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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I agree with you. Before renting a house, I would (this time) NEED to be COMPLETELY comfortable with the landlord, and able to feel at ease discussing any and all issues which might concern me when renting a property. Some of these landlords behave like LORDS, and whatever they say goes, and you gotta hop to it. Never again! The renter needs to feel at home in whatever home he chooses to rent. Some of us might live a decade in a house. You don't want to end up feeling like a prisoner and prison with the landlord as your warden. Beware before you make that final decision and move in. A good landlord is worth paying more for, too. A good landlord can help in a thousand small ways, and improve the property too, in many cases. Sometimes the landlord can intercede with a noisy neighbor, for example. And much more...
  2. Hmmm Is this frog turning green again? If he is becoming green... Then it's either with envy... Or, he is about to save the planet.
  3. Elon? Are you saying that you plan to send the Thai people in your village to Mars?
  4. I will never again rent a place without first thoroughly testing the landlord for Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and Gaslighting Behavior. Also, suggest that you not rent if the landlord has an annoying laugh, or wears mismatched clothes which are not properly color coordinated.
  5. Unfortunately, this guy came to the wrong interpretation of what is actually happening with this vehicle. In fact, this vehicle is using the potential energy of each payload, which is then converted into thermal energy from friction at the brake pads, and then converts this thermal energy to electric current, which is then stored in large on-board batteries. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics has not been broken in this case. Some guys believe in perpetual motion machines, but I do not. But how efficient is the recovery of the initial potential energy? Well, you can derive everything from one equation, F=ma, plus the gravitational constant big G. Or, just ask big GG...
  6. You are cherrypicking the quotes of a fool.. You forgot these quotes... James strongly supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq, saying in 2007 that "the war only lasted a few days" and that the continuing conflict in Iraq was "the Iraq peace".[61] He also wrote that it was "official policy to rape a woman in front of her family" during Saddam Hussein's regime and that women have enjoyed more rights since the invasion.[62] In 2017, James contributed a chapter to a book on climate change published by the Institute of Public Affairs, advocating climate denialism.[63]
  7. What about Nixon. Maybe Ike, too. We're not necessarily referring to cursing at people, but mostly the use of swear words in everyday speech. Nixon's IQ was one of the highest among US presidents...
  8. You really should refer to my most recent Topic concerning Steven Pinker and the use of language. I am sure you will find it most entertaining.
  9. To The Sailor in You: Anytime I become too bored with certain TV Topics, mostly my own, I listen to Pinker teach children and adults, alike, How & Why to blaspheme, curse and swear. So, in my tedium, I began to consider the question: How much FOUL Language do you use in your everyday speech? I mean, do you often use words like, f$$k, s&&t, p^^s, c##t, and, Scott’s favorite…cr@p? So anyway, if you don’t yet know how to utter foul utterances professionally and effectively, I have linked this most informative video from STEVEN PINKER, of Harvard, showing you how to improve your vocabulary. Please enjoy this fun and intellectually stimulating video Tell us how often and with what frequency you intersperse your everyday discourse with profanity. Tell us if cursing helps you to convey your meaning to others. Has anyone ever punched you in the nose, just because of what they might have considered to be an inappropriate word choice on your part? This video is delicious, and I have watched it several times in the past. And…This video is an example of why I like people at Harvard like Pinker. Pinker was also at McGill, too, when I was there. Wish I had known him when we were both in our early twenties..No S**t! F^^king A!!! GaMM@ Please Note: Last week, I think it was, Big Bird asked me to post a topic on STEVEN PINKER, provided I thought it might have any redeeming value, or be of use to general society, or to society in general, and I forget his exact language. Note2: Personally speaking, I use foul language exclusively for teaching purposes, and not gratuitously, like most of you, I imagine.
  10. Then you probably would have enjoyed the ones in India up until fairly recently. Mallard 126 mph
  11. I don't get Sperry. Sperry is Boat Shoes for your Boat House. The addition of Sperry was a marketing decision by somebody not in the know. BB needs to sell off Sperry, fast. Sperry is for Pop Preppies, and Preppy Groupies. The TASSELS prove the point.
