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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. No. I said above Top 1% is my minimum for IQ. And 145-IQ is higher than that. I would prefer normal weight. And so,... I like a woman who eats fruit. Not candy.
  2. PLEASE do NOT confuse... Percentage and Percentile Not the same! Be careful with your statistics and math!
  3. Did you ever stop to consider if he might be the luckier of you two?
  4. Annapolis grad? Stationed in Annapolis? or New London, and under the sea?
  5. No. That is something I can do myself. I need a genius Thai GF for other things...
  6. Exciting to some, is boring to others. Football, for example.
  7. You say that you are in the top 9%? So, if true, that would correspond with an IQ score of about 121. You won't be lonely in a group that size.
  8. You may be misrepresenting what I said in reply to the statement that dental assistants have an IQ of 100. If this is the case, and it probably is the case, then being a dental assistant is a good and interesting job for someone of this IQ. It is easy to research the average IQ for any given type of work. Just go online and you will find this information. And who is saying that they do not do the best that they can do? Certainly not I. Did I say they were bad people, and thank you for confirming they are probably good people. And, finally, I was not and do not wish to demean anyone. For every job there is an optimal range of intelligence which is both good for the worker and good for the employer, and good for society. I am not sure why you are getting so steamed up, however...
  9. Correct, and as I stated, History is not being taught in schools, just as you have just provided some of the reasons why.
  10. I might have to walk a long way. I do enjoy talking to women, however.
  11. If they are really NOT SMART, then you might need two...
  12. Exactly. Why else would they be working in such a boring, intellectually stultifying job? No room for thinking, and no need, nor wish to think.
  13. Blue seems to be a very popular color. Very trendy. If you need meds... There is always the hospital to consider...
  14. No, not really. I want a woman who is on my intellectual level (+/- 5%). If she does not look intelligent...then...that's fine with me... I have always had a thing for girls in black glasses (teacher types), but with stains all down the dress... Surely, you remember...
  15. YES. But I don't "believe" in it; rather we can observe it. I do know what you are referring to, and the effect can be measured. You are probably referring to Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance....(correct?)
  16. We cannot know this. A genius lab technician is possible, And possibly right for me.
  17. Intelligence is not a single heritable trait like eye color. There are environmental and genetic factors which influence the expression of intelligence, of course. This topic has been thoroughly researched over the past few decades, and there is much literature for you to refer to. How much genetics have you had at university, such as biochem etc? Also, how much experimental psych, etc. These are all good places to begin your research. You could also do developmental Psych, for that matter.
  18. Well, I do like a girl with those black eyeglasses. But unless she is genuine, she might as well be wearing nothing at all.
  19. Your thinking that INTELLIGENCE somehow gets PASSED ON from Parents to Children is TOTALLY fallacious. There is some correlation between parents and children. But not much. Also there are TWIN STUDIES. But, this relationship is NOWHERE Near as simple as you seem to assume. Intelligence is NOT passed on like you seem to think from mother to child!!! You are WAY off the mark on this one!
  20. If you enjoy factory girls more than dental assistants, that's your bag then. We can have very nice relationships with people all up and down the NORMAL CURVE, of course.
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