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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. One thing that I definitely do NOT do... Is to add 'an' .. Before the word homogenous ... But... It ups to you, I suppose...
  2. Me and many others,other than Timothy... And he got booted out of Harvard... Good riddence to bad rubbish...
  3. Correct. Everybody has been scammed, for sure. But... An Oil Well? That's a GREAT story!
  4. You didn't answer his question... But, if you looked like Sir Richard, then you were definitely not of the upper crust....
  5. I live in a nice house with few neighbors, and mostly farmers, with only one rooster. I can therefore enjoy being outside without worrying about being run over by all the sorts of strange vehicles we see in Thailand. My best friends are the Thai Mynas that continuously vocalize in so many super-intelligent ways. There is no need for my to waste time, and to risk life and limb, venturing forth on the highways and byways around CM. Most of what I need is now delivered to my door. 3BB is amazingly stable, and hasn't stopped working in over two years. I am now living my dream and feel content as a clam in the mud of the waterways surrounding Niantic. When I want to ride in a car, I call my favorite female driver/friend, and we crack jokes on the way to and from our destinations. This is what life is all about for me. I spend almost every day on the internet with students in China. I have a useful purpose in life. I admire Noam Chomsky for his incredible ability to teach lucidly at aged 94. Now, I am considering having my wood floors waxed to improve the anesthetics of my present existence... Call me Lucky... Chok Di!!!
  6. Where I live, I am obsessed with wearing the N98 3M Mask during the Smoking Season.. I purchased 150 masks in 2018, and keep them stored in a temperature-controlled room, never above 21 degrees C. Cost per mask was approximately Bt.80.00 The masks quickly become blackened on the front surfaces of this amazing 3M valved mask while walking in the glorious and extremely dense smoke, especially when the AQI goes above 450. Well, it won't be long now... In just four more short months, I will be able to use my 3M masks once more. I am the envy of the populace inhabiting my village... During the Smoking Season. But I don't wear my masks in my house. Instead, I run my ACs 24/7/365. I run my Xiaomi air purifiers 24/7/365, too. What happens outside my house, stays outside. That's the way I like it.
  7. It's my belief that, with each successive generation, not only will accent differences be lost, but so will cultural differences between the smaller population groups that make life interesting. And why travel from one place to the next if all places are the same? Ironically, it is this very travel that is turning our world into one giant Glob of tasteless pablum.
  8. Yes, but the end of History should scare us MOST. Think of the conditions in Orwell's 1984. No History, only Rumor.
  9. Yes. Bread maker machine. I have seen it listed on one of the settings.
  10. After the SNAIL LOAF, I increased the added sugar from ZERO sugar to only 0.5 Tablespoons of sugar. The result was miraculous. In fact, the loaf now looks half-way normal. Also, 0.5 Tablespoons of sugar is entirely consumed by the yeast, and I really doubt this small amount of sugar will negatively impact the taste of the bread. In addition, I will be able to continue using my cheap and easily obtainable yeast from Tops. I won't do anymore fooling around with this simple recipe, enjoy my bread, and let sleeping dogs lie. Note, however, that with 1 Tablespoon of sugar, the bread rises better, has a fuller shape to it, and probably would be tastier, too, since, with 1 Tablespoon of sugar, the bread would be less dense. (I ate the Snail Loaf, the one with zero sugar, and it wasn't half bad. It toasted well, in fact. So...it was not the tragedy that I had expected during the baking process.)
  11. 10 minutes to write... Zero time to "come up with" You want 20 of the same within the next two hours?... Say the word
  12. Anytime I am feeling a bit deficient in copper, I just hold one of these under my tongue, and the feeling gradually goes away... A better way to ensure that you have most of the vitamins you might need, other than a well-designed diet, is to take a daily vitamin supplement, such as the Centrum Silver, but not the formula on offer in Thailand, because the two are/were completely different... Some say taking vitamins just creates expensive urine, but I have no opinion. If the consensus from many doctors turns out to be wrong, and popping vitamins is actually beneficial, I will not look back with regret from my grave, maybe...
