting misunderstanding of such a simple computer-science concept is completely beyond me. Or, maybe I can guess, too. He asked where I began learning what little I know about computer science? Well....HERE, for one: https://www.cis.upenn.edu/
  2. I DID! Did I not state...GOOD INFORMATION!? It IS good information! It is IMPORTANT information. So thank you.
  3. She's just a girl, yes. But does she know anything about EVs and Power?
  4. 'Pattay has many daytime Gentlemans Clubs. Phuket, CM, HH and Koh Samui have none. Why?' Because. There are far more gentlemen in Pattaya. Here in CM, we are mostly barbarians.
  5. The thing about human personality is that... It does not change much after age seven. According to one well-publicized study which you probably have already read. So then, once a bully, always a bully. There are many more around, these days, it seems. But, that's life. If you can't beat them, Join them?
  6. If we are to make good headway towards reducing risk of suicide. Then, we need more information, and reliable information. Here is one article, but is it reliable? ''Deaths of Despair' Might Not Be About Despair After All" https://freebeacon.com/issues/deaths-of-despair-might-not-be-about-despair-after-all/ The problem, perhaps, is that some studies are partisan... https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/republicans/analysis?ID=B29A7E54-0E13-4C4D-83AA-6A49105F0F43 Strange, however, that we still do not know enough about the causes of what they now call deaths of despair. WOW, you know... If the above data in the graph are correct, then it looks almost as bad as an exponential curve. And that...says... A LOT.
  7. Oh. No. The poem, Richard Cory. I was talking about the poet... Edwin Robinson. We read that poem in 3rd grade. It has stuck with me... That was WAY before Van Morrison days...
  8. Van Morrison? I see. You mean Van Morrison is the modern-day Cory...
  9. Strange that humans are never satisfied. Some who are dying want to live. Some who are living want to die. And others are on the fence about it... Presumably, Waiting to jump off of it.
  10. You are correct. I used Mozilla. Which turned into Firefox. The only advantage to Firefox (for me) over other browsers was MULTITABs Now, Firefox has become GARBAGE. A decade ago, I used both CHROMIUM AND CHROME, Chromium being open-source. I stopped using Chromium when I started using Linux less. These days, it's nothing but Chrome for me. I can open about 100 tabs without it crashing. And, it integrates very well with Google Meet, Docs, Sheets, etc. Chrome can save my passwords, quite well. WHY Oh WHY would I use Firefox. Also, Firefox has always had a stupid name, and I hated them for getting rid of the name Mozilla. I have an old computer with 16 GB of DDR3 Ram which is too slow and too lousy for me. Maybe soon, I will buy a reasonably priced i5+MoBo Combo, and 64 GB of DDR4. Why? a. More Tabs, of course. b. I can also use part of the 64 GB to create a RAMDISK and work SUPER FAST. No more THRASHING of read/writes to SSD or HDD, and this means that my internet experience will be much improved. c. I will also be able to post more Topics on TV if I have 1000 tabs open, simultaneously.
  11. Yes. I agree. You and I are sane. It is the OTHER Half that are nuts.
  12. I think you might be bloating this out of proportion. First, who is going to munch on raw dried beans? In order to get dried beans into an eatable state, you must boil them. I have used a slow-cooker for years to cook beans, such as adzuki beans, without incident. If you need further information about how to properly prepare dried beans for various recipes, I will provide this link: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/anti-nutrients/lectins/#:~:text=The Problem With Lectins&text=The most publicized accounts report,%2C stomach upset%2C and diarrhea. If you do not trust HARVARD.EDU, then please find your own site, and then post your own link. Hope the above has been helpful... Now, go ahead..and.. Gas away!
  13. Marital Status seems to be a major contributor affecting suicide rates. And this factor seems higher than one might guess. Therefore, maybe one should complain less about the wife, even, as some do, about the Thai wife... https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-role-of-marriage-in-the-suicide-crisis Staying married seems a good idea.
  14. Thailand, comparatively, seems to not be doing so badly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate The above are rates per 100,000, and by country. USA is 14.5 Thailand is a more collective and cohesive society, maybe. Families tend to support family members in trouble, either emotional troubles, financial, or... Whatever.
  15. Good news about beating the Big-C, absolutely. However, I am puzzled that someone told me you were in your early forties. I will DEFINITELY go for three implants later this year. My dentist recommends it. If I get hit by a bus, upon completion of the endosteal implant work, at least I will know that I had followed my dentist's advice. The only thing I am worried about might be the pain involved (if any), and time in the chair. My dentist has a chair imported from Japan, I think, and it's not big enough for me. Concerning implants at 81? I would first discuss this with more than one dental expert. However, I would still be inclined to go with implants rather than dentures of any kind. My bone strength is still adequate, and this factor needs to be checked. I would contact this site to get the unvarnished truth about dental implants for my age group. The dental school here is not bad, and they will sometimes provide basic advice, as well as informative links, even if you go elsewhere to have the work done: https://penndentalmedicine.org/our-services/prosthodontics/implants/
  16. Why tack on acid to the abbreviation, LSD? LSD = lysergic acid diethylamide That's sort of like saying, "This evening, I will be staying in a motel hotel."
  17. Do you believe in Free Will of Teenagers? Or that teenagers have free will? Better listen to Nick, in this case... And/Or, watch this unembeddable UTUBE of our friends Lex and Nick.. https://youtu.be/rfKiTGj-zeQ If you want to know more...
  18. Unfortunately, all I can say for myself is that I did not spend my callow youth half-stoned out of my gourd.
  19. I'd hate to see his pekker. Must look like a prune.
  20. I was merely using a very common literary technique to anticipate, and also mock in a humorous way, what my detractors often repetitiously say about my great writing style, and in their never-endingly boring and uninformed ways. I would like to emphasize the two adjectives boring and uninformed so that all reading this cannot mistake the fact that I am referring to your literary criticism of my work. Not only this, but I think you may not know the first thing about inoculation theory as it applies to communications and social psychology. Therefore, please first "study up" on this, and then get back to me when you are ready. We can discuss your questions, and problems, at a suitable time when you are better informed.
  21. IMHO, if we are, indeed, in a simulation, and if all we know is part of the simulation, And if this simulation is being run on a very fast computer somewhere, Then, it makes most sense to me if this computer is owned and operated by a teenager. Such a simulation also answers the question of why life is so unfair. Obviously, God exists with us in the simulation. And, it is the teenager who created our simulated God. But there are two schools of thought concerning the Simulation Hypothesis. Have patience, and I will cover both schools in future comments.
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