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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. OK. I cede to your greater wisdom. But I was there in 1980. And for many years after that. So many good memories. There was a village feel to it.
  2. 1971 I knew even less then. 1971 was one of my silliest of years. Wasn't straight even a day in 1971. Have you ever been silly? Have you ever been experienced?
  3. It's good, not sad. UTUBE is the new boob tube. Google's plan to increase revenue through ads and storage subscriptions on me will fail miserably. Truth be told, I waste too many hours on UTUBE. What might I use an extra 10 hours per week for? Certainly not posting topics on TV. No. I'm thinking about building a radio telescope in my yard. Sort of like a mini SETI. OR, I could set up a HAM Radio station and talk to the North Koreans. 10 hours per week is enough time to do almost anything.
  4. I will pirate bay all of JS Bach on the internet. Then, I will try to read the books I should have read during the past decade of UTUBE. Listen to more chamber music. And maybe write a novella about the ship of fools I've met on TV. Might even study the art of self-foot massage.
  5. .EDU Unlimited storage is also kaput now. I will not pay. I will downgrade storage needs from 20 TB to 2 TB. I will not pay. I will get my life back. I only buy a smartphone once every dozen years. But, now, I plan to buy 2 x 8 TBYTE HDDs, and store my data locally. But, will PornHub continue to be ad free?
  6. Well. YOU are the one who needs to see a professional if you have been reading my Topics. I don't read them. Why should you?
  7. NO, nothing will even out...because of... Regression toward the mean. Sorry. Above is an example of human variables.... So... NO.
  8. Yes. A real rat trap. I have been in that building MANY times. The Indian food is vindaliciious Total rat trap, however. And it stinks to high heaven, too, of spices and sweat. And also stinks of too much humanity.
  9. I am a very tidy Ivy League grad. But, I don't like to drive. I have been to the Japanese countryside, several times. Lived in Kyoto. I am worried only by healthcare, since I think Thailand hospitals are better, or rather, many doctors here seems more capable. I do not intend to get away with crap in Japan, just as I do not do stupid stuff in Thailand.
  10. diplomatic visa with very long mission Or, I have a friend there who I might be able to marry. Or. I will just fly back and forth between Japan and Taiwan. Or, I have one other visa option.
  11. The British should have installed a desalination plant on HK. HK could have been sustained, easily, for perpetuity, according to the original agreement. There was no need to leave. Maybe they were just too worried about potable water and vegetables from the Mainland. If only the British had had a bit of backbone, in 1997, we would still be there, today. What a mistake to leave.
  12. If not booted out, then why was Chris, Chancellor of U. Oxford, Crying? I never wished the British to leave. They should NOT have left. HK was ceded to England, where it should have remained, forever. And now, after the British have left Hong Kong... HK has turned into even more of an Animal Farm than it ever was.
  13. Wow, Man! Time flies. Tracy is getting older.... As are we. At least... She has aged so gracefully. Unlike, one might imagine... Some of those B-Girls in Pattaya. But no worries, because.... With Pattaya B-girls... You can always buy another one. Unfortunately, there is only on Tracy from TUFTS University.
  14. Can you see the difference? The Pattaya girls just don't measure up. So then.... Why? Is it that the FARANG guys in Pattaya just are so very low on the totem pole in their home countries??? They don't have what it takes to attract real women? Truly so sad.... Already old, and still the farang cannot attract a woman of worth? They need to PAY FOR IT? How SAD is THAT!??? Maybe Thailand should get rid of the mongers. Almost everyone here hopes this will happen. MONGERS... BE GONE!!!!!
  15. One thing I cannot understand: How could anyone be interested in a pickup in Pattaya after listening to a woman like this.... SING THIS! TUFTS UNIVERSITY..... NOT... Pattaya U.
  16. Jordan will always be identified with envelopes, as long as he lives. Personally, I would never date a Pattaya bar girl who would not allow me to stuff her envelope on the first date. Or lick the stamp on it. Anyway, from my experience, girls with higher IQs seem to have more symmetry in their envelopes. In addition, licking their stamps leaves a more pleasant taste lingering on the tongue.
  17. At least, homeless prostitutes might not be so destitute as was described in the Homeless Destitute Topic, probably. Farang have such a hard time selling themselves when they are a dime a dozen. But it's sad, really, when anyone either falls on hard times, or is born with a club foot. The thing about Maugham is that if one were to read him at an early enough age, then the reading of Maugham could encourage one to become more caring for one's fellow man. Maugham is definitely an author for Farang who appreciate Asia, maybe.
  18. How much do you REALLY know about homeless and destitute prostitutes? Are you able to feel empathy for these people. And, have your read.... Of Human Bondage? Maugham has always been one of my favorite authors, since my early youth. And, no doubt, there must be some correlation between my reading of Maugham and my empathy for prostitutes. Not all prostitutes, though. I have had far more empathy for Asian prostitutes, particularly East Asian ones. What about you? Have you reached out to any? Have you befriended any? I have. But not recently. If you were to read ALL of Somerset Maugham, then you might learn something useful, is my thinking.
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