  13. Sorry, but I see I forgot to mention in the OP the Bob Dylan Scam which I will add here: Bob was awarded a Nobel. What???! Such a Scam! You mean He Scammed the Nobel Committee?
  14. To The Gullible and Disillusioned: If we are not yet living in the age of Scamming and Being Scammed, we may soon be. Why? I am convinced that AI is set to erase history from the world: First through watering down whatever history that is still being accurately taught in our schools, and… Second by…. AI-generated fake content. AI-driven censorship. AI-driven forgetting through automatic deletion of historically important content. Third by… AI-created simulations. AI-created propaganda. OK, this is all well and good, and I do look forward to it! But let’s talk about your past up to this point: What I want to know is what is the worst scam you have ever suffered in your life. I mean this could be almost anything, such as having lost all your savings to the Enron scam. And the idea of living in the Age of Scams has reminded me of an old protest song by Bob Dylan called, “Rainy Day Women #12 & 35”. By the way, THIS SONG is NOT about getting stoned! It’s a protest song. And so, while you are thinking back over the many times you have been scammed during your life, I just hope that you might enjoy this song…BUT…Every time you hear the words, Stone or Stoned, I hope you will plug in the better words, Scam or Scammed. It’s that simple really… I am feeling a bit disillusioned these days with Humanity and the modern day Animal-Farm Economics of our time. And, we therefore need to tell our stories. We must, so that we can benefit from sharing our common plight in order to gain a better sense of solidarity! Hoping you don’t get… Scammed, again… Regards, Gamma
  15. I speak only English and Chinese fluently, and still have a long way to go with passa Thai. The world is losing languages rapidly, and accents continue to become increasingly homogeneous.
  16. Here is a fairly accurate example of what many people my age sounded like in 1967. I left the US in 1979, and haven't returned since that time, and therefore my speech patterns and pronunciation have remained much the same as they were 50 years ago; you can think of me as a museum piece if you wish. American English pronunciation has changed much during the past decades due to television and social mobility, and now much more so due to social media. The Tennessee Valley Authority and the electrification of the rural Appalachian communities has helped to create a more commonly spoken "standard" American accent we hear now. Even New Yorkers no longer sound like New Yorkers.
  17. To My Fellow Sociolinguists: Have you ever given a thought to what people here might sound like if you could hear their speech in an informal setting, and not performing for an audience, or applying for employment? I am the inquisitive sort, same as you, and I want to know. Therefore, please be so kind as to describe your accent, and why you think your accent may have influenced your life in any either positive or negative way. Naturally, you can just feel free to attach an audio clip to your comment, if you feel inclined to let us hear you. Or, if overly bashful, then just do your best to describe what you sound like; and tell us, too, if your wife can understand you. (Or, if you are too shy, OR if attaching audio clips of you speaking might be somehow disallowed here, then…just do your best to find a UTUBE video clip of someone speaking like you think you sound to others....and post said UTUBE video clip with your comment.) That's all for now, really, and I will wait with great anticipation to, hopefully, learn something new. If you want to know my favorite accents, here you can hear them in the following two video clips: You know what? I have always, just as most people have always, enjoyed the play, Pygmalion..and, maybe, this, too, is because I love all things Irish, just too, too much. Now, having so deftly written this topic, I bid you a good goodbye, and.. Regards, Gamma Note: Capital! CAPITAL! Such a truly CAPITAL Topic! Please ALSO keep in mind while reading this TOPIC that I am an Anglophile at heart who loves Irish speech and Irish writing…to bits!!!!!! ((((IF you are not of the UK, you can still let us know what you sound like when speaking English, whether or not you are a native-English speaker makes no difference when replying to this Great Topic.))))
  18. I never before realized that there were so many differing opinions in this world.
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