  12. IT'S TERRIBLE! I MISS the RAIN! Too much Sun is Bad! Too much of a Good Thing is BAD. We need.... A RAIN Topic.
  13. Maybe you are referring to some type of sponge material? If so, that is a thought to consider. Using a sponge to paint walls does work.
  14. I definitely did not realize/consider this point. Tks. When it comes to painting anything with anything, I seem unable to avoid procrastination.
  15. GUYS! I am actually not as crass as Our Boy Bob seems to me to be. Concerning crassness, he sometimes seems, to me, to be the epitome. Although I will say that the guy who recently talked of Brooks Brothers and Sperry seems unaware that Sperry is for the Nouveau Riche, and not for those who come from old money. Sperry is synonymous with cheap boat shoes. And this young whippersnapper who calls Brooks Brothers “Brooks Brothers & Sperry” clearly knows nothing about how to dress for school. Back in the day, in the 60s, we didn’t even wear shoes. We wore those low-cut boots with the zipper on the inside of the ankle, and those were really cool. Being 13, living just outside NYC, with boots like the Beatles, and anointed with a sprinkle or two of Jade East, really got the juices flowing. But, what a shame that there were no girls at our school, and so we mostly just told each other stories. Sperry, indeed. Sperry is for the New-Monied kids, offspring of the upstarts who grew up dirt poor, and made their money servicing swimming pools of the families with Old Money, families that still occupy land which is no longer for sale, land having been passed down through generations to their ugly little rich brats who grew up deprived of sufficient parental attention. But this Topic is NOT about Money. This topic is about Farang, the Old-asian Farang versus the Farang Néo-asiatique: You see, this New-Asian Farang Cohort that has been flooding Asia, and mucking up the atmosphere of this place, is here for a very different reason than that which drove us Old-Asia Farang. And these New Farang often become unreasonably offended when we do not smile at them, or return their casual wave of greeting as we pass them on the road. We don’t acknowledge them because..why would we? Do they even matter here, to you and to me, would you say? No, they only think that they SHOULD matter to us; I say. If they would just stop getting in such a huff when we ignore them, then maybe we could tolerate them. But, no, they just cannot see the many offenses they commit, and so to hell with them; I say. I have been around awhile in Asia and China, and maybe that is why some people refer to me as being “The Old China Hand”. But actually, I am not, and, deep down, I am, unfortunately, nothing but a relatively “New China Ham”. And so just as we used to do at boarding school, when there were no girls around, I thought we could share a few stories this Sunday morning. I do NOT mean that we should share any stories of any significance. I thought we could share insignificant stories about three insignificant events that happened to us during the first year of our many years in Asia. I will first use only a few sentences to relate three insignificant events that happened to me. And then you can reciprocate with your most insignificant events in your Asian life, during your first year here, many years ago. Very few here will care about us or the events we relate in this Topic. But the people who are ignoring us are the very New-Asia Farang that we ourselves always ignore, anyway. So then, why should we care? My Three Random and Insignificant Recollections from My Life in Asia Many Years Ago Recollection #1 JAL, when JAL was Great! The first time I flew on JAL was my first trip to Asia, and I had boarded a flight from LA to Tokyo in 1971, aboard a Boeing 707. The flight was pure bliss with the STEWARDESSES 100-percent Japanese in those Kimonos, and a full bar, beautifully backlighting bottles of booze and fine glassware. They would give you whatever you asked for, within reason. There were very few passengers on the flight which made a stopover in Hawaii. Those were the days when refueling was required for such a long-haul flight. There is not much to say more than this. The reason I recall this so vividly is the beauty of the cabin which was a far better experience than is possible today. Most of the guys riding on this flight were business types, and there were only 15 or 20 of us, total. Those were the days that I enjoyed flying. I do not fly nowadays; the passenger experience has been degraded so. I wish you had been there because you would not believe what flying once was like. Recollection #2 I often flew between Taipei and HK, or Taipei and Japan, in days gone by. The reason I feel such great nostalgia has nothing to do with