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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Yes, but do you really.... I doubt that most people walk around wearing what they want. Still, the reason they are wearing what they are wearing escapes me. Is this their preferred sartorial choice, do you think?
  2. Guys… GUYS! WHAT are you guys THINKING! How much do they pay you guys to walk around Thailand like Human Billboards? Any day of the week, just walk along the road, and you will see guys advertising almost anything and everything under the sun. Why do YOU guys do this? How much are they paying you? I, for one, wouldn’t be CAUGHT DEAD with advertising on me, or on my clothing, or on my shoes. Well, sometimes I am forced to have a Nike logo on my athletic shoes. But I never wore brands on my Bostonians. How much are these companies paying you??? Do you just do what everyone ELSE does? Can’t you even think for yourselves, and tell these companies that your body and your personal space is…YOURS! Here is what I mean. This guy here seems to be advertising the VW Bus. But does he get paid for doing so?: I hope you guys can please add a few examples to prove my point. It seems that EVERYBODY and his BROTHER are walking around Thailand advertising, for free, almost any kind of product or service, and publicizing all sorts of logos and brands, and they do it for FREE, with no thought or caring… Like ZOMBIES! Like the WALKING DEAD! It’s like their brains have come to a complete halt. They just wear whatever they are told to wear. Where do they even FIND this apparel, ANYWAY??? So please help me out. Help prove my point here. Upload some examples here. Thank you. I appreciate it. Gamma
  3. Try Taiwan University Hospital. https://shmc.ntu.edu.tw/en/Clinic/VaccinationService Me There Taiwan Long-Time No Go Back.
  4. In Chiang Mai (only): What is the best ===alternative to drapes/curtains=== for 98-Percent BLACKOUT and HIGH ENERGY EFFICIENCY to keep the blasted sun from heating me up, and waking me up, and spoiling the contrast on my several computer displays? I don't like the idea of traditional cloth curtains for sliding glass doors. They always get in the way when opening and shutting the class doors. They collect dust from the floor. They are usually ugly. They are not completely opaque. I like solid colors for this use. MUST be HEAVY: The heavier the better to keep out the sound of overhead aircraft, and to provide better heat insulation. So, you get the idea without my writing more in the description, and a picture is worth a thousand words, anyway: a. Where can I get something like this in Chiang Mai? b. USD20.00 seems too cheap to me. Cheap means Shoddy in my book. c. I will NOT buy online because I hate the L word, and I am tired of getting ripped off buying crapola sight-unseen. Also, I don't like those flimsy curtain rods they often use here. I LOVE the curtain rod shown in the above photo, comparatively to what I have seen used here in houses. And this one is nice, too... I need both, in fact, for several sliding-glass doors in Chiang Mai. Low cost is good if the quality is good, too. Need to buy w/in a week, most likely. Tks.
  5. Just 8 kilometers north of CM center, and it's basically the same. No English. Almost No Farang.
  6. The near term future for Bard still looks rather bleak. Ask Noam Chomsky. Noam's no fool.
  7. Please do not insult Bard by referring to him as Ai !
  8. Haven't you realized it yet? He is quickly becoming BFF with Bard! It all began sometime this past week, I believe. Suddenly, he began taking the advice I provided in a Topic on the usefulness of Bard. Unfortunately, I think he forgot my advice to... a. Never believe what Bard tells you because... Bard is on Acid sometimes, and tends to hallucinate and provide bogus information. Bard is also not logical. Bard is only an LLM. b. I also stated that one should never post words from an LLM, anywhere, as if one had written them oneself. And, further, Bard's writing style is very boring and repetitive, and MACHINE-Like. Bard might think he is human, but he is more like a human that is missing most of the human brain. Someday, somebody might notice these posts written by Bard The Robot, and remove them. If this does not happen, then we can copy Bard's posts, and get ChatGPT4 to reply to what Bard has boringly regurgitated. Let's wait to see what happens.
  9. Maybe they finally found it! Scientists don't know EVERYTHING... They only THOUGHT they MIGHT have found it, last year. Shouldn't we pursue all possibilities?
  10. Harbin. Positives: Quaint architecture. Roast suckling lamb. Hotels made completely of ice. Girls with REALLY rosy cheeks. Negatives: Flat landscape as far as eye can see. Also, no mountains. North, but too far North. VPN required. Girls dumpy looking in winter due to heavy coats and pants. Conclusion: Chiang Mai is North enough.
  11. I am not calling the kettle... I am IN AWE of the kettle. My guess is that JT has: a. Two high-speed internet connections (one for backup) b. Two workstations.. Each powered by the 4th Gen Intel Xeon W9-3495X CPU (Bt340,000.00 per CPU): The above is the 3475X (only) c. High Power (3000 Watt) Water Kettle for Tea d. Fastest Keyboard: e. Time f..... Oh, Wait. This sounds like a Topic. Somebody should do a Topic on this topic. Maybe, someday, somebody will.....
  12. You mean.... Don't ask; Don't tell??? Oh...
  13. I have often wondered... On your computer desk... How many copies of TV are open simultaneously, and on how many computer displays?
  14. Why would I not??? Nice to hear, again, this familiar word, tuchus, though... (Must you always talk about tuchus???) (But Freud is OK for Woody. I'm OK with that, just because it's for educational purposes only, and amusing.)
  15. Meet me at The Russian Tea Room, and we'll share a meal together. Sorry though, that the original venue has moved. Not sure if this places is as good as it was. No worries, though. If it turns out to be sub-par, I know another place.
  16. Here is my theory, for what it's worth: JT lived some of his youth in a very bohemian and poverty-stricken way. Then, he saw the light after he freaked out. He returned to "traditional society" and worked his butt off to become a Freudian Analyst. And now, after so many years of hard work on Freud, due to Festinger's Theory of Cognitive Dissonance, JT is unable to recognize that his Freudian days were completely wasted pouring over the writings of Sigmund Freud. And now, we must listen to talk of feces, as a result. IMHO, most present-day scientists do not give much credence to the religion of Freud. Unfortunately, since Freudian Analysis is a religion, it would be next to impossible to argue logically with a Freudian Psychotherapist. (Anyway...by now...JT is OUT OF HERE, because, presumably, the above has been just too much analysis for him.)
  17. I doubt very much that this is helpful in explaining psychological issues people may have concerning money. Sure, you may think of money as being dirty, I suppose. And where does dirt COME FROM? Do you have a theory about the origin of dirt, for example?
  18. Please keep in mind that Freud is already very discredited. He was a Social Scientist, and as such, what value should we place in much of his theories, since they cannot be validated. If you are still such a Freud Freak, then there must be some deep seated reason why, and maybe you need further analysis, just to get to the BOTTOM of it, and the Anal Eroticism thing.
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