the flight experience or the destination, or the free champagne, or the very cute Chinese server girls. What I feel such angst about, and what I miss most, is the passing of the Far Eastern Economic Review. Such a sad thing when FEER lost its autonomy to DOW Jones, and the SCMP, too. But what I loved, pre-1987, was being provided with a free copy of Far Eastern Economic Review, and being able to actually READ IT on an aircraft winging its way, somewhere above Asia, in the black of night, maybe around 11 or 12 PM. The experience was a bit surreal, in fact. Recollection #3 I once lived outside Taipei, sometime around the early 80s, in a small village only sparsely settled with five-floor walkup apartment buildings. The quality of the buildings was primitive, just bare unpainted concrete stairwells, balconies that were not even level, and bare light bulbs in sockets in the ceilings; not a place where most would enjoy living, but I enjoyed it because the area was surrounded by mountains, and we even had our own abattoir where they would slaughter hogs on the weekends, early in the morning, at dawn, but not before offering the hogs a last cigarette. Soon after moving into the building with my GF, someplace in NeiHu, we decided to buy a new TaTung refrigerator and have it delivered in the evening. However, for several evenings, the vendor failed to show up at our building, and I think those were the days before phone service was available there. Or, if phones were available, then you had to wait for months, and then they would charge you up to about USD800.00 for a landline connection. Naturally, we couldn’t wait for our food to be refrigerated, and so that week I decided to order the same machine directly from the wholesaler, and it was delivered promptly the same day. But the first vendor, a few evenings later, decided that he, too, would deliver a refrigerator, and he showed up with his machine in a cart drawn behind his motorbike. My GF tried to explain the mix-up. The vendor, who was probably also one of those very beefy guys that delivers 50 KG bags of rice all day, became irate. And that GF of mine often had a bad temper, too, and would easily fly off the handle at the least provocation. Neither she nor the rice delivery man would see reason. And then, perhaps my GF might have insulted the man, for he ran back to his cart and pulled out one of those rusty Chinese cleavers and began chasing us up the bare concrete stairs to our 5th-floor cold-water flat which, fortunately, had a heavy metal door. That’s all really. We didn’t get hacked to death. My GF went out on the inclined balcony and began shouting JIU-MING!, JIU-MING! (救命, 救命)...Save Life!, Save Life!...until all the neighbors came out on their balconies, too. The strange thing is that I sometimes wonder whatever happened to that refrigerator, because I am fairly sure that it is still in service, even after these over 40 years that I have lived in Asia. So there you have it, just three random recollections, and completely insignificant as I warned you before I began the telling. I am sure that you can do better relating your three random and insignificant recollections of your first years in Asia, over 40 years ago, or over 30 years ago, or whenever…Correct? Whether you are drinking coffee, tea, or beer, this fine Sunday morning, and I am drinking Sichuan Tea grown on some Sichuan Mountain, I wish you a satisfying time looking at the young Thai women, if you happen to be in some place where they are walking around, up close and personal, like, preferably on a beach with almost nothing on except one of those string-type bathing suits that covers almost nothing at all. Ever envious of you lewd & drooling Old Oglers, and, As Usual, Gamma Pleaze Note: Now being here in this part of Modern Asia, I think it’s really sad when someone is about to upload a Topic to TV, only to find that, just about when the entire Topic has been typed into the TV Editor, and one is just about to hit the SUBMIT button, the entire Fiberoptic Connection crashes. Such as sad feeling for me, but such a glorious feeling for others, I can easily imagine. (Any ERRORS in this topic are solely due to the Internet problem this morning, and not my own.) Who knows how much longer before I can re-submit my Topic? Could be days…for all I know…
  16. That seems like a leading question. Or, is it rhetorical?
  17. WOW. That chant is a real mind bender. Do you recall Lt. MILO Minderbinder of Catch-22 fame? He, too, had a strange philosophy about Profit, equating it with Patriotism. And now I see you connecting Profit with the mystical world of chanting.
  18. There must be a valid reason for his complaing. Should we ask him?
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